
Becoming a Midwesterner

 Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m a little over winter. This winter has been the coldest I’ve ever experienced no seriously…like…EVER… I’ve experienced negative degrees before…but this winter we’ve  experienced negative degrees that made my past experiences childs play. We’ve been been in the negatives with -45 windchills. It’s insane. You would think […]

what a year 2013


click on the image to see slide show This isn’t everything I made this year, not even close, but its a pretty close, and slightly fast…enough to cause a seizure (my husband swears he gets threatened to have one every time he looks at it.) This year was kind of interesting to look back on. […]

He’s 12 and he loves Domo

 My second Noisemaker turns 12 today. I can’t really wrap my head around that but it’s true. The other night I caught all my kids looking at the computer laughing. I asked them what they were looking at and one of them answered “We’re reading about the UGLY Christmas tree.” And then one of the […]

V and Co. still sewing

 hi guys! well first off thank you THANK YOU for the love on the new fabric line. yes, i think most of us are on the same page by far this one is a favorite. i am so super excited that you guys love it as much as i do! i’m still in the final […]

V and Co: selvage zipper tote for BERNINA

well, the day has arrived where i get to talk a little about my relationship with BERNINA.  i bought my first bernina 5 years ago.  actually back up. my husband bought me my bernina for my birthday 5 years ago. it was the best birthday gift he has ever given me.  second best was my […]

V and Co: what kind of quilter are you?

confetti by V and Co.  this last weekend i was given the opportunity to speak to a group of lovely ladies in the Des Moines area. i was asked to speak the Des Moines Modern Quilt Guild. me and my i heart you quilt at the modern quilt guild in Des Moines i get nervous […]

V and Co: how to: french knot heart pin cushion

pincushions can be a little bit like an extension of you and what your style that gets to hang out with you while you sew at home and travels with you when you sew at someone else’s house or at a quilt group.  so why not make it adorable right? some of you don’t know […]

V and Co.: still sewing so here’s a pretty picture

i’m still sewing. so here’s a pretty picture to keep you excited of things to come. featured: aurifil thread (V and Co for aurifil) and simply color. on the zipper pouch (zipper pouch has no pattern i just made it but we’ll see if there’s a pattern in the works) and well…ahem a sneak peak of […]

V and Co: first quilt of the year 2013

happy new year! a few days late but whatever right? okay so here we go my first quilt and pattern of the year. i’m so excited to show you her. this one has now become my new favorite pattern. yes. i love it a lot. it’s called “i heart you.” i called it that because […]

V and Co: teaches in austin and meets the owner of BERNINA

before teaching my first class!  this last weekend i said i was going to teach in austin texas at the store Sew Much More. well what i didn’t write is that even though i’ve enjoyed interacting with my (HOLY SMOKES 3000+) students on my craftsy class, i was really kind of nervous that this was […]

V and Co: meet the Beast

some of you know that i call my children “noisemakers”. which btw thank you for your kind words on motherhood and the spectrum of emotions that it brings. 🙂 i’m having a pretty awesome week so far…but it’s only monday so we’ll just keep plugging away! 🙂 okay, so some of you know i call […]

V and Co: how to: appliqué doilies onto a onesie

alrighty. so i heard from a few people, that lots of people are afraid of appliqué. is that true? this boggles me. it’s not scary at all? but then again it’s one of my favorite things because i can take it anywhere and work on it anytime. and i like the hand work. but i […]

V and Co: and then there was yardage

first off thank you for the lovely response. 🙂 and well later this last week the ups guy dropped off the rest of her. here she is in all her glory. pretty sure i scared the crap out of the UPS guy when he came to the door and i basically grabbed and dragged in […]

V and Co: adventures in paper piecing

 so what do you do when you feel like you have SO much on your plate, that you don’t even know where to begin? well, if you are me, you put aside some of the super pressing deadlines you’ve put upon yourself (along with things you said you would do so they are actually other […]

V and Co: argyle quilt and some friends

hello friends. how the heck are you? how am i? short answer: “GOOD!” thanks for asking. longer answer: “well, i had to ask someone what day it was the other day. and i’ve not blogged in…i don’t know how many days because remember i just asked someone what day it was. duh. and my laundry […]

V and Co: Teaching Sewing Texture With Craftsy

 so a few weeks ago i told you i was going here. well that “here” was Denver Colorado. kudos for some of you that guessed right! and then i posted this picture. some of you emailed me and said  “I KNOW!!!!” and you were right. 🙂 some of you still had no clue till maybe […]

V and Co: at fall quilt market

the pre-version of my book that is due out january 2012 first off HELLO NOVEMBER! you are my favorite month. with thanksgiving (fav holiday) and my birthday, what’s not to love? so happy october is over. eh. 😉 soooooo. quilt market. yes. it went well. schoolhouse was good. i said “foots” when i meant to […]

V and Co: new pattern coming soon: the beach bag

the beach bag pattern available october 2011 remember a while back this last summer i showed you a little peek of what i was sewing? well it was this bag that i am so happy to finally be able to show you, and to give you a little of a bio of the bag. fabric: […]

bloggers block-a-palooza block #16: pinwheel parade

hey there! it’s my turn for the block a palooza that quilt dad has put on. make sure you visit all the other bloggers who have already created a block! with the weather we’ve been having it actually does feel like spring! (high 50’s). the kiddos have been outside every day after school, and can […]

ReSew by Jenny Cardon

so i guess it’s my turn to talk about this cute book coming out soon! ReSew is for the gal who likes to go to the second hand store find a treasure with a bigger picture in mind of modifying their find into something fun and just perfect. the creator of the book Jenny Cardon […]

why i keep doing what i do

since i could remember i was making stuff. i really like it. you could almost say i love it. yeah, i would say i love it a lot. but, one thing is making stuff and enjoying it yourself and then there’s this really cool thing of having others kind of like the stuff you make […]

in my studio

i always love when women call their sewing room their “studio”. well i’ve never had a room to call a studio before now. so why the heck not call this thing i have just that? i mean it’s better than calling it what my husband calls it “the receptacle of crafting messes.” while the kids […]

two years in a row

well i don’t know if you saw, but my baby life quilt made it on U-Create’s top ten list for 2010’s most popular tutorials, ahem… this is my second year on that list. yeah, cause i’m cool like that. HA! kidding, i was floored when i got the email. mainly because this last year, i’ve […]

coming this january…


so i’m happy to announce a pretty cool thing that is a long time coming. jon from quilt dad is the master mind behind this plan… By now, many of you are busy making the final push towards the holidays. But what are your crafty plans as we enter 2011? Well, clear your plate, because […]

lovely view

as i make final sewing instructions for that skirt and for that flag quilt i can’t help but stare at my threads. they speak volumes of my favorite colors to applique in and what colors i usually end up binding quilts in. i’m taking a few days off. hopefully i’ll be back with a new […]

for the bloggers quilt festival

well it seems like every year i always wait till the last day of the festival to finally get my quilt up and shown. amy is hosting the 4th bloggers quilt festival. and i’m excited to share my just dandy quilt. this quilt is my favorite one i’ve ever made. it might be because i […]

instead… i made her a dress

well thanks for the vote of confidence that i could totally tackle my perfect gray dress. i *think* (fingers crossed) i may give it a shot next week. see i thought i would give it a try after so many of you gave me the extra push by saying “oh you can totally do it!” […]

weekend sewing: katie’s new dress

so this weekend the husband was gone. i know rotten on father’s day weekend. nothing bad happened thank heavens. we went to the pool twice, and cleaned hard core. the boys even mowed the lawn. we have a lot of lawn. i was feeling pretty good about how clean the house finally got that […]

new pattern: the favorite bag

well here it is. finally. that bag i made for myself and the one everyone keeps asking for a pattern. i meant to get this done earlier this week, but believe me when i say i’ve been busy with unexpected circumstances. more on that later. i have to give it a little bit of time […]

what i’ve been working on…

so on top of sewing new curtains for my home… the community council and i have been sewing this quilt. all the fabric was donated and we made it in like two nights. then we had a fabulous friend (hi f!) quilt it for us and then another wonderful friend (hi lori!) and i sat […]

i made a couple of quilts

first off, glad to see so many people out there confessing to stinky bathrooms. thanks for the advise, the laughs, and the support. i’ll be sure to keep writing more personal, sometimes not so shining moments, as they continue to happen. one thing is for sure, if you can’t laugh about things…then life really does […]

a little quilt for the little mommy in your life

last week on sytyc you voted and i made it yet one more week! thanks. this next theme is new years. go check it out now. the other two girls that are left are two girls that i can call friends, and they are so talented! i’m so LUCKY to of made it this far! […]

new in my etsy shop

did you have a good thanksgiving weekend? ours was nice. really nice. we had good friends come over, and my turkey turned out ahem… awesome good and juicy. brining the turkey is the way to go! so thanks amy for showing me the ropes and telling me where to find recipes and instructions. we will […]

i made something

thanksgiving turkey dinner made out of fabric. turkey, garnishes, and carrots complete this super yummy feast. now all your little one needs is some guests to arrive! sure to be a crowd pleaser. for sure! i know one little girl who can’t get enough of it already. i just hope my thanksgiving turkey looks as […]

alright park city girl

so it’s been nagging me that i wasn’t going to enter the blog quilt festival. i mean i have nothing that you havn’t seen already. and well everything that i’m working on…is just that, things i’m still working on. nothing finished. but it kept eating at me. amy said it didn’t need to be fancy […]

blame it on the salsa sewing

last week i ran into a couple of my friends in our grocery store who were getting the final ingredients to make salsa with the tomatoes that they had grown. “we have a LOT!” i mentioned they better share their wealth. then i was on the phone with another friend another day and i asked […]

new baby quilt for a friend

thank you all for the well wishes on getting better…i see the light at the end of the tunnel!two weeks ago my friend had a baby. she is beautiful. my friend loves vintage things. so last week i made her baby this quilt. i can’t wait to give it to her. i’ve made a pattern […]

what i made with that $2 skirt

a dress for her. i love to repurpose sheets and table cloths, you know that. so when i found that $2 skirt i had sort of an idea that i could do something with it. a.) i could take it in and make it fit me. b.) i could make something else out of it. […]

grandmother garden flower & barn wood frames

while all of my visitors have been here, my sewing machine has been neglected. BUT… i brought out my hand work. and again the obsession over the grandmother flower has been re-sparked. how did i let so much time go by? i’ve only fully completed this one but i love it. a l o t […]

texture and sort of like martha’s pom poms

i made this pillow yesterday. i don’t know if you can tell but i’m really into texture right now. i’m working on a new moda bake shop project which has a lot of texture. this little throw pillow is to go with katie’s quilt cover i’m making for her toddler bed. it makes sense in […]

my first quilt

camille over at simplify is having a parade of quilts. we are to show off our first quilt and then our last quilt we’ve completed. so here it is, in all it’s glory. my first quilt. it is a rag quilt and i along with 5 other women all walked away with the same quilt. […]

pleated ruffle and smocking

i’ve been doing some custom orders as of late. those kind of stress me out. see, it’s easier to make something up, like it and then present it… have others like and ta-da! all is good. then it’s another thing to have someone want something, give you material have an idea of what they want […]

4th of july dress

i made it yesterday…and yeah it fits perfectly so she can wear it today. we will be celebrating it out in the middle of nowhere…small town style…with neighboring friends, home cookin‘ and BBQ-ing, and lets not forget the fireworks (that are probably not legal but you didn’t read it here.) recipe for some gooooood times. […]

the heat makes me happy

for those of you who follow me on twitter…you know that i was in vegas with a few of my friends from california (from the old glory days of college) we ate too much, laughed too much, layed and baked by the pool too much…and shopped waaaaay too much, enough that my legs were wobbly […]

orange polka dot dress

i’m almost done with katie’s new dress. i just have to add the bias tape on the bottom of the dress and attach the skirt slip that will go under the skirt, then i can call it good. with this dress i wanted to try to learn how to do bias tape and adding it […]

new quilt

yesterday i got sick of folding laundry. and was having a rather dull day.i walked into my daughter’s room and when i saw this on her table i got a light bulb over my head and immediately started on my pinwheels. i have an idea of what i want to try to do with this […]

tutorial: the table cloth skirt

what you will need: a zipper and zipper foot for your sewing machine your favorite skirt (preferably an A-line skirt) a table cloth (the one featured is a martha stewart table cloth found at K-Mart) so many of you liked my other skirt i just made out of a table cloth that i was wanting […]

i’ve been sewing…

my rear off. it should be indenting inward here sometime soon. next week on wednesday this blog will be spotlighting me and doing a giveaway (of my choice…oh you know it’ll be moda). so i’ve been working on some more patterns to put in my etsy shop. just so all those people who don’t really […]

new skirt for me

thank you for the vote of confidence and patience on yesterday’s post about my garden. yeah i’ll work on the patience thing 😉i made this skirt out of a table cloth that was on clearance. did you read that amy? no posiblities of sweaty hairy men on this skirt! i think it was the martha […]

now to tackle this

well! all i have to say is wow, and thank you. thank you for making yesterday a wonderful etsy success. as you can see i have an aftermath to deal with. it ain’t pretty. and if i want a little bit of sewing for me time…i better get crack-a-lacking! edited: okay more fabric bracelet tuts […]

late to the party but i made it

well i really can’t call it fashionably late…just really late. but i decided to join park city girl’s online quilt festival. tomorrow’s the last day to enter. a little about this quilt: this was my first quilt that i made that had triangles in it. yes, that was only last year mind you. up to […]

dresden plate

so i love fabric. i think you sort of get that on my blog. i also love old quilts. i don’t have any in my family. a while ago i decided to start making quilts so that the tradition can begin of having old heirloom quilts passed along the way in our family. it’s been […]

oh we laughed

yup me on THE chair photo taken by camille camille from simplify thought it was real sad that i didn’t have a quilt store or *gasp* a target near me. (3 hours away people!)so she thought it would be a good idea to have me over and let me get my fix of a big […]

she wants a messenger bag

we’re meeting up with my mom at my grandma’s house this next weekend in los angeles. and my mom gently reminded me that she’s still wanting a messenger bag. well she didn’t exactly call it that, but when she described what she wanted this is what she described. she wanted it to rest on her […]

vintage pattern

i got this pattern yesterday. thought about making it into a dress but seriously look how short those things are…i mean can we say HU–SSY? anywho, i decided to make it into a shirt. and i really like it a lot so i think i’ll make the hussy dress a little longer but not as […]

projects finished

made out of vintage fabric… i call her ” with a splash of lime” and she’s available in my shop. it’s been a while since i made the little one a dress. this one makes me happy. yellow just seems happy doesn’t it? yes, it’s made out of a re-purposed sheet) this cute little ironing […]

is it spring yet?

maybe if i keep making springy sort of things for myself it will speed up the process… love this new bag i made for myself. i had bought the rings to make it around december, with the intentions of making this bag a while ago. but i’m glad i waited till now because i think […]

because dept stores are about to do it…

even though there are still two days left till valentines day…lets not forget the next big girly holiday coming up…MOTHER’S DAY…and well, because the department stores are getting ready to promote it, i thought i would as well…go to my shop and buy yourself this pattern. it includes instructions on how to make the embroidery, […]

things i love…

re-purposing old sheetscute little sundress made out of second hand find sheets. this skirt and this quilt were my first projects with old sheets. then i attempted the barcelona skirt pictured above. by far this is my FAVORITE skirt i own. and then i started making dresses for the little one with old sheets, love […]

before GI joe came home

i made these two matching aprons, one for me and one for the little one. but not without the help and companionship’s of this lady and this lady. we’ve only met a a few times before they came down here to spend the weekend with me, but we knew from the start that we could […]

what i did yesterday

lo and behold my first ever meandering quilt job done on betty. or ever, no wait i tried it once before only it was worse on my pinto sewing machine that i had before this Cadillac of a sewing machine…most definitely need, NEED more practice, but this year i’m trying new things, even if i’m […]

before and after::throw pillow

piping is scary to me. i attempted it for the first time 4 or 5 years ago. it wasn’t pretty. but then i was sort of new to sewing, really new to sewing, and i didn’t have the right feet for the job. needless to say i was completely turned off by the whole process, […]

so sweet

to say that i’m not happy with this quilt would be lying, to say that i’m happy that it’s snowing right now would be lying too. i’m from southern cal i have a reason to think snow should be “visited” and not lived in…so all you snow lovers go out and get cold, i’m staying […]

better than i thought

yeah i like it a lot. so much that i think i’ll put in the little one’s room on display when it’s not out in the living room for valentines day. now if you’ll excuse me my laundry has gotten the flu. that’s the only reason i can see explaining why it has thrown up […]

my valentine quilt

first off thanks for yesterday. really i love your guys’ comments. 🙂 second off lets get on with that valentine quilt i mentioned a while back that i thought would be a good idea to make. here are scraps of fabric i have collected over the years with good intentions of using, i always have […]

sytyc: perfect gift for the “little mother”

something that this little quilt has made me realize is that i really miss making quilts. it’s been a super busy year for me, and i haven’t really been able to focus on bigger projects like quilting in a while. this year i promise myself to change that. i’m making at least a few quilts […]

aprons and hotpads…

go check them outHERE tell me you wouldn’t look smokin‘ hot in one of these numbers? i walk around all day in mine and i feel like i want to put on some pearls or something. watch out donna reed! i did finish these for the boys’ teachers. my boys have the BEST teachers this […]

a binding we will go…

i’ve been working my fingers off it seems these days binding. binding my quilts that are finished, and binding for other people (.12 cents an inch) not bad money. i love that i get to help people finish their projects, the happiness and gratitude they express is pay enough, but the money is well needed […]

I’ve been busy…

taken with my NEW CAMERA! it came late last night, so this picture was taken AT NIGHT! holy crap I’m in love. So I haven’t really been posting pictures of projects lately. I was trying to hold off posting anything till the camera got here but it’s here now and I’m trying to get aquainted […]

she just needs binding…

and then my bed will have a new quilt at the end of it…my bedroom is coming along quite nicely. a few more tweeks and i might be willing to show you a before and after. or rather a before and and an “in the process of being an after”. thank you for the well […]

bandanna skirt

made out of one bandanna…and i think it’s so stinkin cute, she’s going to wear it today… and guess who’s wearing underpants? besides me…and the boys…yup the little one decided that yesterday was the day to start the process of potty training! the stats went like this: pee in the potty: 1 pee in her […]

it may be fall outside, but it feels like spring in here

i ‘m so in love with the whole process of the grandmother’s flower. of course give me a few more hundred of these babies and we’ll see what kind of tune i’ll be singing then. but i love the fact that i can go anywhere and at anytime just start working on it. i want […]

pumpkins, and a nine patch quilt in the works

dear GI joe husband, next year you get to carve the pumpkins because your boys are pansies and couldn’t handle the “gross innards” they then decided that carving them was “too hard” so yeah guess what… i did all 3 of the boys, and i’m pretty sure my hand is going to be cramped into […]

my last pinwheel quilt for a while

this quilt was made out of shang-ri-la moda charm packs (2 of them) i’m super burnt out on pinwheels for the moment, making two big quilts has done it for me…so i’m off to continue my nine patch…but i’ve been sort of side tracked with grandmother’s garden ideas…all of it has to be on hold […]

starting to make lemonade out of lemons

so i forced myself out of bed yesterday and forced myself to do something other than what i’ve been doing for the last few days and that is let the big huge elephant that sits on my head and chest get the better of me. did not get much done except keep the house from […]

pj’s made by me

oh oh people i don’t have enough to make all those that want them, i will figure out how many i can make out of these particular sheets, and then i will also show you guys some other sheets if you are still interested in purchasing the pj’s made out of other sheets! thank you […]

new dress made by me

made out of vintage sheets… i’m trying to decide if the little one “needs” yet another dress or if i need the money more…so i think i’m going to put it in the shop either the etsy one or the one here in town i don’t know just yet. but making this made me feel […]

fall quilt top and amy butler patterns

i finished the fall quilt top and i have some left over fabric… sooooo i’m making a fall banner like my freedom banner…kind of excited! and remember my skirt made out of sheets? well this time i’m making the A-line skirt out of a clearance drapery for a window, it cost me $5 (i know […]

simplicity 5695

so i don’t speak pattern… this was a little harder for me to “get” but it’s done. a little too big for the little one this year but i think that for next summer it should be just about right.i hate to use “real” fabric just in case i totally mess up so this was […]

help with the cranky

so i’ve been super cranky for the past few days. i’ve realized that i havn’t been sewing and the house is a disaster. it’s all due to the 700+ pages i’ve been (trying) to read non stop since i got the book. but thankfully (and sadly) it’s over now and i’m back! the day yesturday […]

i couldn’t help myself…

i promised myself that i wasn’t going to buy any more fabric, the idea is that i was going to use up what i had in my collection…but when i think of nine patch quilts i think it in 1930’s colors and prints. i’m still going to use up my stuff but i’m going to […]

the fall quilt

it’s almost done, just need the borders and then it will go to my fabulous friend that just so happens to be a professional quilter.

mad about yo-yo’s, red, and turquoise

well my HOLLY girly bags are coming along quite nicely, i’ll definitely be making the deadline i made for myself of wednesday at 2pm to stock up the store with the handbags. this weekend has been spent making yo-yo’s like a mad woman, and playing outside with the boys and the little one. oh and […]

so happy to introduce…

okay here she is…the HOLLY (get it because of the hollyhocks that inspired me to FINALLY make her real instead of just in my head) she’s so darn cute, and she’s coming to you in myetsy store next week…but not just in blue…in pink, brown, green, yellow…and when i go through all of these fabrics […]

so pretty…

okay so here it is…NO I DIDN’T make that one…but i’m making one sort of like it…in light blue…so hopefully it’ll look like that but in light blue minus the bow. um i sew for the boys too! but can you tell i’ve been waiting for a girl all my life?

buggy barn quilt

so here’s the buggy barn “stars and stripes” that i’m entering into the fair. and it wasn’t till someone mentioned that they hoped that i would win a ribbon…that it actually dawned on me “oh yeah people are going to be JUDGING this thing” and i quickly started to have the feeling that i wanted […]

hollyhock inspiration

planted these babies last year, and they didn’t come up…wasn’t surprised because usually things that i plant from seed don’t work…but hello this year they had a different idea! i first noticed that the leaves were coming up in the spring and i thought to myself “ha, that’s funny, i didn’t pay ANY ATTENTION to […]

3 out of 5 isn’t bad

now 50% of my children are puking and i’ve slept probably oh 2 hours total and not consecutively but i did manage to make 3 out of the 5 doll blankets that i had planned to update to the shop. so i will hopefully find some time to update this morning. i’m forcing myself to […]

amy butler’s barcelona skirt…

holy tarnation!!! i did it!!!! i followed a pattern and i made a skirt with a zipper in it!!!! (the skirt was made from the thrift store find sheets that i got for $1) if i wasn’t a good girl who goes to church regularly i would be swearing like a drunken sailor out of […]

summer quilt::part 2

i still have to hand bind the beast but i think i can do it in two nights…after the kids are in bed. i’ll pop in a few good movies and give it a go…what do you think?

summer quilt…

um this thing is going to be gi–normous! i wanted all of us to be able to fit…pretty sure we’re not going to have a problem. on the agenda today: 1. finish quilt top and get it to fabulous friend that just happens to be a professional quilter 2. clean house and start packing for […]

summer inspired quilt

so summer’s in full swing here. how can i tell? soccer soccer soccer! here’s the 8 year old manning the goal. and the 8 year old telling the 6 year old all his advise…oh dear heavens. that’s funny huh dude? the 8 year old thinking he’s all pro and stuff…oh whatever. the little one was […]

picnic blanket for the little one

i last night i finally binded the little ones picnic blanket. in theory this is a very easy quilt to make. in reality, if i had instructions instead of just going off of my memory of what i saw at a quilt store up north, and if i had some fabric glue instead of pining […]

tutorial::easiest apron to make (and cute!)

this apron that i’m going to show you is super easy and super fast. it’s made from a pretty dish towel. buy your dish towel (mine were on clearance for $1.50 each) this one measures 18 inches by 28 inches (rectangle towels only) fold up your towel just like the picture (in the middle fold […]


my little doll quilt is done… and if i didn’t need the money i would totally tell you all to “forget it you can’t have it” but because i need the money to keep on my goal of buying a new sewing machine, you can find it here and buy it in my shop it’s […]

le skirt

made out of two pillow cases i found at a thrift store for a total of $1. I tried to take a picture of le skirt by myself but i couldn’t get the right angle, so i gave my 6 year old le camera, and before i could even get situated to ask him to […]

long gone goats and baby sulivan’s quilt

well i did it, i got rid of the demons that are other wise known as goats. yesterday was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, or in my case the last straw that made it really easy for me to call the one family i KNEW would take the goats. billy got out […]

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