EasyTeacher Gift

These days life is fast. Between band, swimming, orchestra, and writing books, and all other things (I’m stopping with that because I’m getting tired just by writing it) there hasn’t been much time for about anything other than a fast craft here a fast craft there, spend time with family and then do it all […]
this kid is 14

As I look back on life with this kid, I get emotional. Where we are today, is a dream come true. But without our past years of heartache and stress, and emotional roller coaster of a ride with this kid, I don’t think I would have the kid I have today. This truly is a […]
a little love

i heart you quilt pattern and textured pillows pattern braided pillow shown Well! I do have to say that you guys were cracking me up on the last post with some of the crap your kids have said! WOW!!!! Fantabulous! And thanks for making me laugh!! So with Valentine’s being kind of around the corner I […]
what a year 2013

click on the image to see slide show This isn’t everything I made this year, not even close, but its a pretty close, and slightly fast…enough to cause a seizure (my husband swears he gets threatened to have one every time he looks at it.) This year was kind of interesting to look back on. […]
Then and Now Christmas

This is my all time favorite picture of my kids. It kills me because I don’t have a high resolution jpg of it so I can’t make it a large print. This picture actually brings tears to my eyes just thinking about that time. It was taken in 2009 Jake was deployed. We were going […]
how to make: Christmas Stockings

Hey so guess what. My calendar…totally broken. It says that there’s only 7 days left till Christmas. HA…yeah I know. I KNOW. Okay?! Sheesh. Where did the time go? I guess its okay. I’m not the best winter season person, and this year it’s COLD. And snowy and COLD. So of course lets throw out […]
He’s 12 and he loves Domo

My second Noisemaker turns 12 today. I can’t really wrap my head around that but it’s true. The other night I caught all my kids looking at the computer laughing. I asked them what they were looking at and one of them answered “We’re reading about the UGLY Christmas tree.” And then one of the […]
V and Co: lucky stars christmas pillow

Christmas is like right around the corner. I’m not ready. But the good news is we have our christmas tree up. No, unfortunately (and yes quite sad actually) these last two years we’ve not had any funny stories to tell about picking out a tree and letting the kids decorate it while I learn to […]
around here

So it totally snowed and snowed yesterday. Made me a little grumpy. So to kind of cheer me up I started working on teacher Christmas gifts. Sort of worked. Oh I have learned over the years to tolerate winter. Trust me. But with snow comes days filled of shoveling. And while I no longer am […]
V and Co: first quilt over at Gen X

today is the first day of school. but i also just got back from a vacation that our family drove 4, 438.8 miles to california (and to utah and Disneyland and so forth) and back. we are still toasted. i am totally celebrating with having my car detailed to get rid of all gooey/stickiness/sand and […]
V and Co: happy valentines day

Source: stylemepretty.com via Vanessa on Pinterest happy valentines day. here is a pretty picture and then here’s what my real life looks like: the daughter brought this home and she explained it says: “i love bows.” “i love hearts.” and last but not least: “i love flowers.” sorry sweetie: that says “i love fart.” but […]
V and Co: life

yesterday was pizza day. every tuesday we do pizza, every wednesday we have scouts, every sunday we do church, every monday we do family night, every friday we go out to dinner as a family. we are a super scheduled family. we like it that way. but with very scheduled families you throw a holiday […]
second noisemaker turns double 1

my second noisemaker is turning 11 today. i didn’t get an updated picture of him and this one is over two summers old. hmmm may need to sit him down and change that. a few things about this one at this time: -you love chocolate. probably as much as your mother. -you are kind, quiet, […]
V and Co: how to make: 3 minute walnut fudge

so here at V and Co. we’ve made 3 minute fudge, and then last year we did 3 minute mint fudge, this year i made 3 minute walnut fudge. still trying to confuse those around me and on the internet that i can actually be somewhat of a cook…well at least in the dessert aspect […]
V and Co: around the house

i’ve been super busy cutting up fabric creating messes and then sewing up the cut up fabric. the fabric featured here is the simply color ombre dots in aqua i love how it looks in a dresden plate. i’m working on making a few more in the green and the gray. 🙂 and well…you will […]
V and Co: giving thanks

Source: flamingotoes.com via Vanessa on Pinterest free downloadable pdf click on the source to get it. it’s that time of the year where we give thanks for all the wonderful things in our lives. *i am so thankful for a loving spouse who is really and truly my best friend. *i’mthankfulfor my children. they have […]
my mom likes chocolate. duh

hope everyone has a successful and safe halloween. may the chocolate be in your favor.
V and Co: hello kitty cupcakes

my daughter’s birthday is this sunday. when i asked her what she wanted her cupcakes for school to look like she gave me a blank stare. “i don’t know.” come on kid, give me something to work with here. so i started naming things off and hello kitty got an excited look and “YEAH! YEAH! […]
V and Co: at the lake

happy Memorial Day. we are enjoying our family and the weather and our freedom due to all the sacrifices made in our behalf. every day is a blessing and i am so indebted to those who have made it that way. thank you for your service, thank you for your sacrifices, thank you for your […]
V and Co: a few things that make today cool

just popping in to say: first off my bloggers fat quarter choice is up for sale baby! check it here. second, you can win one of my fat quarter bundles by guessing a few things about me here. third: you guys are awesome and signing up for my class! whoot!!! 4th: want a chance to […]

this little noisemaker turned 8 today. heres a few things about you right now: -you may be small, but you still hold the trophy for the LOUDEST of our noisemakers. -it still holds true that cereal is still your favorite thing to eat. -when you are not eating cereal you want to eat burritos or […]
happy valentines day

happy valentines day from our house to yours. may it be filled with pink and fluff, and lots and LOTS of chocolate. i have another how to coming later this week. stay tuned. 🙂 how to for this pillow here
V and Co: Merry Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from our family to yours. we’ve been trying to focus these few days on the main reason why this holiday is so special. so in between runs to the grocery store a bazillion times (seriously what is wrong with my brain that i keep forgetting 1 or 2 things every single time) wrapping […]
he’s 10 today

my second noisemaker is 10 today. here are a few things about you right now: *you like to read. like a lot. (500 page books kind of reading) *you are really smart. no really, you are, and i’m not just saying that cause i’m your mom…your testing shows that you are one smart kid. (we’re […]
V and Co: this week in gratitude

V and Co. homemade apple pie getting ready to be baked i love this week. every year it doesn’t matter where we are this week is my favorite. i love thanksgiving. i don’t know if it’s the food or the fact that its one of the ONLY holidays i don’t feel pressured into buying stuff […]
V and Co: a craptastic giveaway for my 3-6

so yes i turn the big three-six today. for some reason the number 36 is hard to look at. i soooo don’t feel 36, i feel uh…maybe 26. 26 would be so doable. if i were turning 26 i would so totally be like “i’m so cool i’m reaching my prime and i totally have […]
V and Co: celebrates: 5

the girl noise maker in our home turns 5 today. FIVE…wha? we were just celebrating: 4 3 2 1 (that’s the closest to 1 i have on here) you keep getting older, and as much as i would love to keep you little forever, i’m excited to see what each year brings. this year you: […]
we survived

the first day of school went off without a hitch. as excited i was about all of them going to school prior to today…i cried after sending off each of my boys on the buses, and again when dropping off katie at pre-school. i even yelled after the 7 year old that i loved him […]

happy birthday to my 3rd noisemaker, aka the loudest one, aka monkey man, aka little man, aka the one who does not stop. some fun facts about you right now: * you have always been a smiley baby, you are very much a smiley kid. *after many years of only wanting to eat cereal, you […]
celebrating today

the man and i are celebrating today that day that was created to help make money for card businesses and candy stores. i’m all for stimulating the economy even at the expense of my thighs. have a great weekend. we’ll talk soon.
one one

the littlest one and i have been busy baking and making. the boys had a half day today so we had to get things ready in the morning, hence why i didn’t get this post up till now! today is my oldest noisemaker’s birthday. i can’t believe i have an 11 year old. but i […]
from ours to yours

well one more year has come and gone, and they just keep growing. no matter how hard i’ve tried they won’t stay little. isn’t it funny how that goes? when they are super tiny you wonder how they are going to be when they get older, and wish and dream of when they will be […]

happy ninth birthday to my second noise maker. a few facts about you right now: *you love spaghetti, tacos, burritos, and you hate pizza. *you love to read and will read any huge book you can get your hands on. *you love school. (and are really good at it too) *you are my easy going […]
december 2010 christmas tree

this year the V and Co. clan continued the tradition i so begrudgingly didn’t want to start last year and now i actually find kind of endearing. we as a fam went out and got us a christmas tree. we trudged in the two feet snow. i thought i saw a perfect tree within the […]
candy corn frozen yogurt

this year i feel like i’ve not paid attention to the fact that halloween is like in two days. um normally i’m chomping at the bit to get my hands on pumpkins by like sept 30th…and yet here we sit on oct 29th and i’ve still not bought one single pumpkin to carve. i have […]
one year older

i can’t believe that you are 4. i remember bringing you home thinking “i wonder what you’ll be like when you are 4.” and here we are… here’s a few things about you right now that i don’t ever want to forget: * you are my constant companion. anywhere i am, you are too. anywhere […]
the most wonderful time of the year…

ah yes the most wonderful time of the year. or so you would think… yes, this week started out with being one of our last hurrah’s of going to the pool. as the children played and swam and jumped off the high dive, the mothers on the sidelines were a chatter of how we were […]
our weekend

independence day was wonderful. low key, a lot of good BBQ food, and of course apple pie. because hello what’s more american than apple pie right? i’m still reaping the benefits of my canning from last year. we’re down to 2 apple pie fillings for the year. but i’m planning on canning again this year…mainly […]
to the guy who won’t look at the camera…

to save his life. i love you. your kids love and adore you. we are all so much more functional when you are around. thanks for being the glue. thanks for being their hero. thanks for being my everything. happy father’s day.
what a daughter wants

you know i wasn’t the hardest kid to raise. but i wasn’t peaches either. it’s amazing how the cycle of life happens in relationships doesn’t it? let me try to explain. when i was little i wanted to emulate my mom. be just like her. she loved to exercise, she loved healthy food. she loved […]

that’s how old my third noisemaker is today. here’s a few fun facts about you right now: you are STILL always happy. (we don’t get, it but we love it). you may be small for your age but you are the loudest kid we own. every night at 11:07 (give or take a few minutes) […]

this cute cake stand is on my table. (thanks to this gal) i’m so delighted to have this around my neck. and i’m wishing i could have this for my bedroom. but most importantly: so happy to have my family around me. happy love day. we’ll talk tomorrow.v and co loves her sponsors check out […]
the big ONE-OH

today that’s how old my oldest noisemaker is. a few fun things about you right now: *your passion is history…more precisely world war I and world war II *you have so much in common with your dad and grandfather it’s not even funny. (no really it’s not) case in point: there are many times when […]
sytyc, etsy update, baptism, family, friends, gingerbread man and box tops…oh my

hi there! first things first: go here to check out the projects for the new theme “gifts” for this week at sytyc. we’re down to the wire. only 4 of us left, competition is fierce, (not really we all really like eachother and hope the other one wins and we’ve all become closer friends through […]
tell your children to “strike a pose”…

and this is what you get. tell your children “i’m going to take AWAY one stinkin’ present if you don’t give me a “oh swear word” smile”… and this is what you get. finally just give up and let them get in the clothes they want to be in and beg them to just sit […]
winners and stuff

nothing like skidding in at the last minute with hair singed and smoke billowing up off of it…. phew! anyone else feel like they’ve been running a marathon? i promised today…and well today it is: okay so i got to meet and learn a little about 156ish (plus emails) of you. yes, i read each […]
turning 8

i can’t believe it, but yeah, you are turning 8 today! right now: *you have this wonderful gift of paying attention to detail, and with that, the gift of knowing when someone needs a hug or a compliment. you’ve done this for me many many times. 😉 *you are super smart and LOVE to read […]
on this thanksgiving day

just so you can make room for pie. from our home to yours, happy thanksgiving, we’re so thankful for all of you. we’ll talk soon 😉 i bought this here the whole calendar is hilarious and i can’t wait to use it next year

yup me today. funny how i still feel like i’m 24. and act like i’m still 4.
happy hallows eve

from our house to yours. katie trying on her “sen sen” costume…the boys will be clone troopers…of course. today i’m off to make some pumpkin soup (wish me luck), avoid the super cold weather, completely ignore the “hellish white fluffy stuff that has fallen out of the sky to bring on seasonal depression” also known […]
it’s your birthday

so you’re turning 3. i can’t believe how fast the time has gone. but sure enough i look at you and there you are. growing up so dang fast. some fun facts about you right now: *you like to sing *you love anything “sen-sen” (princesses) *you love the color pink *you get super excited when […]
first day of school butterflies

a few days ago, my middle boy noise maker yells out to me from his room “MOM! kyle called me an idiot!” which then the third noise maker (in his 5 year old voice) yells “NO I DIDN’T!!! I CALLED YOU A STUPID IDIOT!” these three little piggies go to school today. surprisingly, i have […]
small town fair

this last week(end) was the middle of nowhere’s fair. i have to admit one thing this small town knows how to do, is it’s fair. if you are looking for big rides and lights, huge floats and concerts…well keep on moving along cause that’s not what we do here. nope, we have our local shops […]
good eats from the garden

this post is mainly for my organic eating, healthy living, excersing, just recently cell phone using, hispanic, spitfire of a mother…first off to wish her a happy birthday, but also so verify that once again i am taking good care of her grandchildren and making them eat things that aren’t fully processed comes out of […]
happy birthday

to the husband because he was over seas, i made everything he hated for his birthday last year. we did this so he wouldn’t be sad that he couldn’t be here. but this year with him being with us, we had to opportunity to do the birthday tradition of making the very infamous ice cream […]
4th of july dress

i made it yesterday…and yeah it fits perfectly so she can wear it today. we will be celebrating it out in the middle of nowhere…small town style…with neighboring friends, home cookin‘ and BBQ-ing, and lets not forget the fireworks (that are probably not legal but you didn’t read it here.) recipe for some gooooood times. […]
we interrupt all crafty blogging

due to family being here. my sis in law and her husband are here from california. a little bit of grilling, a little bit of smore–ing, a little bit of site seeing, and a whole heck of a lot of rockband-ing
to the man i love.

jake, you are such a great father to our kids. i love that you will chase rainbows for our kids, i love that you love to take care of our yard (even when it looks like somwhat of an obession, and i make fun of you relentlessly over it), i love that you serve quietly […]
oh peonies

my peonies are coming out and smelling so sweet! hope you have a fantabulous (that’s fantastic and fabulous mushed together) memorial day! see you tomorrow.
to the women in my life

picture taken at my bridal shower in 1998 from left to right: cousin alba luz, aunt bertha, cousin pam, my mom, cousin tania, me, aunt elba, and my grandma. i just want to give a shout out to the women in my family who basically raised me as one of their own. either as a […]
what i’m crushing on right now

i’m so in love with cath kidston. it all started when i ordered Cath Kidston’s In Print: Brilliant Ideas for Using Vintage Fabrics in Your Home from amazon so of course i had to get the catalog for her stuff. and the pictures are so inspiring even in her catalog. i just adore the cute […]
welcome home 142nd from afghanistan

welcome home! it was great seeing you there this morning. hope you have a wonderful time re-integrating with your families! ******** ladies you looked hot, and your husbands are some pretty lucky guys! love you guys.
happy birthday to my 3rd noise maker

dude you are 5 today! * here’s a few fun things about you right now: * *you love LOVE star wars (big surprise) * *you are super snugly * *every night between 3am to 5 am you crawl into bed with mom and dad * *you may be small, but your voice is huge (seriously […]
from our family to all of you

thank you all for the wonderful words and support you have shown our family. for all you ladies of 142 who still have your husbands gone, when this moment happens to you, it will make it all worth it. we’ll be there with you when they get off the plane in about a month. can’t […]
my legs are shaved and my bags are packed…

because yes, today is THAT day. we drive up north and i get my GI joe husband back. we have to stay up north for a few days because he has to do out processing junk, so i’ll upload pictures when i can. have an awesome week. i for sure am.
9 years ago today…

you were born and threw me into the “i’m a mom” world. here are some fun facts about you right now: *you have an incredible imagination that just doesn’t quit *your siblings look up to you and you can make any situation exciting *you and i have our highs and lows, but we also have […]
this year…

i’m going to: *make my house my sanctuary by keeping the world out and inviting spirituality in. *laugh more, create more, learn more, cook more, sleep more, relax more, volunteer more, and excersise more *keep my car clean (shudder) *paint the inside of my house *enjoy my family being whole again yeah i think that’s […]
the official christmas picture

well it was taken in sept. when GI Joe husband was here…look how warm we look. merry christmas. may it be safe, warm and cozy!
happy birthday to my middle boy

i can’t believe you are 7! some fun facts about you: *you love star wars everything and anything *you are a hard worker at school and at home *you are much more mature than you 7 years *you are great at reading people and when you see someone who is sad you do things to […]
’twas the day before thanksgiving…

and there’s Christmas all through the house…my kids think i’m crazy, or maybe just a louse… i’m making pumpkin pies for us to devour…i’ll be baking and putting up christmas lights ’till probably wee morning hours… things i’m grateful for: *freedom to practice whatever religion i please *freedom to walk down the street unafraid *wonderful […]
they say it’s my birthday…

so lets have all the pictures be about me shall we? went to the football game… had a hard time figuring out who i was rooting for… BYU? husband’s school, and the cause of all of our student loans…or SDSU? i mean i never went there but i’m from there…felt kind of bad for san […]
well looky where i was featured!

ah! you can see my dresses made out of sheets and my tea towel tutorial at the Sew Mama Sew BLOG! it’s under “create and celebrate” october 8th post check it out!
you ask how he’s doing::look for yourself

last school year was well in a nut shell was …hell… this year i’ve been skeptical so i haven’t written anything as of yet, but it’s been well over a month going onto two months and well, i’m so happy to report, yeah he’s doing GREAT! oh he still does his fun stuff like stuff […]
happy birthday little one

dear sweet little katherine, when we found out you were a girl, the boys all high fived and cheered. i smiled, and secretly started to make quilts, dress you up and started picturing your room in my head. we’ve all been waiting for so long to hear the words “it’s a girl” (especially your oldest […]

my husband is coming in less than 10 days for his 2 week leave so i’m feeling *HAPPY* and i’m taking a week off of blogging to clean, and create before my hubby comes back so i thought i would leave you all with a little giveaway. so leave a comment and win this cute […]
they must of been passing out 1st place ribbons like they were going out of style

ah the parade, if you haven’t done a parade in a super small town, you aren’t missing much, but as we spend more time here, you get a little protective about it and there’s no way i would knock it. so they must of been passing out blue ribbons like party favors ’cause somehow i […]
i made everything you hate…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY G.I. JOE HUSBAND! we made the dinner you hate the most, spaghetti, and for your cake we made a triple chocolate with chocolate chips… death by chocolate kind of pie…because you hate chocolate, we figured you were kind of sad that you couldn’t spend your special day with us eating your special dinner […]
last of the 4th pics…and house stalking

this one is for all my friends who have little girls that would of looooooooved to of been there in person to see miley (yeah we’re on fist name basis now) this is the new house that i like… okay lust after…its a little on the “too big” side for me (too much cleaning on […]
our weekend up at the cabin…

jake’s family has a cabin up in little cottonwood canyon and it’ tradition to go up there and eat together as a family at least once a summer… my favorite part of the cabin is the vintage kitchen! it’s soo nice and cool up there when it’s super hot in the valley the view from […]
freedom banner

yesterday i started packing for my stadium of the fire excursion…and i got all patriotic that i had to make this banner. i was inspired by this post and added the word “freedom” to my banner. the project was easy and fun and i did it in an hour (while the boys were outside playing […]
for fathers day i hate you…

10 things I hate about you: 1.you are a wonderful husband… I hate that I miss you everyday. 2.you are a great father…I hate that the boys don’t have you around to do fatherly things with. 3.you baby Katie to no end…I hate that she will not know you till you get home. 4.you take […]
from our crew to yours…

happy mothers day! mom i hope you got to see this before you went home to s.d. love you!
my 100th post and nothing to say…I KNOW SHOCKER!!

well it’s not that i was trying to build suspense or anything really i wasn’t. but i kept trying to think of something witty or funny or BIG and…nothing. so yeah the winners are draperm you lucky girl got my runner, felicia won a charm pack of prarie paisley by moda fabrics (my favorite!!!) and […]
make yourself known and win

so here i go again with the table runners. i’m thinking of putting some of these in the etsy shop aaaand…i’m one post away from being my 100th post…i’m smelling a give away. what do you think? i’ll pick a random comment and for my 100th post i’ll post up the lucky winner and the […]
“this was the best easter EVER!”

as quoted by my boys, and i have to agree. the only thing we missed was having jake home. but to compensate we did soooo much that the kids loved it! we got to see brand new baby lambs at our friends grandma’s house where we did the FIRST easter egg hunt. we then got […]
kyle turns 4

all day long he would tell everyone that “today is MY birthday!” (we told him we were going to eat cake and celebrate the night before his birthday, but he still insisted to tell everyone that THAT day was his birthday…it’s okay dude whatever you want!) poor little guy his actual birthday was overshadowed by […]
Happy Valentines Day (cough, cough)

We’re not feeling too well over here, but Happy Valentines day everyone!
This is for Ryan

Okay so while we were all looking at the blog, Ryan asks “how come I’m not in there so much” Well buddy this ones for you. Ryan is a great kid who gets along with EVERYONE. You name it he’ll play it. Kyle absolutely adores him and Nate loves to play with him. He’s always […]
Nate’s BIG day!

Isn’t he just so cute?! He was so nervous before everything but he did AWSOME! after the confirmation, he’s glowing! AND much more relaxed!We were so blessed that Jake had a few days off from the Army to be with us and to be able to do this for Nate, we were such a happy […]
Nate turns 8

We got to spend the weekend with Jake (after 5pm on Friday and Saturday) at his parents house and got to spend Nate’s Birthday with Jake’s family. It was wonderful to see Jake the kids need that, I NEED that! We’re really excited that Jake gets to baptize Nate next weekend up in Salt Lake.

Well Katie did it! SHE WALKED! No pictures yet because every time she started to do it we all yelled excitedly and it freaked her out so she would sit down and cry. It’s just like my kids to wait till the last day before you have to call the doctor to see if they […]
“I hate how the Fat Man gets all the credit for the best gifts!”

Well it was a successful Christmas. You know where you spend so much time and energy, (and some of you actually go out on “black friday” to attack toys and strangers…dont understand why you would want that aggrivation and anxiety, but hey to each his own) and whatever time you would spend normally cleaning and […]
Our Christmas letter for 2007

The picture that didn’t get sent out…our true colors! Blurbs of each of the family: Katie: Turned the big ONE year old in the end of September. She’s a total mommas girl, so much that even at almost 15 months is just barely learning to mobilize around on her feet. She still hasn’t “walked” yet […]