Vanessa Christenson

V and Co. still here


Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest i’m still here. yup. between being locked up in my bathroom thinking to myself as the two younger ones keep banging on my door as i do do-do…”they say that i’m going to miss this someday. i think they are full of poop.” cause i’m pretty sure that i will […]

V and Co: my new sewing space

 as i have mentioned before. i went from not having a sewing room to having a sewing room to not having a sewing room all within years time. our first home didn’t have an extra room for me to have so i sewed in my kitchen area. i also kept my fabric in my kitchen […]

V and Co: so my husband needs a bail out

no no, i’m not setting up a fund like george zimmerman or anything…this is for a different kind of lock up. my husband IS a Jailbird. but it’s for a good cause: He’s taking part in the 2012 ELU Lock-Up benefiting the Muscular Dystrophy Association. As a Jailbird, he’s working to raise his bail via […]

V and Co: our weekend-ish

my family is in the shadows i’m the tiny little person in the reflection in middle of the bean taking a picture stop the presses, i’m blogging. i KNOW. seriously i look at how much i’m blogging this year vs how much i was blogging in summers past…and well, the numbers don’t lie, for some […]

winner and nostalgia

my view this summer has been of this. (and yes i’ve purposely cropped my legs so they look like they last forever and are not short tater tot looking legs.) and other pools in the area, and the parks, and behind the wheel driving to and from camps and what not. i don’t think i’ve […]

V and Co: book giveaway: more take 5 quilts

good morning friends! today i am popping in really quickly to talk about a fabulous book. if you’ve heard of take 5 quilts by the every talented kathy brown, then you are probably just as excited to hear theres MORE take 5 quilts now available! whoot! come and read more about this book and enter […]

once again…target…thank you

 for seriously once again, making my money fly out of my pocket faster than i can make it.  these adorable decorative tapes come in a variety of colors and is available at your local target.  and once again i will say it… target i love you but you are freaking me out with how evil […]

V and Co: how to: hexagon appliqued bag

 this last week i was able to play with some of lotta’s fabric called bella. (i added a couple of mine into there as well as some solid fabrics to give it a fun mix) hexagons are really cool, i love hexagons. i’ve shown my love of them with a few pics throughout the years […]

V and Co: garage sale season is upon us

 last year i scored big time at the end of the season with my awesome hexy table for $3. so this year of course i’m on a mission to find garage sale finds that i’m so excited about and will help me continue the decorating of this house. sad to report that this year i’ve […]

V and Co: what our summer looks like

please excuse the fact that real life paper does not have spell check and i spelled vacuum wrong 🙂 last year our summer was all kinds of crazy and no schedule was had. i hated it. i am reminded that work well with schedules, and the best way for me and my children to keep […]

V and Co: at spring market 2012

 summer is in full swing over here and i am working on small amount of time in between noisemakers needing something or needing to be redirected. 🙂 (currently im on my couch with noisemaker’s #3 feet up in the air arguing across my lap (and laptop) with the girl noisemaker about speaking spanish and french. […]

V and Co: at the lake

 happy Memorial Day. we are enjoying our family and the weather and our freedom due to all the sacrifices made in our behalf. every day is a blessing and i am so indebted to those who have made it that way. thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for your […]

V and Co: new patterns spring 2012

 i am sooo excited to FINALLY show you my new patterns for my company and for my new fabric line. this has been a lot of work (ahem hence the silence on the blog) but it is by all means very exciting and i hope you share the same excitement with me. first we have: […]

working working and a winner

i’m almost done. well, no. i’m almost out of time. today and tomorrow are my last days to sew. tomorrow i have to pack, and then on wednesday i drive and head to quilt market to set up.  pfew!  are you so tired of hearing i’m working so hard can’t wait to show you! yeah, […]

V and Co: attracting pretty beetles

this house has a back yard. this house’s back yard is super bare. it has nothing in it… and that includes trees, shrubs or patio furniture. compared to our last backyards this backyard is boring and really kind of sad. i can almost hear it weep how sad it is. over the next few decades […]

V and Co: Geared For Guys book review and giveaway

oh now see i told you we were going to have a “couple of book reviews and giveaways” here’s the second one. 🙂 but first the winners of the pat sloan book is: Linda said…HELLO! I WANTED TO GO WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL,BUT I COULD NOT-I’D MAKE ONE LIKE YOURS-SO BEAUTIFUL! THANKS FOR SHARING! thanks linda, […]

V and Co: today

as i pick up the thing that used to be my kind of clean house, i reflect on the simple daily routines that make me happy. i like to have a clean house. mowed lawn. and clean laundry. i feel like none of those things have been on my radar while i get ready for […]

V and Co: blog tour: Pat Sloan’s new book

yeah so i work from my kitchen table these days, so what? and no it doesn’t look that clean anymore that picture was taken before i actually started working, now it looks like a tornado hit it!  taking a quick break from sewing to write up and talk about one of the hardest working ladies […]

V and Co: and then there was yardage

first off thank you for the lovely response. 🙂 and well later this last week the ups guy dropped off the rest of her. here she is in all her glory. pretty sure i scared the crap out of the UPS guy when he came to the door and i basically grabbed and dragged in […]

V and Co: My fabric line with Moda: Simply Color

introducing: Simply Color by V and Co. (that’s me) for Moda. debuting at spring market 2012 in Kansas City. yes, i’m pooping my pants. yes, i want to cry i love it so much. yes, i am sewing and sewing and sewing. YES, that is why the blog is so dang quiet, and the projects […]

V and Co: ombre at target made me do it

have you been to target lately? LOVE all their yummy colors and sigh…. lately i’ve been struggling with my mental organization… as in i feel like my wheels are spinning out of control and i walk around aimlessly half the day thinking “okay i have to get this done…but wait i have to do this […]

V and Co: are you a traditional or modern

as i mentioned this last week my sister in law was visiting. and on friday we got the husband and the youngest noisemaker to play hookie and we took a trip to the nauvoo temple. it was a fun little trip and we were able to go inside some of the historical buildings in the […]

fat quartershop winner

girl noisemaker at older boy noisemaker’s soccer practice  winner of the fat quarter shop giveaway is: Rachelle said… I’d love to see more fabrics with teal and charcoal on them. thank you to all that entered and all your responses. yes, i read them. 🙂  my sister in law was here this last week and […]

V and Co: sponsered giveaway: fat quarter shop

today we are having a sponsored giveaway by the ever awesome Fat Quarter Shop. yup, they are pretty much the shiz on the web for well just about anything you want in the fabric/pattern/kit world. and trust me when you see what they are giving one V and Co. reader…you’ll be professing your love even […]

V and Co:new patterns paper AND pdf

just quickly popping in…and then popping out…to um keep sewing, i’ve been working on something for katie again. i know sad for the boys. somehow i’ll include them soon. anyways hopefully i’ll show you what i’m working on. 🙂 anyways, i wanted to let you all know that i have three new patterns available in […]

V and Co: adventures in paper piecing

 so what do you do when you feel like you have SO much on your plate, that you don’t even know where to begin? well, if you are me, you put aside some of the super pressing deadlines you’ve put upon yourself (along with things you said you would do so they are actually other […]

V and Co: argyle quilt and some friends

hello friends. how the heck are you? how am i? short answer: “GOOD!” thanks for asking. longer answer: “well, i had to ask someone what day it was the other day. and i’ve not blogged in…i don’t know how many days because remember i just asked someone what day it was. duh. and my laundry […]

V and Co: a few things that make today cool

just popping in to say: first off my bloggers fat quarter choice is up for sale baby! check it here. second, you can win one of my fat quarter bundles by guessing a few things about me here.  third: you guys are awesome and signing up for my class! whoot!!! 4th: want a chance to […]

V and Co: Teaching Sewing Texture With Craftsy

 so a few weeks ago i told you i was going here. well that “here” was Denver Colorado. kudos for some of you that guessed right! and then i posted this picture. some of you emailed me and said  “I KNOW!!!!” and you were right. 🙂 some of you still had no clue till maybe […]

V and Co: winners

from my iphone archives first and foremost: winners: winner of book and magazine: heather D who said: I’ve finished a number of medium sized projects in the last few weeks and things are pretty quiet right now for me! I’m working on small baby quilts for our local hospital foundation, and not much else at […]

V and Co: operation springbreak n’a giveaway

 so operation spring break is in full swing over here. i have forgotten how much i love a scheduled break. the kids and i have been cleaning and organzing in the mornings, run errands in the mid morning then…we go and play. and with this weeks crazy awesome weather, we’ve been outside everyday…all day it […]

V and Co: easter egg craft

so this last week in-between climbing mount laundry and wading through the sludge of things not done ie scheduling doc appointments and car appointments, grocery shopping and all that other normal every day stuff that seemed to pile up just a little bit larger than usual because i was gone for a week (and had […]

V and Co: sneak peek into my week.

hi guys just a quick note to say hey and i did it. it went well and i only had a few here and theres that could have gone a little smoother but for the most part. I FREAKING DID IT. thank you for your vote of confidence. i’m starting to get a little better […]

V and Co: leaving on a jet plane

i’m heading off this lovely place. at least that’s what i hear… that it’s nice. any ideas on the skyline? oh i know so secretive its kind of annoying right? i’m really sorry. i don’t like to lead you on or leave you hanging so i normally just keep my mouth pretty tight lipped till […]


this little noisemaker turned 8 today. heres a few things about you right now: -you may be small, but you still hold the trophy for the LOUDEST of our noisemakers. -it still holds true that cereal is still your favorite thing to eat. -when you are not eating cereal you want to eat burritos or […]

V and Co: why

‘ new favorite line at the moment domestic bliss by liz scott and a little pez as well truth be told there’s a lot going on. ha! there you have it. i’m sewing and sewing…and the blog…quiet. eh. had a couple of wonderful chats with friends about balance between blogging, family and “other”…or rather lack […]

V and Co: how to: make a leather cuff from a belt

so about 2 and half years ago, i bought a leather cuff. i LOVE it. and i wear it to dress up with my jeans, or (when spring and summer rolls around) shorts. not frilly like most bracelets, wearing these cuffs will make you feel like a rock star. and you’ll be recycling any old […]

happy valentines day

 happy valentines day from our house to yours. may it be filled with pink and fluff, and lots and LOTS of chocolate. i have another how to coming later this week. stay tuned. 🙂 how to for this pillow here

V and Co: on the cover and hanging out with cool kids

i got in the mail my cute issue of quilts and more the other day. and lo and behold i also got my cute little baskets ahem featured on the little side corner OF THE COVER. not in the front and center or anything but still ON THE COVER. no that adorable cute quilt belongs […]

V and Co: how to:reverse applique pleated heart

last year i made a reverse appliqued gathered heart pillow. so this year why the heck not do a reverse applique pleated heart pillow. try saying that 10 times fast. i dare you. this is a great idea for basically any holiday. (yup, already working on some other ones!) so if you want to add […]


edited: i started this post yesterday…but life got over scheduled. sooo we’ll just continue it today TODAY: -i wore my scarf from my book and i loved it as much today as i did when i was making it and put it on for the first time. -i got a *little* (ha! more like a […]

winner winner

winner of this lovely fat quarter bundle is # 364 liz (your email address has already been sent to judi of green fairy quilts. you should be hearing within the next few days from her! thanks for all who entered. we’ll talk real soon. 🙂

V and Co: sponsored giveaway: greenfairy quilts

  i have valentines on the brain. green fairy quilts thinks you might too. so, to make your projects happen…here’s a sweet giveaway. read more and enter to win here ps: tutorial coming soon.

V and Co: on the radio: with mark lipinski of creative mojo

so today i’ll be chatting it up with mark lipinski. i’ll be talking about my book, i’ll talk about being a mom. and i’ll try my darndest not to be a total dork. but i’m not promising anything… check it out at TOGINET. the show runs 3-5pm EST. and say a little prayer that i […]

V and Co: moves like jackie

jackie chan that is. yup, this is a story about the day i joined a gym again. the day i was forced to stop walking in the wee morning hours while most of the neighborhood sleeps. see you would think that the word “winter” would have stopped me from walking. nope, we’ve had a pretty […]


… and they are being shipped out today to all of you wonderful wonderful people who have bought  a signed copy. 😀 oh and psst… amazon has it at a great price if you don’t need or want me to sign it. just sayin’ other great places to find it: my shop (signed copies) fat […]

V and Co: how to: painted heart bag

sorry i meant to get this all done and written yesterday, but i didn’t remember that monday was a holiday (aka my kids up my butt and needing me to do things all day long with them) till it was too late. and now i sit in a big empty quiet house with katie sitting […]

V and Co: catch up or ketchup

 since moving here almost 6 months ago, i feel like life has been moving in fast forward motion. i blog sporadically. weekly mind you…but no set post, and no set hours like i am so fond of doing. i clean like a mad woman only to get aggravated that my house still needs to be […]

V and Co: how to: hand appliqued petal bag

 my daughter loves bags. kind of makes me proud. because i have a thing for bags too.  one thing this cute bag does is that it provides her with a big enough bag that she can carry whatever she wants in it: stuffed animals, baby dolls, wands, confiscated legos or star wars dolls action figures, […]

V and Co: sneak peak into our world

 have i said happy new year yet? HAPPY NEW YEARS! i know that was like so last weekend ago, but our week has been one big mess with jake’s back going out. he is doing SO much better. each day getting a little better, he even showed off to the kids and i yesterday night […]


NORMALCY I CRAVE YOU!!! pfew! oh wow.  if you follow me on facebook you saw that jake threw out his back. it’s pretty bad people, he can’t move. 🙁  i think the hardest part for him is that he’s dying to get up, and it’s driving him nuts…and the kids aren’t used to seeing him […]

V and Co: scenes from around here

 so much for creating star wars projects from the awesome star wars book i got while there are a bazillion legos to be put together  in star wars theme of course… i think all the lego sets have almost been completely completed. (ha try saying that 10 times fast) the christmas weekend kicked the trash […]

V and Co: Merry Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. we’ve been trying to focus these few days on the main reason why this holiday is so special. so in between runs to the grocery store a bazillion times (seriously what is wrong with my brain that i keep forgetting 1 or 2 things every single time) wrapping […]

V and Co: how to: homemade hand warmers

the other day my son came in with a pink nose and yelled “MOM! I’M FREEEEEZING! do you still have that rice bag thing you made? can you heat it up?” yeah i still have my rice bag feet warmer i use it all the time, because i’m like always cold. so i said “yeah, […]

V and Co: cooks: 3 minute 3 ingredient mint fudge

last year i gave you this 3 minute fudge…well with the holidays in full swing lets add a little holiday twist to it shall we? this fudge can go by many names: simple mint fudge, increase your jean size fudge, make your friends fat so you look good fudge…but i went with the “make you […]

V and Co: star wars dorks we are

the husband came home the other day exclaiming quite excitedly that one of his students had made him the COOLEST present. from behind his back he pulled out this little hand made yoda. we love him, and he is happily residing in our bedroom for now till he goes to its final resting place, his […]

V and Co: guest post at MADE

i’m guest posting over at MADE today. check out how to make this mint fudge, you can make it faster than you can say “oh crap i need to go on a diet by the end of this holiday season.” think i’m lying. go check it out here. now if you’ll excuse me, i’m going […]

he’s 10 today

my second noisemaker is 10 today. here are a few things about you right now: *you like to read. like a lot. (500 page books kind of reading) *you are really smart. no really, you are, and i’m not just saying that cause i’m your mom…your testing shows that you are one smart kid. (we’re […]

winner winner

winner of the awesome giveaway by modern fabric studio is lucky # 16: cammie your email has been sent off to modern fabric studio and she will be getting back to you shortly so you can get all that wonderful fabric and patterns sent your way just in time for christmas! i don’t know about […]

V and Co: sponsored giveaway: modern fabric studio

today modern fabric studio is giving away enough fabric to make you think she was kidding. nope she’s not, and here’s your chance to put one more fabulous gift under your tree. read more and enter to win here

V and Co: how to: fabric ornament

i fell to the peer pressure of emails and comments and actual face to face conversations of “how about ornaments? why haven’t you done any ornaments?” well, i did in fact have one planned before this one, but i felt like a sewing project was in order since i’ve not really shown you much of […]

V and Co: how to: simple poinsettia wreath

first off, hope you had a great thanksgiving holiday. i am still recovering from turkey/pumpkin pie/stuffing and all the fixings hangover…so i’m moving a little sluggish these days, but nothing like the christmas season to keep you moving right along, or rather push you right along…so here we go. yes, another wreath. since i’m all […]

V and Co: no big dill: once upon a thread

today i am over at no big dill for her once upon a thread series on books. i chose The Giving Tree . i could of gone in so many directions with this book, especially around this time of the year in giving thanks or in giving service to those around you. but instead, i […]

V and Co: this week in gratitude

V and Co. homemade apple pie getting ready to be baked i love this week. every year it doesn’t matter where we are this week is my favorite. i love thanksgiving. i don’t know if it’s the food or the fact that its one of the ONLY holidays i don’t feel pressured into buying stuff […]

V and Co: how to: sewing with ruffle fabric: make a scarf

 hey guys! today we’re sewing with ruffle fabric again. see my past projects: ruffle skirt & ruffle tote but today we’re sewing: super duper fast/easy holy crap it’s too cute to be this easy scarf. or the shorter name version: a ruffle scarf. i love scarfs. it’s like an accessory that makes you look just […]

winners of craptastic giveaway

 first off thank you for the lovely birthday wishes, the oh get over yourself you don’t know what old is, the oh my gosh i just turned 25 and i feel so olds, the i know EXACTLY what you are feelings, the oh honey the best is yet to comes, and the i don’t know […]

thank you

wow. well. thank you. i think you guys liked my one day sale too. 🙂 well that may have to be a birthday thing again for sure. currently im working on getting the random #’s picked and attaching winnings to them. this may take a little bit of time but just know i am working […]

V and Co: a craptastic giveaway for my 3-6

so yes i turn the big three-six today. for some reason the number 36 is hard to look at. i soooo don’t feel 36, i feel uh…maybe 26. 26 would be so doable. if i were turning 26 i would so totally be like “i’m so cool i’m reaching my prime and i totally have […]

V and Co: how to: easy fall wreath

 okay now this may be a no brainier of a project. but i made it and  it was such a steal of a project and it made my house a little festive so i thought i would share it. so a few days into october i wanted to change my hydrangea wreath to something more […]

V and Co: at fall quilt market

the pre-version of my book that is due out january 2012 first off HELLO NOVEMBER! you are my favorite month. with thanksgiving (fav holiday) and my birthday, what’s not to love? so happy october is over. eh. 😉 soooooo. quilt market. yes. it went well. schoolhouse was good. i said “foots” when i meant to […]

V and Co: pretty sure i’ve lost my fingerprints

as we round out this week…oh wait it’s only wednesday, okay well it feels like it’s the end of the week. anywho, as i’m getting ready packing and doing final prep for international quilt market in houston this weekend i can’t help to think…what a heck of a ride this has been. when i started […]

V and Co: before and after: the mantle

 last week i sort of hinted that i was painting again on facebook.  this has been an ongoing “discussion” (aka me bringing up something over and over and OVER again and jake sidestepping and dismissing and changing the subject, in hopes that i would yeah, ahem, i didn’t.) okay so since moving into our […]

V and Co: kid spider craft and other fall projects

 this last weekend we had a four day fall weekend. we ended up spending some time up in des moines; seems like a nice enough place. 🙂 we still had the rest of the weekend plus monday off. saturday was spent doing outside chores and some inside fun. (it got a little chilly!) and then […]

V and Co: proper sewing summit recap

last week i felt like i was run over by a truck. phew! so my recap was pretty lame. but now i have some more steam behind me (and some stolen pictures from here and here love ya guys!) and i feel like i’m getting back on track with life…just in time to yup, do […]

V and Co: over at the cutting table

today i’m over at the cutting table talking a little about my new patterns…grab yourself a little hot vanilla milk (nonfat dairy creamer in hot milk) and a lot of whip cream with a dash of cinnamon (yes, i like this better than hot chocolate!) and head on over and read about me and to […]

V and Co: home

this picture basically describes the state of the rest of the house. this is my daughter’s dresser top that is always cleaned off. it’s not so cleaned off right now. as a matter of fact i had to move everything over just to take this picture of the other two patterns that arrived (and now […]

V and Co: happy makers

this last week i got three separate things in the mail that made me super happy. seriously i don’t get a ton of mail. no, well now wait, i do. but it’s bills, and junk mail, and an occasional Micheal’s 40% off coupon but even coupons are email based these days. (which is cool and […]

V and Co:a thrifting before and after

i love to thrift shop. it’s been a long time since i’ve been able to do so on a regular basis. with all the moves, and the de-junking/selling of our stuff for our move, i didn’t feel like i could justify going to second hand places or to garage sales till we were more settled […]

V and Co: celebrates: 5

the girl  noise maker in our home turns 5 today. FIVE…wha? we were just celebrating: 4 3 2 1 (that’s the closest to 1 i have on here) you keep getting older, and as much as i would love to keep you little forever, i’m excited to see what each year brings. this year you: […]

winner of the fat quarter shop giveaway

okay so i’m really sorry that it took me till tonight to post this…a certain little four year old in our house is not going to be four anymore for much longer and i have been baking cupcakes and frosting cupcakes and well…i finally gave in to her wanting to get her ears pierced. she […]

V and Co: sponsored giveaway: fat quarter shop

this month’s giveaway brought to you by none other than the Fat Quarter Shop. and what are they giving away? a FAT QUARTER bundle of northcote by cabbages and roses. valued at $100. yeah you are gonna wanna read more here.

V and Co: sewing with ruffle fabric: the carry all tote

 well first off, THANK YOU so much for the warm acceptance and love of my upcoming book. 🙂 i’m excited. and i’m excited to see some of you in houston in october. make sure to say hello. i’ll be the one with big DOE eyes trying to hide the fact that i’m about to puke. […]

V and Co: the book…as in MY book

soooooo i am going to quilt market in houston this fall. first time ever at fall market. i have no need to be there except for really only one reason… and well here it is. (oh i feel like i’m going to throw up) i’m doing a school house for my first time ever book. […]

V and Co: new pattern coming soon: the beach bag

the beach bag pattern available october 2011 remember a while back this last summer i showed you a little peek of what i was sewing? well it was this bag that i am so happy to finally be able to show you, and to give you a little of a bio of the bag. fabric: […]

V and Co: how to: easy doll diaper bag

katie’s birthday is at the end of this month. she is all about little tiny things…and babies. she plays house most of the day and if she’s not with her babies she’s playing with tiny little babies that fit in your hand (well, when she’s not bothering i mean playing with the dog.) i’ve worked […]

V and Co: we will never forget

10 years ago i woke up early. jake was getting ready to go to school for the day, i went to the other room where we kept our computer, and dialed up our AOL acct only to bend over and look really close to really understand that that in fact was a picture of the […]

V and Co: book review: sewing from A to Z by nancy zieman

it’s my turn to talk about this book that nancy zieman has put together. if you haven’t watched any of nancy’s shows you can catch them here. they are full of information and has oodles of GREAT hints and tips anyone can use whether you are starting out or you are “seasoned” in sewing, nancy […]

V and Co: how to: sewing with ruffle fabric: make a ruffle skirt

happy labor day! last week i got to play around with some ruffle fabric. if you’ve not seen this ruffle fabric yet, or if you have not been able to sew with it, you are missing out. this ruffle fabric is so easy to work with and so easy to make stuff out of that […]

V and Co: make your house pretty: affordable pillow covers

making this house pretty has been kind of a challenge to me. first off, we have a super tight budget. i mean who wouldn’t be after not having a job for 4 months and living off of what you have right? so when we sold most of our stuff to move across country on the […]

canton village quilt works winner and some news

winner winner chicken dinner of the canton village quilt works is: random # 417: jenci said: Jenci said…What would I do with that fabric bundle? I am thinking a fab ruffled/padded iPad cover. A million rosettes with which I would make bangles, barrettes, headbands, pins, etc. And of course, I would find a fab applique […]

V and Co:sponosored giveaway

i can’t think of a better giveaway than fabric after a long summer without a chance to win free fabric. canton village quilt works has been a long time sponsor of mine. and jaqueline giving away a fat quarter bundle of kona solids to start us off with a bang. want some fabric? want it […]

V and Co: cookbook for a cause

with all my crazy going on this summer i meant to blog about this weeks ago…BUT better late than never! how does she says: After seeing the devastation in Japan, several top blogs teamed together wanting to somehow make a difference. More than 50 blogs donated one of their favorite recipes to be compiled into […]

V and Co: how to: faux pleated pillow

i have a thing for texture. i like it. katie’s room has a lot of texture. with ruffles, and gathers, she’s got enough pillows in her room (because she steals them after i make them and hoards them on her bed…i just let it go) but the boys? not so much. naturally i would choose […]

V and Co: word of the year come back

our new family tradition in our new area… sunday afternoon bike rides on the trails remember eons ago when i was rounding out the last day of the year looking forward to start the new year, and i had no clue our life was going to be rocked just three months later? yeah, remember my […]

V and Co: how to: hydrangea wreath

well i almost feel like saying “welcome back!” but reality is, i’ve had a great time getting to know a lot of you guys through facebook and or email. this summer has been a summer i hope to not have to repeat again with our THREE moves in THREE months, and our un-employed status. we […]

we survived

the first day of school went off without a hitch. as excited i was about all of them going to school prior to today…i cried after sending off each of my boys on the buses, and again when dropping off katie at pre-school. i even yelled after the 7 year old that i loved him […]

V and Co: home

for the summer months i’ll be blogging here and there with a few pics of what we’re up to. i’ll be closing comments so that i can focus mainly on my family and this special and rare occasion of having my WHOLE family at home. you can still contact me via email, facebook, or twitter. […]

V and Co:driving across america part 2

day 1 day who the heck knows sorry i meant to do my part two sooner than now. BUT, we’ve registered kids in school, we’ve unpacked most of our boxes, we’ve figured out most of the roads and places we need to get to…and we are adjusting quite nicely here in iowa. so week one […]

V and Co: driving across america

for the summer months i’ll be blogging here and there with a few pics of what we’re up to. i’ll be closing comments so that i can focus mainly on my family and this special and rare occasion of having my WHOLE family at home. you can still contact me via email, facebook, or twitter. […]

V and Co: summer pics: bubbles

for the summer months i’ll be blogging here and there with a few pics of what we’re up to. i’ll be closing comments so that i can focus mainly on my family and this special and rare occasion of having my WHOLE family at home. you can still contact me via email, facebook, or twitter. […]

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