Tutorial: Appliqued Fall Wreath Pillow

This quick project can help you bring a bit of the fall color inside your home!
V and Co: how to’s for Valentines day

Well another year is upon us and I’m up to my eyeballs already and it’s only the second week in January. I guess that’s just the way it goes right? Well, with January already well on it’s way we need to do a round up of our next holiday: VALENTINES DAY! I wanted to highlight […]
V and Co Christmas projects and mint fudge round up

I thought I would round up a few of my past free tutorials here all in one spot. And of course add the whole awesome and easy 3 ingredient 3 minute mint fudge. So for now here are a few past V and Co how to’s homemade hand warmers fabric ornaments 3 minute 3 ingredient […]
V and Co InstaFriday

Welcome to Insta Friday. Where I show off some of my favorite pictures from my Instagram acct here on the blog. First we have a picture of my Color Theory Dress. I had a wonderful friend who just happens to be an amazing seamstress make me a dress that she pinned and drafted and made […]
Insta Friday…on Wednesday

Hexagons made out of V and Co Ombre Well, how about that…I totally miss and mess up my first INSTA FRIDAY back this last week. I have a good excuse. Well, not really I guess…my mom came into town and I was just getting everything ready. BUT! This just means that I’ll have more pictures […]
V and Co: Good Neighbors Pincushion Party

Well Hello! Today is my day on this fun good neighbors pincushion party! Amanda Jean’s blog was one of the very first blogs I ever followed and commented on (what seems like a bazillion years ago!) But the coolest thing was that she actually then came and visited my blog and commented on my post, […]
V and Co: Toasty rice Hand Warmers with Lavender

This is a post I did a few years ago. I actually had to make some more of these because my kids requested some and so did the husband…it’s been a little chilly here so I thought I would reblog this in case anyone needed to make some more or if you missed it the […]
Guest Post: Jodi of Pleasant Home

Hey everybody! I have the honor of sorta kinda hi-jacking V’s blog today! If you don’t know who I am, my name is Jodi and I live in Sandy, Oregon…. I blog, design, sew, quilt, and all kinds of stuff, over at Pleasant Home [www.pleasant-home.com] I’ve “known” Vanessa since she started blogging. {My heck […]
V and Co: how to make: Bias tape with out a bias tape maker and a fabric banner with the slice precut

Well, with warmer weather flirting with us and promising that it’s going to come and stay here for longer than just one day with a high of 65 degrees, and with the arrival of color me happy finally making it to stores, here’s a fun little project for you to spruce up your outside parties […]
V and Co: Color Me Happy is NOW IN STORES

Color Me Happy is now in stores. I’m Very VERY excited as this is my FAVORITE. No really hands down…fave. 🙂 I just had to pop in here to say that it’s now shipped to stores and to please start using it for projects and upload it to my V and Co. flicker group or […]
V and Co: Thoughts from the Shipping Department

This is Vanessa… This is Vanessa total buried in work… Yeah right! Like she’d let me show you how messy her work space is right now! Her projects are totally top secret anyway, so even if I could get a picture, it would have to be redacted! She checked her calendar and thought to herself, […]
a little love

i heart you quilt pattern and textured pillows pattern braided pillow shown Well! I do have to say that you guys were cracking me up on the last post with some of the crap your kids have said! WOW!!!! Fantabulous! And thanks for making me laugh!! So with Valentine’s being kind of around the corner I […]
how to make: Christmas Stockings

Hey so guess what. My calendar…totally broken. It says that there’s only 7 days left till Christmas. HA…yeah I know. I KNOW. Okay?! Sheesh. Where did the time go? I guess its okay. I’m not the best winter season person, and this year it’s COLD. And snowy and COLD. So of course lets throw out […]
V and Co.: jelly roll jam quilt free pattern and video tutorial

hi there! so with summer lone gone and a distant memory, we now look forward to fall. we’ve had a Fall-ish kind of weekend, and honestly, fall hasn’t been my favorite since i moved from california. while i grew up in california, i LOVED LOVED fall. why? well because it meant pumpkins, and pumpkin smelling […]
V and Co: another finish

this summer is passing me by quite quickly. anyone else having a super fast warp speed summer too? not that im complaining. we’ve had a great summer. we’ve relaxed, we’ve done some fun family stuff, and we’ve done a family vacation. which i’ll show pictures of that soon too. i’ve worked on my new fall […]
V and Co: tips for small hexagon paper piecing

phew! well i said i would get this out on wednesday didn’t i? i didn’t mention that it might be at 11:59 on wednesday night…but with all the kids home for summer, that’s how we’re rolling today. anyways, here’s my helpful hints for small hexagon paper piecing. i’ll talk about getting your hexagons started, and […]
V and Co.: how to: finish a dresden plate

we survived the 4 day weekend. we even got to leave town briefly to enjoy an indoor water park. then i came home and in between dinner and nighttime routines, while editing some pictures i got to yell at the season finale of downton abbey. seriously. what the heck. i knew it was coming but […]
V and Co: remember when…

…i said i was going to show you how to appliqué and make different middles for your dresden plates today…that was when i had a brain fart and forgot that my kids had a 4 day weekend. and that i invited other boys to come over to keep them company…so currently i have 7 boys […]
V and Co: first quilt of the year 2013

happy new year! a few days late but whatever right? okay so here we go my first quilt and pattern of the year. i’m so excited to show you her. this one has now become my new favorite pattern. yes. i love it a lot. it’s called “i heart you.” i called it that because […]
V and Co: how to: simply color ombre baby quilt

first off WELCOME NOVEMBER!!! what? okay not asking too many questions, but seriously how’d we get here already? anyways, this is one of those projects that i’ve been so super excited to show off here on the blog but, has been sitting on the back burner just WAITING for the right time to make it on […]
V and Co: how to: make a spiderweb table runner

we are “enjoying” the last day of our four day weekend over here. give a girl a month and half of all 4 kids in school and my how i forget so quickly how it is to have them around.every.waking.moment.of.the.day. anwho last year i was all humbug about the holidays. i think i was […]
V and Co: moda blog hop

welcome welcome! ahhhhh! i of course made the mistake of my dates and am posting completely late! i thought i was supposed to blog about me on the 15th. wrong. that’s when a winner will be picked. heaven help me. so here we go! welcome to the moda blog hop! i’m Vanessa i just had […]
V and Co: how to: baby girl onesies: dyeing with rit dye

so last week i got to go to a baby shower (yes, by myself during the day while the kids were all in school…but i wasn’t going to say that because i feel like i’ve rubbed that in your face enough and i kind of still want you to like me aside from the fact […]
V and Co: at spring market 2012

summer is in full swing over here and i am working on small amount of time in between noisemakers needing something or needing to be redirected. 🙂 (currently im on my couch with noisemaker’s #3 feet up in the air arguing across my lap (and laptop) with the girl noisemaker about speaking spanish and french. […]
V and Co: easter egg craft

so this last week in-between climbing mount laundry and wading through the sludge of things not done ie scheduling doc appointments and car appointments, grocery shopping and all that other normal every day stuff that seemed to pile up just a little bit larger than usual because i was gone for a week (and had […]
V and Co: how to:reverse applique pleated heart

last year i made a reverse appliqued gathered heart pillow. so this year why the heck not do a reverse applique pleated heart pillow. try saying that 10 times fast. i dare you. this is a great idea for basically any holiday. (yup, already working on some other ones!) so if you want to add […]
V and Co: sponsored giveaway: greenfairy quilts

i have valentines on the brain. green fairy quilts thinks you might too. so, to make your projects happen…here’s a sweet giveaway. read more and enter to win here ps: tutorial coming soon.
V and Co: catch up or ketchup

since moving here almost 6 months ago, i feel like life has been moving in fast forward motion. i blog sporadically. weekly mind you…but no set post, and no set hours like i am so fond of doing. i clean like a mad woman only to get aggravated that my house still needs to be […]
V and Co: how to: homemade hand warmers

the other day my son came in with a pink nose and yelled “MOM! I’M FREEEEEZING! do you still have that rice bag thing you made? can you heat it up?” yeah i still have my rice bag feet warmer i use it all the time, because i’m like always cold. so i said “yeah, […]
V and Co: cooks: 3 minute 3 ingredient mint fudge

last year i gave you this 3 minute fudge…well with the holidays in full swing lets add a little holiday twist to it shall we? this fudge can go by many names: simple mint fudge, increase your jean size fudge, make your friends fat so you look good fudge…but i went with the “make you […]
V and Co: how to: simple poinsettia wreath

first off, hope you had a great thanksgiving holiday. i am still recovering from turkey/pumpkin pie/stuffing and all the fixings hangover…so i’m moving a little sluggish these days, but nothing like the christmas season to keep you moving right along, or rather push you right along…so here we go. yes, another wreath. since i’m all […]
V and Co: kid spider craft and other fall projects

this last weekend we had a four day fall weekend. we ended up spending some time up in des moines; seems like a nice enough place. 🙂 we still had the rest of the weekend plus monday off. saturday was spent doing outside chores and some inside fun. (it got a little chilly!) and then […]
we survived

the first day of school went off without a hitch. as excited i was about all of them going to school prior to today…i cried after sending off each of my boys on the buses, and again when dropping off katie at pre-school. i even yelled after the 7 year old that i loved him […]
V and Co: quilt blog festival

well it’s just like me to yet again show up to the blog quilt festival coming in at a 100 mph and sliding into a parallel parking spot with hair singed and smoke coming off the tips of my hair. every year i manage to make it at the end with that image running through […]
just sewed through my finger

oh. my.h-e double hockey sticks. okay it wasn’t through the whole finger…but it went through half way and i pulled real quick when it happened so the needle broke in my finger but not before it tore my fingernail. i literally had to pull the needle through from under the nail and then un-thread my […]
london bridge is falling down

this last weekend we found ourselves in the car driving to lake havasu. did you know the actual london bridge is there? yeah, my 11 year old schooled me on it…i was a little blown away with the info…and well when we got there, sure enough we read up on it and he was right. […]
V and Co video how to: jersey fabric bracelet

bypass all the embarrassment of listening to this and just look at pictures of the tutorial here okay so here’s the video. holy hannah, my voice, the blurriness, and katie’s off key singing in the back ground and then going to the bathroom and then asking to be wiped in the middle of it…well…you asked […]
welcome to quilt album blog hop day 2

well first off i want to say “thank you” for yesterday. i was definitely not prepared to have almost all the fabric sell that quickly! i thought i had time to cut up some more but you guys swiped me out too quickly! but i have in fact cut up some more (some of them […]
now available: The Abby Bag Pattern

well! all i have to say is THANK YOU for the wonderful response on my newest pattern! by far this is the best pre-order success my little shop has ever experienced! thank you to all who ordered over the last few days! a little about this bag: it’s large 21″ x i’m hoping to make […]
celebrate the boy 2

so i’m sure you’ve heard of celebrate the boy already, if not go check it. we so often focus on all the adorable cute girly things we can make, that little and big brothers get left out in the mix. but dana of MADE and rae of made by rae have teamed up for the […]
V and Co how to: mini zig zag quilt

the other day katie came to me with a big frown on her face. “what’s wrong?” i asked her she then holds out a pink with more pink doll quilt in one hand and the harley monkey in the other and in a very disappointed tone replied “MOM, he’s a BOY.” so we made little […]
cool and not cool

picture courtesy of dana from this post okay so i guess it has to be said because in the past month a few of my pictures have been taken off my site and used to promote other sites. so here we go. i totally love when others find me and my creations through another site […]
why i keep doing what i do

since i could remember i was making stuff. i really like it. you could almost say i love it. yeah, i would say i love it a lot. but, one thing is making stuff and enjoying it yourself and then there’s this really cool thing of having others kind of like the stuff you make […]
me on TV -oh dear heavens

first off holy hannah! 5000 comments later on the giveaway. and i come to find out that 5000 comments is the limit that blogger lets you have. i.never.knew.that. so i’ve opened up asecond post for all you people who keep emailing me to open up the comments again. okay now for moving on: well so […]
winners of sparkle power giveaway

thanks to all who entered and played in sparkle power’s giveaway! random # generator picked #25 natalie marie and #189 brumacd congrats to the winners your info has already been given to candace, and she will contact you to see which poster you chose. stay tuned for a holiday tutorial.
two years in a row

well i don’t know if you saw, but my baby life quilt made it on U-Create’s top ten list for 2010’s most popular tutorials, ahem… this is my second year on that list. yeah, cause i’m cool like that. HA! kidding, i was floored when i got the email. mainly because this last year, i’ve […]
before and after: the basement and boys’ rooms

well hello there! happy new year! we are starting our new year with a bang, i have three out of four of the noisemakers home from school due to a little bug they’ve managed to pick up from…yup you got it, from the only kid that made it to school today. i’ve so far have […]
it’s been a good year 2010

just a few projects i did this last year. you can find all of them here this last year i made my word “consistency” i wanted to make sure that i worked on being a better person all around. not just in the things that i liked but in the things that i struggled with. […]
how to: fabric snowflake table runner

so glad to see so many of you coming out of the woodwork to show your true colors on the addictive time waster apps and stupid facebook games. i’m not proud but i’m glad to say that my one time 10 hour obsession seems to be over. >;p okay, today i’m guest posting this tutorial […]
i likey the laptop: the review

This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Intel. so this last week i was suppose to see if having a laptop would actually be beneficial to me…hmmm well lets see, on wednesday my laptop had multiple tabs going, one of them being how to brine my turkey… you know i do it every year, […]
winner of burgundy buttons giveaway

the start the my brine for my turkey. i love me the citrus brine! was your thanksgiving good? one of our kids got the flu. yuck. other than that we had a wonderful day full of too much food, great friends and even more too much pie and treats. how was your black friday? any […]
lovely view

as i make final sewing instructions for that skirt and for that flag quilt i can’t help but stare at my threads. they speak volumes of my favorite colors to applique in and what colors i usually end up binding quilts in. i’m taking a few days off. hopefully i’ll be back with a new […]
for the bloggers quilt festival

well it seems like every year i always wait till the last day of the festival to finally get my quilt up and shown. amy is hosting the 4th bloggers quilt festival. and i’m excited to share my just dandy quilt. this quilt is my favorite one i’ve ever made. it might be because i […]
how to: just in time for fall flower

it feels like it’s been ages since i did a “sewing” tutorial project. i swear i’ve been sewing as a matter of fact if feels like i’ve been running a marathon at times. but nothing that i’ve shared i guess. so here’s one that i seriously just made yesterday just because i felt like it. […]
candy corn frozen yogurt

this year i feel like i’ve not paid attention to the fact that halloween is like in two days. um normally i’m chomping at the bit to get my hands on pumpkins by like sept 30th…and yet here we sit on oct 29th and i’ve still not bought one single pumpkin to carve. i have […]
sneek peek

my old dining slash kitchen area looking a lot more “moving organized” in this picture than what it really looks like right now well i really can’t write much as i am in a time warp continuum of this black hole called “moving just down the street.” but here’s a snip-it of my new kitchen […]
guest post: yo yo pumpkin by praiseworthy

Thanks, Vanessa, for hosting us today! We’re excited to share this stuffed yo-yo pumpkin tutorial from our Praiseworthy blog to all of you. Enjoy! So this is a continuation of my post last week, since I already professed my favoritism of pumpkins. For some background, a couple of years ago, I took a ferry ride […]
editing photos=some tips

i’ve been getting asked by a few of you if i have a cool lens that does different effects on my pictures. the answer is no, i do not. but i do in fact have access to a pretty cool editing program. oh, okay before you huff and puff and start thinking “of course she […]
tutorial: fabric bow pasta

something’s cooking in the kitchen! can you see what it is? go on take a closer look. mmm garden flavored bow pasta! sure to be a delight in anyone’s kitchen! cook it…. drain it… and serve it! want to make some for your little darlin’s kitchen too? what you will need: *5 by 5 squares […]
coming together

i mentioned a while a go that i was re-decorating. trying to bring a more “fresh” look. a little more modern but still country loft. i don’t know if that’s what i’ve acomplished but whatever the case i like it more and more as i S-L-O-W-L-Y change things as i make them. this little pillow […]

all your funny lovely comments and the outside. also remember you have till midnight tomorrow (saturday) to enter…and then we’ll announce the winner on sunday. i’m in the middle of a few more projects…but for now we are enjoying the last hurrah of summer…i’m slowly moving back into “fall mode” one tutorial and project at […]
v and co tutorial: make your own custom art

so using your vinyl cutter (silhouette) you can make this lovely little custom canvas art. my house is in the middle of a decorating overhaul and i don’t have a buttload of money to just go out and buy pottery barn everything soooo. why not make some decor? once i got my design on my […]
it rained last week

so… last week it rained for a few days…we weren’t able to go to the pool. we were at a lost as to what to do… okay the kids weren’t they loved the puddles…but what did i used to do? oh yeah. i think i sort of remember the sewing machine and paint and some […]
giveaway: fat quarter shop

well first off thanks for the kind lovely encouraging words. it’s nice to hear that people like me for more than just my tutorials. happy day! i promise to continue the tutorials but i need to most def make things well rounded and i need to make sure i’m here for a while and not […]
word vomit

okay i need to say this. so bear with me. i’ve been simplifying. that’s been the name of the game this summer. not only have i simplified my extra curricular activities (aka trying to keep up with the ever super duper fast paced tutorial blogging world), but i’m using this time to simplify my life […]
guest blogger: notes from a very red kitchen

kathleen from notes from a very red kitchen is my guest blogger today. i’m so excited about her tutorial because it’s just so darn cute and my kids would love this! i’m pretty sure yours will too! take it away kathleen Hi everybody! Today I’m going to show you how to make your very own… […]
spruce up your towel

so it’s no secret we’ve been spending oodles and oodles of time at the pool. i wish it was the beach, but that’s too far away, so the pool it shall be. i’ve been asked by mique of 30 days to do a tutorial for her “funner in the summer” series. and nothing speaks more […]
tutorial: how to make a star for a quilt

because i keep getting people excitedly showing me their first quilts due to my how to make a pinwheel tutorial and then my nine patch tutorial, i’ve decided that there are a lot of us out there that learn the same way. through step by step pictures. and while quilting in general looks like a […]
winner of green fairy quilts giveaway.

thank you all who entered! random # generator picked lucky number: #699 Karyli said… Please change my luck! 🙂 June 10, 2010 3:22 PM uh well there you go i guess i just changed your luck! congrats! please contact me via email with your info so we can get you your winnings! oh don’t worry […]
guest blogger: anna of noodlehead

so glad all of you are laughing at along with me on my misfortune. i’ll be writing the last part of my unfortunate events series later today to post for tomorrow. but for now here’s a tutorial by the sweetest mid western gal i just met a couple weeks ago, my friend anna: hello V […]
guest blogger: lindsey of pleated poppy

hello! i’m lindsey from the pleated poppy. by day i’m a mom to 3 littles and a part time home schooler. by night i’m a blogger and shop keeper, working away into the wee hours in my little sweat shop. i have a deep love for all things fabric: drooling over it online, buying, sewing, […]
guest blogger tutorial: calli of make it do.

okay today please give a warm welcome to calli of make it do! I thought with pretty good certainty that the last corsage I would ever pin on was at Senior Prom in High School. But I was wrong. A few weeks ago I visited the Quilting Cottage in American Fork, Utah. I love the […]
guest blogger tutorial: allison of cluck cluck sew

Hey there fellow V & Co. readers! Allison here from the site Cluck. Cluck. Sew. While Vanessa is on a plane heading to quilt market (jealous!) I get to man her blog and share a fun tutorial with you. So here goes….. Today we’re going to make a Petal Pillow. Its very easy, cost me […]
a few things if you will

if you are looking for the sew mama sew giveaway day post…check it here. winners will be picked at midnight tonight, sorry i have to close it then because i need to go to sleep because i’m leaving in the morning. early. now onto the other things going on. yes it’s true i’m going to […]
guest blogger tutorial: steph of somewhat simple

today i’m blog swapping with steph from somewhat simple. check out her tutorial here and then come check out mine on hers! Happy Friday Everyone!!! I am super excited to be guest posting on Vanessa’s darling site. I love it here, so please excuse me while I make myself comfy… My name is Stephanie and […]
guest post at theCreative Connection

yup me, can you believe it? i got asked to do a blog post at the ever wonderful site created by Nancy Soriano, former editor in chief of Country Living and Jo Packham,the founder and editor in chief of WHERE WOMEN CREATE. i am humbled (and was a nervous wreck writing the post) that they […]
tutorial: flower corsage for celebrating mom

Being a mom sometimes isn’t the most glamorous job one can have. Being a mom sometimes means walking around with food or boogers on your shirt, and sometimes not getting into the shower till afternoon . we’re busy driving kids to school and activities, busy folding laundry, busy wiping away tears, busy reading bed time […]
tutorial: heat press vinyl on shirts

can you tell i have babies on the brain. no not me. my friends. mom, you can let go of the panic and start breathing again. that was not some sort of hint. trust me. one goal i had this year was to learn more about silk screening. well i did just that. and i […]
tutorial: ombre style onesie

got someone that’s going to be a mom for the first time? or maybe for the 2nd, 3rd, or 15th time? what better thing to make for her and her wee little bladder jumping, hemorrhoid maker, parasite in her belly baby, but a stylish hip ombre onesie. i don’t know about you but i’ve taken […]
guest blogger tutorial: tiffany of simply modern mom

okay first off thanks so much for the lovely response on the fabric flower ring (and kits). those babies are flying out the door and into the mail later on today. keep em coming and i’ll keep up i promise. now…today’s guest blogger tutorial is from the lovely tiffany of simply modern mom. tiffany is […]
tutorial: fabric flower ring

here’s the post i was too sick to do last week. i’m feeling better. thank you for your kind words. and no i didn’t burn the toast on purpose, that actually happened (a few days earlier…i just thought it was funny and so i took a picture.) who knew that it was a perfect picture […]
guest blogger tutorial: cheri of i am momma

first off i am so beyond amazed at your answers from yesterday’s post. thank you for your honesty and thank you for kind words on mine! second,i am beyond tickled to introduce my guest blogger of the day. ever heard of the blog i am momma hear me roar? cheri is cute, cheri is nice…but […]
tutorial: decorating a pot with jute

mother’s day is right around the corner. and shortly after that the end of school. wouldn’t a pot filled with flowers be the perfect (and easy!) gift to give to the mother’s and teachers in your life? a plain pot will do just fine…but one with a little more character would be better. ready? it’s […]
that time of the year again

nope not tax time…well, yes it’s that too… did you get your’s done? phew, we did too. but that’s not what i’m talking about. i’m talking about DERBY RACING TIME. yes, that time of the year when the boys become men and the men become…boys. sanding, shaping, grinding. painting, drawing, hotglueing. WD-40-ing, graphite powedering, and […]
a few faves from the link up

well, well, well, for the first link me up party i think we did pretty well. almost 180 links. not bad. there were so many of you that entered that i wasn’t able to comment on each. oh but i did check out each and every one of you! fabulous things being created out there! […]
vinyl on canvas : mini tutorial

first off hello! and THANK YOU for linking up soo many wonderful things! wow! come later this week (as i finish making my rounds) i’ll showcase a few of your creations here on the blog. second, the jedi robes. so many of you asked where i got the pattern…they are modified versions of this pattern. […]
link me up, you will…

so my boys have been begging for jedi robes. for like ever. last week while i was tired and probably half asleep boy #1 had a conversation with me that i can’t remember for the life of me what was said in it, but at the end i did the “pinky promise” to seal the […]
guest tutorial blogger: amy of diary of a quilter

amy of the blog: diary of a quilter is my next guest blogger. she and i go way back. back to the days when i lived in provo had 2 kids and was making a living off of stitchery patterns. (well okay, it was more like it helped with our grocery bills while we were […]
Untitled Post

i love getting emails with pictures and links of things you’ve made with my tutorials. kayleen made these balls using my fabric balls pattern. i think they turned out gorgeous. and her photography. lovely. and i love getting emails with links of things you have been working NOT using my tutorials. like these lovely free […]
what i’ve been working on…

so on top of sewing new curtains for my home… the community council and i have been sewing this quilt. all the fabric was donated and we made it in like two nights. then we had a fabulous friend (hi f!) quilt it for us and then another wonderful friend (hi lori!) and i sat […]
guest tutorial blogger: Dana of MADE

well this gal doesn’t really need an introduction. but i’ll do one anyways. it was last “end of summer” i think, when i contacted dana because i became obsessed with her shirt dress refashion. she inspired me to make katie’s skirt dress refashion. and well, since then, we’ve had countless of emails back and forth […]
guest tutorial blogger: taylor of MaryJane and Galoshes

so i don’t get out much. no, not like as in out of my home, it feels like i’m always running full speed somewhere or need to be doing something. no, i mean as in i don’t get out much of my little corner of the blogworld. see, i know there’s like a lot of […]
tutorial: appliqueing with used dryer sheets

i’m not a big time holiday or season decorator. what i have up is what i have up all year round, usually. except for a little something here and there. well here’s a tutorial to add a little something springish to your home. oh and i’m going to show you how you can use old […]
guest tutorial blogger: Disney of ruffles and stuff

i’m excited to introduce this weeks guest blogger Disney of the ever popular blog Ruffles and Stuff. it all started when she left me a comment a couple of months ago and i instantly thought “wait either this person really likes disneyland stuff or could she really be named disney?” so then i clicked over […]
winner of quilt shoppe giveaway

well, it’s a good thing i have mad counting skills and can count up into the thousands, because apparently you guys like fabric. and if it’s free and cute even the better. either that or you guys are a bunch of cheapskates who will jump at anything free. either case thanks for making that the […]
my new design for a pillow

created just like my other pillows here and here, this is my way of designing exactly what i want for the look i’m going for. oh but why am i making new slip covers do you ask? this slip covered pillow was created … *drum roll please* for my new to me… leather couch. yes, […]
guest tutorial blogger: Mique of thirty handmade days

i’d like to introduce mique of thirty handmade days. we met while being on sytyc together and as we emailed back and forth we found out we have a LOT in common… we both grew up in the southern california (S.D.) area, and we both graduated around the same time from each others rivaling high […]
a big ‘ol fat thank you

MARCH. really? already? okay fine then. march is a good month for me. it’s my anniversary of marriage month. it’s my spring cleaning month. it’s my lets bring in color to my house month. itching for change in the weather month. i want to move furniture around, i want to change my walls. i want […]
my tutorials at sew mama sew

later today and tomorrow you will be able to see my tutorials over at sew mama sew. when i was asked if i could come up with something for weddings i said “SURE!” and then i wanted to throw up because…um helloooo it’s SEW MAMA SEW. all breathing exercises, and hot glue gun blisters aside, […]
tutorial: spray painted slipcovers…boy edition

it’s my turn to be a part of celebrate the boy month! i’m excited to show a little of what i’ve been working on for that. this year i decided to finally start tackling my boys’ room. i knew i didn’t want too much in their room for decoration, i believe a boy’s room should […]