V and Co: That one time Zumba almost killed me

current state of my sewing room= very messy (you can’t see the real mess, I’m just showing you the sort of messy part Im still in the middle of crazy over here. With the kids out of school for the summer, and me still in the middle of a large deadline…I find that I wanted […]
what a year 2013

click on the image to see slide show This isn’t everything I made this year, not even close, but its a pretty close, and slightly fast…enough to cause a seizure (my husband swears he gets threatened to have one every time he looks at it.) This year was kind of interesting to look back on. […]
V and Co: spring 2013 portland oregon market recap

truth is…i didn’t take a single picture with my “good camera” and all i have are my instagram photos to go off of! but that’s okay cause i guess i did okay on taking pictures of… oh my gosh… selfies: well sort of. i mean i did have some people take pictures using my phone […]
V and Co: back at work

sorry so silent over here! yes yes! we have a winner i’ll announce her at the end of this post. 🙂 my mother left earlier this week and i had a few things i had to get done. i’ve been hard at work over here. for months now i’ve my little graph pad next to […]
V and Co: last hurrah at Saint Joseph, Lake Michigan

our family has been trying to create new yearly traditions. and since we find ourselves in a totally new location in the united states, we will have to try to find new places and things that will be a part of our yearly traditions. it’s kind of fun and exciting. as you know: i grew […]
denyse schmidt for holy crap that’s good percent off, photo bomb turkey, and a winner

apparently i’m lacking of a good title. first off, thanks for the love on the dress and the love of the cute dog. he’s a keeper, and we did have a wonderfully productive monday, okay well, i had a good productive day, the dog is still bumming around. he is kind of starting to follow […]
V and Co: crash and burn baby

this week i had a very exciting, sad, weird, fun, happy marker come true for me. i sent my last child to school. after 12 years of having at least one small person in my home i now have 6 hours where all my minions/noisemakers/things i call my children are in school. i thought i […]
V and Co. still here

Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest i’m still here. yup. between being locked up in my bathroom thinking to myself as the two younger ones keep banging on my door as i do do-do…”they say that i’m going to miss this someday. i think they are full of poop.” cause i’m pretty sure that i will […]
winner and nostalgia

my view this summer has been of this. (and yes i’ve purposely cropped my legs so they look like they last forever and are not short tater tot looking legs.) and other pools in the area, and the parks, and behind the wheel driving to and from camps and what not. i don’t think i’ve […]
once again…target…thank you

for seriously once again, making my money fly out of my pocket faster than i can make it. these adorable decorative tapes come in a variety of colors and is available at your local target. and once again i will say it… target i love you but you are freaking me out with how evil […]
V and Co: what our summer looks like

please excuse the fact that real life paper does not have spell check and i spelled vacuum wrong 🙂 last year our summer was all kinds of crazy and no schedule was had. i hated it. i am reminded that work well with schedules, and the best way for me and my children to keep […]
V and Co: at the lake

happy Memorial Day. we are enjoying our family and the weather and our freedom due to all the sacrifices made in our behalf. every day is a blessing and i am so indebted to those who have made it that way. thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for your […]
V and Co: today

as i pick up the thing that used to be my kind of clean house, i reflect on the simple daily routines that make me happy. i like to have a clean house. mowed lawn. and clean laundry. i feel like none of those things have been on my radar while i get ready for […]
V and Co: a few things that make today cool

just popping in to say: first off my bloggers fat quarter choice is up for sale baby! check it here. second, you can win one of my fat quarter bundles by guessing a few things about me here. third: you guys are awesome and signing up for my class! whoot!!! 4th: want a chance to […]
V and Co: Teaching Sewing Texture With Craftsy

so a few weeks ago i told you i was going here. well that “here” was Denver Colorado. kudos for some of you that guessed right! and then i posted this picture. some of you emailed me and said “I KNOW!!!!” and you were right. 🙂 some of you still had no clue till maybe […]
V and Co: sneak peek into my week.

hi guys just a quick note to say hey and i did it. it went well and i only had a few here and theres that could have gone a little smoother but for the most part. I FREAKING DID IT. thank you for your vote of confidence. i’m starting to get a little better […]
V and Co: leaving on a jet plane

i’m heading off this lovely place. at least that’s what i hear… that it’s nice. any ideas on the skyline? oh i know so secretive its kind of annoying right? i’m really sorry. i don’t like to lead you on or leave you hanging so i normally just keep my mouth pretty tight lipped till […]
V and Co: why

‘ new favorite line at the moment domestic bliss by liz scott and a little pez as well truth be told there’s a lot going on. ha! there you have it. i’m sewing and sewing…and the blog…quiet. eh. had a couple of wonderful chats with friends about balance between blogging, family and “other”…or rather lack […]
V and Co: on the cover and hanging out with cool kids

i got in the mail my cute issue of quilts and more the other day. and lo and behold i also got my cute little baskets ahem featured on the little side corner OF THE COVER. not in the front and center or anything but still ON THE COVER. no that adorable cute quilt belongs […]

edited: i started this post yesterday…but life got over scheduled. sooo we’ll just continue it today TODAY: -i wore my scarf from my book and i loved it as much today as i did when i was making it and put it on for the first time. -i got a *little* (ha! more like a […]
V and Co: on the radio: with mark lipinski of creative mojo

so today i’ll be chatting it up with mark lipinski. i’ll be talking about my book, i’ll talk about being a mom. and i’ll try my darndest not to be a total dork. but i’m not promising anything… check it out at TOGINET. the show runs 3-5pm EST. and say a little prayer that i […]

… and they are being shipped out today to all of you wonderful wonderful people who have bought a signed copy. 😀 oh and psst… amazon has it at a great price if you don’t need or want me to sign it. just sayin’ other great places to find it: my shop (signed copies) fat […]
V and Co: this week in gratitude

V and Co. homemade apple pie getting ready to be baked i love this week. every year it doesn’t matter where we are this week is my favorite. i love thanksgiving. i don’t know if it’s the food or the fact that its one of the ONLY holidays i don’t feel pressured into buying stuff […]
V and Co: at fall quilt market

the pre-version of my book that is due out january 2012 first off HELLO NOVEMBER! you are my favorite month. with thanksgiving (fav holiday) and my birthday, what’s not to love? so happy october is over. eh. 😉 soooooo. quilt market. yes. it went well. schoolhouse was good. i said “foots” when i meant to […]
V and Co: pretty sure i’ve lost my fingerprints

as we round out this week…oh wait it’s only wednesday, okay well it feels like it’s the end of the week. anywho, as i’m getting ready packing and doing final prep for international quilt market in houston this weekend i can’t help to think…what a heck of a ride this has been. when i started […]
V and Co: proper sewing summit recap

last week i felt like i was run over by a truck. phew! so my recap was pretty lame. but now i have some more steam behind me (and some stolen pictures from here and here love ya guys!) and i feel like i’m getting back on track with life…just in time to yup, do […]
V and Co: over at the cutting table

today i’m over at the cutting table talking a little about my new patterns…grab yourself a little hot vanilla milk (nonfat dairy creamer in hot milk) and a lot of whip cream with a dash of cinnamon (yes, i like this better than hot chocolate!) and head on over and read about me and to […]
V and Co: the book…as in MY book

soooooo i am going to quilt market in houston this fall. first time ever at fall market. i have no need to be there except for really only one reason… and well here it is. (oh i feel like i’m going to throw up) i’m doing a school house for my first time ever book. […]
V and Co: book signing

hi there just a quick jump in here in between climbing over boxes, and finally finding our toothbrushes so we don’t have hairy teeth anymore… if you happen to live in the salt lake or utah county area…we meaning natalia bonner, kim walus and i (the utah girls featured in the moda bake shop book) […]
V and Co @ quilt market and blogger’s meet up

well well well. all i can say is that i’ve still not recovered from spring market (i didn’t even have a booth!), and like so many others have said…i still have a quilt market hangover. i can’t believe it’s thursday, and, can i just throw this out there… i can’t believe i’m moving in a […]
V and Co: at quilt market school house

if you are going to market…and you wanna like meet me…you can see yours truly at the school house for the moda bake shop book: Fresh Fabric Treats Moda and C & T publishing is going to be showing off stuff from the book, and i’ve been asked to give a little info on my […]
because i’m a planner

i’m having a really hard time not being able to plan after this month. do you ever just say out loud “why can’t we just get what we want?!” yeah i said that. and the minute i said it i felt guilty. so dang guilty. i was so focused on one thing…not knowing where we’re […]
welcome to quilt album blog hop day 2

well first off i want to say “thank you” for yesterday. i was definitely not prepared to have almost all the fabric sell that quickly! i thought i had time to cut up some more but you guys swiped me out too quickly! but i have in fact cut up some more (some of them […]
in 5…4…3…

alright so it’s time…well in about 30 minutes from now it’s time, (march 21st 4pm EST) to listen to the Creative Talk Radio and listen to yours truly be nervous live… i’ll be talking about creating, blogging, and family. i promise not to go all CHARLIE SHEEN on you. if anything i’m humbled to even […]
me on the radio

well i’ve landed on the Famous Pat Sloan’s radar (yup, feeling sick to my stomach with nerves again), and if you’d like to hear me fumble and try to answer her questions on the radio please tune in on monday the 21st (also my anniversary to hubby! 13 years!) at 4pm EST. i will be […]

as we round into the third month of this year, i’d like to let you all know how my “word” of the year is going. i’d like to report that “OPERATION HEALTHY” is in full swing. oh.yes.it.is. oh yes, have i mentioned that i’ve not had any caffeine since january 6th, at approx. 2:43 pm…kidding […]
ruffle pillow on Good things Utah recap

i know i said monday. but i got a few minutes in between Zumba dancing with my family, church, and setting up for the super bowl. so for all you out of state-ers that wanted to see my 5 minutes of… er…fame. here’s the show’s link. all i have to say is that i am […]
checking in

okay okay sorry! i’ll get the link up when i get a little bit more time! after we did the segment it’s been a whirl wind of shopping and eating with great friends and catching up, i need to pay attention to my poor neglected family for a little bit and i’ll talk more about […]
later today on good things utah

yes i will be doing the ruffle pillow thanks to your votes and the producer’s little push of “i say the ruffle pillow.” and so that is what i will be showing you how to make on channel 4’s Good things Utah. i’ll post a link to the video of me being a total dork […]
me x’s 3 in a magazine

yay yay YAY! i finally get to tell you about these quilts and pillow… you can find the pillow on the bottom right hand corner of the cover of this spring 2011 magazine of Quilts and More. this little bit of info has been killing me not to spill seeing that i made the little […]
me at the sewing summit

this is what i’m wearing to my tv debut oh man i promise i didn’t mean for all my “behind the blogging scenes” news to all come out at the same time, but it seems like it’s raining “vanessa’s dropping another thing she’s been holding from all of you.” over here. i’m so excited and […]
hey psssssst

you may want to check out some pretty darn cool news about yours truly. i know i can hardly contain myself either…but i will till tomorrow when i talk a little more about it here, and give away a butt load of fabric, money, and yeah a signed copy of the book. see i told […]
it’s been a good year 2010

just a few projects i did this last year. you can find all of them here this last year i made my word “consistency” i wanted to make sure that i worked on being a better person all around. not just in the things that i liked but in the things that i struggled with. […]
it was a blur

was your Christmas good? ours was fun but ours was a blur. currently i have 40 fingers and 40 toes at my house wondering what to do next and staring at me and begging me to let them play video games. so i let them…but then i get annoyed with how much they play…so i […]
lovely view

as i make final sewing instructions for that skirt and for that flag quilt i can’t help but stare at my threads. they speak volumes of my favorite colors to applique in and what colors i usually end up binding quilts in. i’m taking a few days off. hopefully i’ll be back with a new […]
emotions run high sometimes

my kids last christmas from left to right: 5th grade noise maker, girl noisemaker, 3rd grade noise maker, and 1st grade noise maker (aka the loudest one) well first off thank you so much for the wonderful lovely birthday wishes. yes, it was a good day. busy spent, mainly at the school with the book […]
thirty freakin’ five

that would be me today. i still remember when i thought thirty something was a tv show about older people. well i’m that older people now. funny thing is now that i’m here…i feel like the party is just starting instead of winding down. have a fabulous day, mine will be busy. 😉
not the right kind of gray

please excuse this fellow blogger for just a minute (or two) as she may be dealing with a tiny mid life crisis as she may or may not of found her first gray hair EVER last week, and since telling that one gray hair to “suck that! stupid gray hair!” while she was trying to […]
my new shoes

well i finally did it. i bought those yellow shoes i’ve been eyeballing for over three months. best part about it…they were on sale for $8.99. yeah i know how could i not right? (oops i guess they are now up to 12.99 again. sorry) edited: to answer the questions in the comments: they fit […]
the most wonderful time of the year…

ah yes the most wonderful time of the year. or so you would think… yes, this week started out with being one of our last hurrah’s of going to the pool. as the children played and swam and jumped off the high dive, the mothers on the sidelines were a chatter of how we were […]
it rained last week

so… last week it rained for a few days…we weren’t able to go to the pool. we were at a lost as to what to do… okay the kids weren’t they loved the puddles…but what did i used to do? oh yeah. i think i sort of remember the sewing machine and paint and some […]
word vomit

okay i need to say this. so bear with me. i’ve been simplifying. that’s been the name of the game this summer. not only have i simplified my extra curricular activities (aka trying to keep up with the ever super duper fast paced tutorial blogging world), but i’m using this time to simplify my life […]
been there done that

cookies i made last week sometime…i’ll share the recipe soon i have a secret ingredient that makes these babies something to talk about… okay…so yes it’s been a while. hi there! i apologize for my lack of being here. i mentioned a few posts back that i would be going to girls camp. yup that […]
a few things if you will

if you are looking for the sew mama sew giveaway day post…check it here. winners will be picked at midnight tonight, sorry i have to close it then because i need to go to sleep because i’m leaving in the morning. early. now onto the other things going on. yes it’s true i’m going to […]
guest post at theCreative Connection

yup me, can you believe it? i got asked to do a blog post at the ever wonderful site created by Nancy Soriano, former editor in chief of Country Living and Jo Packham,the founder and editor in chief of WHERE WOMEN CREATE. i am humbled (and was a nervous wreck writing the post) that they […]
what a mother wants…

being a mom takes a lot of time, energy, patience, sacrifice and prayer. bottom line, it’s the most taxing job i’ve ever had. but i would never exchange it for anything. recently i got an email from my awesome friend who i put up on a pedestal on being a funny, creative, and loving mom […]
what $10 and a mid life decorating crisis will do to ya

so a couple weeks ago things got a little ugly. let me explain: it was 2:45 pm on a thursday afternoon and for some reason i passed my living room and thought. “UGH! i love my new to me couch…but it’s not meshing in like it should.” so i thought “maybe if i move a […]
dear husband of mine

dear husband, as you already know we are fast approaching our 12 year anniversary. and as you already know because you have been married to me for so said years…you know that i’m kind of hard to shop for on these occasions. so here’s my list of things you could get me and i would […]
my tutorials at sew mama sew

later today and tomorrow you will be able to see my tutorials over at sew mama sew. when i was asked if i could come up with something for weddings i said “SURE!” and then i wanted to throw up because…um helloooo it’s SEW MAMA SEW. all breathing exercises, and hot glue gun blisters aside, […]
impulse buy

you know, i kind of like the fact that i’m kind of thrifty. or that i don’t necessarily go out and drop money on something just because i like it or because it’s in style. heck i’ve been “buying” in my head leather couches for like years, have placed them in my living room with […]
balancing my crazy

well with christmas being over, and with my new year word of “consistency” in place, i feel like i can finally start breathing again. anyone else? no, just me? okay. i LOVE this time of year. it’s this time of year that i re-find my love of schedules and lists. i feel more focused and […]
a little quilt for the little mommy in your life

last week on sytyc you voted and i made it yet one more week! thanks. this next theme is new years. go check it out now. the other two girls that are left are two girls that i can call friends, and they are so talented! i’m so LUCKY to of made it this far! […]
it’s been a good year 2009

these are a few of my favorite things i’ve made this year here’s to the next one. see you soon
this will make you snort laugh…okay maybe

or maybe it will make you unsubscribe to my blog. i don’t know. either way i HAD to write this down and document it. (if you are one of those very impressionable young girls from my church that i teach on sunday’s, please back away from the computer turn off your screen, ask your parents […]
a no craft kind of day

yesterday. that’s what i had. i can’t remember the last time during the week that i didn’t “work” on something. i spent all day in my sweats and flip flops. i kept my blinds down. had the fire going. i folded laundry. i watched a little max & ruby with katie. talked to a friend […]
sytyc:week four

hello! new moon: it.was.great. i don’t know if it was the whole being with a couple of friends i haven’t really been able to hang out with in a while, or weather it was the big city lights and excitement, but the whole day was GREAT. we laughed a lot. the company was nice, the […]

yup me today. funny how i still feel like i’m 24. and act like i’m still 4.
i love my necklace

so i got me a necklace… i.love.it. have you heard of lisa leonard designs? seriously… inspired. gorgeous. must have. but see now that i have one i have to have another one ( insert subliminal message to husband here) see it’s my birthday in like oh i don’t know a week from today…(insert another subliminal […]
today’s the day: sytyc

if you’ve noticed lately my posts have been sort of lacking in the “overload on crap craft i’ve been working on” well one of the reasons is because i’ve been preparing for this event to start. missy approached me a while ago and proposed the idea of going head to head with other blogs (and […]
interview with luv in the mommy hood

hey go check out my interview with shannon from luv in the mommy hood. she asked some fantastic questions and it was fun to get to think up some good answers to them! thanks shannon for the opportunity to be part of your lovely site for the day, and i hope you start feeling better! […]
um? what the…!!!

does anyone need some zucchini? i think i might have a little extra you should of heard all the “that’s what she said” jokes that were flying all over the place. edited: lovely miss cheryl has posted a yummy chocolate zucchini bread just because she wanted to help me out! and thanks to all of […]
my new ride

thanks to my mom who wanted me to have my birthday gift a few months early so that i can enjoy it this year before the snow hits. (she’ll be enjoying her’s all year long right by the beach…){turkey} but until that snow hits or it gets too cold, middle of nowhere townsfolk look out […]
very good thrifting day and keeping it real

this summer i wasn’t able to go on my weekly thrift store run. a) i don’t have the greatest track record when i take all 4 kids someplace on my own b) i’d end up having to fight against a lot of questionable toys making their way home with us so when i got to […]
a giveaway of my “stuff”

do you like my patterns? well i’m sponsoring a giveaway at this greatblog. go check it out, and enter to win all three of my patterns plus a yard of fabric! yeah, cause i like you so much! well what are you waiting for? GO! 😉
my morning walks

i go walking in the mornings, bright and early. well it used to be bright and early. these past few days i’ve been noticing that 6am is getting darker and darker. every day it’s like it’s taunting me just a smidge bit more “summer’s almost behind you.” seriously where did summer go? we’re now talking […]
things that make me snort laugh

seriously i love to laugh. but what i love even more than laughing till i pee my pants, is when my family is right there with me and laughing just as hard. my kids and i started watching wipeout last year but…let me tell you it just keeps getting funnier and funnier. these last couple […]
famous gentlemen callers line on up

so i had to drag in the husband to show him my face associated with MODA. i turned to him and told him he better watch out cause some famous gentlemen callers would surely be coming my way soon. he rolled his eyes, walked away, and has been on his best behavior ever since. mwaaaahhhaaaaahaaaa […]
now to tackle this

well! all i have to say is wow, and thank you. thank you for making yesterday a wonderful etsy success. as you can see i have an aftermath to deal with. it ain’t pretty. and if i want a little bit of sewing for me time…i better get crack-a-lacking! edited: okay more fabric bracelet tuts […]
Q and A with “makebabystuff.com”

go see my little interview with makebabystuff.com here. thanks amber love your site and thanks for asking me some great questions! oh, and some other great news, you can see some of my ideas being used in the minneapolis examiner here and here . thank you renee from cottage lifestyle for asking me to be […]
i’m off to vegas baby

for some nicer, warmer weather and to visit this cute little gal to have a girl’s weekend. we’re going to paint the town red (well the fabric stores and second hand stores) and she even promised me she would take me to TARGET. because i’m pretty sure that is what heaven is going to look […]
7 things

camille, i don’t normally do tags but i’m feeling a little on the nice side so here you go: 7 things you might not know about me: 1. spanish was my first language. and even though my spanish-o aint so good-o these days i still consider myself bi-lingual. i mean i can pick up what […]
in the works

have i been working on: A)organizing B)painting C)being sick D)a tutorial E)trying to be a good mom and wife by cooking every darn night F)getting my part of the stupid taxes done E)all of the above E. would be the correct answer. but see this is how i roll. i put a bazillion things on […]
this one i’m keeping for my grand babies

*stupid laundry to fold (again) * *birthday cake to make * *blue and gold banquet cake to make * *clean toilets * *de–junk-i-fy craft area * *get ready for the monthly crankies to hit * *go get a new bag of choc chips to replace the ones i ate last night so i can make […]
is it spring yet?

maybe if i keep making springy sort of things for myself it will speed up the process… love this new bag i made for myself. i had bought the rings to make it around december, with the intentions of making this bag a while ago. but i’m glad i waited till now because i think […]
this one’s just for me

do your feet ever stay cold no matter how long you’ve been under your covers? is it just me? well yesterday i decided i was not going to have cold feet anymore! and decided to make me a rice heating bag…you know the ones you stick in the microwave. i wanted it to look stylish […]
soul searching…

with GI Joe being in the states it makes it that much more “real” that we are almost at the end of this year long deployment. this last year i have gotten a taste of how it is to be a single parent. i salute those women who don’t have “just a year” alone. this […]
this year…

i’m going to: *make my house my sanctuary by keeping the world out and inviting spirituality in. *laugh more, create more, learn more, cook more, sleep more, relax more, volunteer more, and excersise more *keep my car clean (shudder) *paint the inside of my house *enjoy my family being whole again yeah i think that’s […]
she’s such a “betty”

i think that’s her name. GI joe husband took it upon himself to buy me a sewing machine. yes, you read it right. HE bought ME a sewing machine. GI joe husband loves to research (that’s why he went and got himself a PhD. so he could one day teach at a university and do […]
my holiday season resolution

so it’s not yet that time to make a new years resolution, but i thought this holiday season i was going to make a short term resolution. like a one month-er instead of a 12 month-er…this last year i made the resolution that i was going to stop talking about the things i wanted to […]
they say it’s my birthday…

so lets have all the pictures be about me shall we? went to the football game… had a hard time figuring out who i was rooting for… BYU? husband’s school, and the cause of all of our student loans…or SDSU? i mean i never went there but i’m from there…felt kind of bad for san […]
it’s snowing

i have no real picture today, because ALL my projects are in “halfway” status. so i’ll put in one of my boys this morning doing something i love them doing, playing together and having thier best friends live under the same roof. truely i am so greatful that they love to play together. i don’t […]
what i did and didn’t do

* i DID finish one grandmother’s flower, appliqued it to white back ground fabric and am now working on quilting it…i’m thinking of making it into a pillow or a wall hanging to go in my room (it sort of matches my pinwheel quilt that will go at the end of my bed.) *i DIDN’T […]
a new day, a new week, a new start…

first things first: thank you for the kind words, prayers, thoughts, understanding, and quotes. your lovely comments and emails were read carefully, i smiled and cried some more. thank you. second: i hope that i do not come across as someone who is not who she is. i have a lot of crappy days, no, […]
well looky where i was featured!

ah! you can see my dresses made out of sheets and my tea towel tutorial at the Sew Mama Sew BLOG! it’s under “create and celebrate” october 8th post check it out!
meet “barbara”, the loan-er

so GI joe husband and i had a conversation the other night and it went a *little* like this: (i MAY have taken some liberty in my creative writing. and he MAY not of said EXACTLY what i’ve written) GI joe husband: hey so i read the blog cause i am totally into reading your […]
a few firsts

well yesterday was my first official day working at the local store where i will slowly be putting in furniture and handmade gifts. it’s been a long time since i’ve actually been somewhere other than my home to “work” 9 years to be exact. but it’s nothing like a normal job, i work while three […]
back to basics:: the magazine

first off thank you guys for the past two weeks of encouraging words and kindness. i went back yesterday to the last two weeks posts…and those words were much needed. i had a really bad day yesterday, i’ll spare too many details but this time around the next day after dropping him off at the […]
a thank you and a winner

my house did get decorated for the fall, but thats about all i did… well i just want to thank you all for the so very nice comments and well wishes! THANK YOU!yes we’re pretty excited to say the least. it’s been too long you know? anyways here’s your winner i used that random.org thing […]
the box said “reduced fat”

so i ate the whole damn box…i’m joining the gym on thursday
amy butler’s barcelona skirt…

holy tarnation!!! i did it!!!! i followed a pattern and i made a skirt with a zipper in it!!!! (the skirt was made from the thrift store find sheets that i got for $1) if i wasn’t a good girl who goes to church regularly i would be swearing like a drunken sailor out of […]