V and Co: how to: make an ombre ruffled flower onesie
nothing says girl like pink ruffles. so lets round out with what else…pink ruffles. this one is one of my favorite ones. super easy, super texture-y and super cute. we talked about dying your onesie ombre here. and then we talked about dying and appliquéing your doily on the onesie here. so now lets talk […]
V and Co: crash and burn baby
this week i had a very exciting, sad, weird, fun, happy marker come true for me. i sent my last child to school. after 12 years of having at least one small person in my home i now have 6 hours where all my minions/noisemakers/things i call my children are in school. i thought i […]
once again…target…thank you
for seriously once again, making my money fly out of my pocket faster than i can make it. these adorable decorative tapes come in a variety of colors and is available at your local target. and once again i will say it… target i love you but you are freaking me out with how evil […]
V and Co: garage sale season is upon us
last year i scored big time at the end of the season with my awesome hexy table for $3. so this year of course i’m on a mission to find garage sale finds that i’m so excited about and will help me continue the decorating of this house. sad to report that this year i’ve […]
V and Co: adventures in paper piecing
so what do you do when you feel like you have SO much on your plate, that you don’t even know where to begin? well, if you are me, you put aside some of the super pressing deadlines you’ve put upon yourself (along with things you said you would do so they are actually other […]
V and Co: how to: easy doll diaper bag
katie’s birthday is at the end of this month. she is all about little tiny things…and babies. she plays house most of the day and if she’s not with her babies she’s playing with tiny little babies that fit in your hand (well, when she’s not bothering i mean playing with the dog.) i’ve worked […]
me at the sewing summit
this is what i’m wearing to my tv debut oh man i promise i didn’t mean for all my “behind the blogging scenes” news to all come out at the same time, but it seems like it’s raining “vanessa’s dropping another thing she’s been holding from all of you.” over here. i’m so excited and […]
my new shoes
well i finally did it. i bought those yellow shoes i’ve been eyeballing for over three months. best part about it…they were on sale for $8.99. yeah i know how could i not right? (oops i guess they are now up to 12.99 again. sorry) edited: to answer the questions in the comments: they fit […]
first step to organizing and cleaning your home
so i don’t care if you have never been in the game or if you are trying to get back in the game (as i am) or have never left the game and are interested in hearing other ideas (and sharing your own!). i have this organizing/cleaning schedule that works for me and my family. […]
getaways and hair “issues”
this last weekend we went on an adventure. as our summer continues, we are seeing some pretty fantastic weather (our summers aren’t really hot so when we get into the 90’s we’re pretty excited.) not too far from us we have a little reservoir big enough for people to go boating or fishing, and the […]
guest post at theCreative Connection
yup me, can you believe it? i got asked to do a blog post at the ever wonderful site created by Nancy Soriano, former editor in chief of Country Living and Jo Packham,the founder and editor in chief of WHERE WOMEN CREATE. i am humbled (and was a nervous wreck writing the post) that they […]
impulse buy
you know, i kind of like the fact that i’m kind of thrifty. or that i don’t necessarily go out and drop money on something just because i like it or because it’s in style. heck i’ve been “buying” in my head leather couches for like years, have placed them in my living room with […]
will you help me help my friend?
kelly and i have been friends for a while. since college actually. two smart mouthed college girls. we hit it off and stayed friends. since then we’ve both moved away from our beloved california, have married equally if not more than ourselves smart mouthed men, and created little spawns that we love and adore to […]
what to do with glass hurricanes
i became obsessed with hurricanes when i saw them in the pottery barn catalog last year. loved them! so when i found these lovelies at my second hand store, i pushed over a nice lady that i thought was going to take them i quickly put them in my basket before anyone else could claim […]
my first quilt
camille over at simplify is having a parade of quilts. we are to show off our first quilt and then our last quilt we’ve completed. so here it is, in all it’s glory. my first quilt. it is a rag quilt and i along with 5 other women all walked away with the same quilt. […]
new quilt
yesterday i got sick of folding laundry. and was having a rather dull day.i walked into my daughter’s room and when i saw this on her table i got a light bulb over my head and immediately started on my pinwheels. i have an idea of what i want to try to do with this […]
late to the party but i made it
well i really can’t call it fashionably late…just really late. but i decided to join park city girl’s online quilt festival. tomorrow’s the last day to enter. a little about this quilt: this was my first quilt that i made that had triangles in it. yes, that was only last year mind you. up to […]
dresden plate
so i love fabric. i think you sort of get that on my blog. i also love old quilts. i don’t have any in my family. a while ago i decided to start making quilts so that the tradition can begin of having old heirloom quilts passed along the way in our family. it’s been […]
decorating 101
picture by pottery barn CORRECT PLACEMENT OF WALL HANGINGS i see it all the time. and really it’s not their fault. they hear “eye level” and yeah we are taller these days, but too often i see pictures “floating” up on walls too high. and when asked by someone who wants my help to decorate […]
vintage pattern
i got this pattern yesterday. thought about making it into a dress but seriously look how short those things are…i mean can we say HU–SSY? anywho, i decided to make it into a shirt. and i really like it a lot so i think i’ll make the hussy dress a little longer but not as […]
projects finished
made out of vintage fabric… i call her ” with a splash of lime” and she’s available in my shop. it’s been a while since i made the little one a dress. this one makes me happy. yellow just seems happy doesn’t it? yes, it’s made out of a re-purposed sheet) this cute little ironing […]
you all keep asking the same questions
so many of you keep asking who did my header: well i have to thank EMILY JUNE DESIGNS for my fabulous new headers (she did my etsy one too!) and button. i have bling now, and now you can have it on your blog as well! wear it proudly friends! second off i have to […]
the sun was out…
and so were we. the kids were home yesterday… and what better way to spend a beautiful, sunny, lazy day then outside in the back yard doing “hand sewing work” while the kids enjoyed the sun and outside toys (and some man tools that the boys are so fond of for thier digging). i worked […]
things i love…
re-purposing old sheetscute little sundress made out of second hand find sheets. this skirt and this quilt were my first projects with old sheets. then i attempted the barcelona skirt pictured above. by far this is my FAVORITE skirt i own. and then i started making dresses for the little one with old sheets, love […]
fake forks vs real forks
GI Joe and i have been acting like 3 year olds over here. well, to give you an idea i’m going to do a “conversation with GI Joe” if you will. let me set the stage: go back um almost two weeks ago right before GI Joe came home and a week after i left […]
things i love…
hand made goodness…for little girls. felt food is one of my big time obsessions. i can’t get enough of it, i’m working on making some patterns of my own because i see that there are a lot of felt food out there, but not many patterns. the strawberries were my first attempt at making felt […]
things i love…
decorating with plates. this one is in my daughter’s bedroom and is my most favorite plate that i own. it’s enamelware with little flowers on it. if anyone knows where i can get any more i will forever love you!!! i found this one around a year ago and i thought i had died or […]
my valentine quilt
first off thanks for yesterday. really i love your guys’ comments. 🙂 second off lets get on with that valentine quilt i mentioned a while back that i thought would be a good idea to make. here are scraps of fabric i have collected over the years with good intentions of using, i always have […]
new fabric and the monthly ickies
if you haven’t been to jo-ann’s lately, oh my it’s not the jo-anns i knew a few years ago. or maybe being out in the middle of nowhere really does a number on you and you think anything other than walmart flannel is hip happening and gives you butterflies in your stomach when you see […]
sundays suck, and things to come
i hate sundays, it’s the hardest day of the week for me. it’s suppose to be the Lord’s day and a spiritual day. not so much for me, it’s pretty much my own personal hell (yup, it bumped walmart with kids off the list), but i go because i have to, God told me to. […]
she’s such a “betty”
i think that’s her name. GI joe husband took it upon himself to buy me a sewing machine. yes, you read it right. HE bought ME a sewing machine. GI joe husband loves to research (that’s why he went and got himself a PhD. so he could one day teach at a university and do […]
a winner and a confession
well thanks for playing! yes, here’s to another fun year but with a husband in the picture! so i asked the random integer generator thing a mi-jiggy to get me a random # (uh, no way was i going to pick out the winner and have the rest of you get mad at me!) so […]
i’m speechless and that doesn’t happen often
um hmmm well…i’m going to read the books again because 1) i need to like jasper and stop laughing every time i think about him and 2) i need to remember the story and forget the whole thing ever happened on the big screen the way that it did. seriously kind of disappointed…did anyone else […]
momma’s gettin a new camera…
dear GI joe husband, first off i just want to remind you that i am taking care of your children, your house, and your affairs while you’ve been gone for this year…not only that but i’ve been working out…A LOT (who am i kidding that’s not really FOR you, it’s really for me, but for […]
it may be fall outside, but it feels like spring in here
i ‘m so in love with the whole process of the grandmother’s flower. of course give me a few more hundred of these babies and we’ll see what kind of tune i’ll be singing then. but i love the fact that i can go anywhere and at anytime just start working on it. i want […]
before and after::my buffet
this piece of furniture was GI joe husband’s grandma’s dresser…i wish i had a better picture of the before but i don’t sorry! all you need to know is that the handles were gold and yuck and well i wasn’t diggin‘ the wood. this has been on my to do list for a few years, […]
before and after::second hand dresser
remember this tired old gal i got for $30 on my trip in california? yeah the one i threatened my kids that they were going to be strapped up on the roof of the car if i didn’t get to fit it in my trunk? well take a look at her now: with just one […]
the secret to organizing
i absolutely love how i feel when things are organized. that’s what this fall has really been about at my house. slowly but surely i’m trying to get back my organizing skills that i had when we bought our first little house. really, that was the most organized i have ever been it seems. i […]
grandmother’s garden quilt inspiration
inspiration brought to you by flicker photos…i have no idea how to make a mosaic of my own but found this one when i hit “search” grandmother’s garden quilts. i think i may give it a go…does anyone have any advise? ps: i promise this the last post from me today…i just could help this […]
meet “barbara”, the loan-er
so GI joe husband and i had a conversation the other night and it went a *little* like this: (i MAY have taken some liberty in my creative writing. and he MAY not of said EXACTLY what i’ve written) GI joe husband: hey so i read the blog cause i am totally into reading your […]
chasing cows in flipflops and felt strawberries…
uh yeah the boys “accidently” let the cows out, but not just into our backyard….no not even into our front yard…when the boys finally came to tell me what they had done (i haven’t seen them this scared to tell me ANYTHING in their lives) the cows were grazing down the street and were on […]
some clarification…
so here are some of the specifics (which i’m still working out): **the store that i’m going to be paying rent in is already up and running as a scrapbook and consignment shop, but she doesn’t want to do consignment anymore and has expressed that she needs help with decorating it and keeping set hours… […]
i couldn’t help myself…
i promised myself that i wasn’t going to buy any more fabric, the idea is that i was going to use up what i had in my collection…but when i think of nine patch quilts i think it in 1930’s colors and prints. i’m still going to use up my stuff but i’m going to […]
please just blame it on PMS
my life must be totally PATHETIC or i’m PMSing real bad because when i went to the store yesterday to get “the book” you know the one that we all sound so silly and down right stupid talking about and trying to explain it to people who havn’t read them…anyways yeah at the store i […]
well looky what we got here…
my fabulous friend that just so happens to be a professional quilter brought back my katie quilt! i’m binding it this weekend!!! oh and see these plates? yeah they are alright, someone was cleaning out their closet and didn’t want them any more and asked if i wanted this little plate rack and the the […]
mad about yo-yo’s, red, and turquoise
well my HOLLY girly bags are coming along quite nicely, i’ll definitely be making the deadline i made for myself of wednesday at 2pm to stock up the store with the handbags. this weekend has been spent making yo-yo’s like a mad woman, and playing outside with the boys and the little one. oh and […]
so pretty…
okay so here it is…NO I DIDN’T make that one…but i’m making one sort of like it…in light blue…so hopefully it’ll look like that but in light blue minus the bow. um i sew for the boys too! but can you tell i’ve been waiting for a girl all my life?
buggy barn quilt
so here’s the buggy barn “stars and stripes” that i’m entering into the fair. and it wasn’t till someone mentioned that they hoped that i would win a ribbon…that it actually dawned on me “oh yeah people are going to be JUDGING this thing” and i quickly started to have the feeling that i wanted […]
i found her…
i decided to stop by an antique mall on my way home from the weekend celebrations. yes i took all 4 monkeys in with me and just as my nerves were about to be too much to handle with all the “please don’t touch that!” “you are going to break something!” and “i swear if […]
last of the 4th pics…and house stalking
this one is for all my friends who have little girls that would of looooooooved to of been there in person to see miley (yeah we’re on fist name basis now) this is the new house that i like… okay lust after…its a little on the “too big” side for me (too much cleaning on […]
dear crystal light…
its not you its me…and i don’t want to entirely give up drinking you because you taste good and replenish my thirst…but you don’t do for me what my beloved diet dr pepper does…keep me awake. now you see i have 4 little kids and my husband is gone for a while and i can’t […]
summer quilt::part 2
i still have to hand bind the beast but i think i can do it in two nights…after the kids are in bed. i’ll pop in a few good movies and give it a go…what do you think?
oops i forgot to write : p.s. i still need cute sationary
good book
it was easy it was fun and it was cute, and i did it in a day/night. once again i’m not into mythological stuff but this shannon hale chick is pretty good and makes it fun. the one i finished today (not mush sewing going on because of it) is “unwind” by neal shsterman. its […]
my little doll quilt is done… and if i didn’t need the money i would totally tell you all to “forget it you can’t have it” but because i need the money to keep on my goal of buying a new sewing machine, you can find it here and buy it in my shop it’s […]
and now we sit and wait…
i’m burnt, i’m tired, i’m dirty, and i’ve got some paint on me too. seriously…i’ve spent the last two days busting my butt planting. and these pictures are all that I have to show for it…i know i know it’ll keep growing and filling in and I should be getting some nice zucchini, squash and […]
Inspiration in all the right places
this is my uncle, and this is his backyard…isn’t it amazing? he built the little house (it used to be the playhouse when i was growing up, and now it’s his little retreat) he made the pond (we used to swim in there as little kids) it even has a water fall and bridge. As […]
what i realized on my trip…
** my 6 year old can read REALLY well. well enough that i had to ban him from reading the billboards in las vegas. **going cold turkey off of diet dr. pepper, projects, and blogging…after shakes and rocking back and forth in the corner for a couple of days…it was nice to see that going […]
apple blossems crazy kids and getting ready to head out to san diego.
beautiful isn’t it? my apple trees are all blooming! i’m so excited i can hardly stand it!!! last year we got a couple of apples that made for some good sling shots…nothing else…but i hear that around here (and everywhere else?) apple trees produce every other year, and if that’s the case this is the […]
tables, armiores, and chairs oh my!
new updated pics of the slc trip: me being a dork…as usual… i stole these pics from my friend rachel…she wasn’t a ninny…she remembered her camera! this is me and some of my new bloggy friends (apron girls) at Gardener’s village… as i roamed the isles of the D.I.’s up north this weekend, i was […]
what i did and didn’t do
*i DID make and finish AND package my felt sugar cookies. *i DID simplify kate’s room to some basic colors that i will build on. *i DID work on my quilt gosh i mean kate’s quilt, and i am in love with it (and almost done with it) *i DID start eating my weight in […]
these hands and phantoms
these are the hands of my father in law. he can do a better job than any professional i know. currently he is working on my sprinkler system, picking up where my husband left off before he had to leave. these hands can do just about anything handyman-ish, they could build you a house they […]
big changes…
it all started with this picture ( i don’t even know where i found it, so if anyone knows who’s blog it was i just randomly checking out when i fell in love and got dizzy with excitement, will you let me know?) her room was going to be all white with a splash here […]
your new body by summer…
in the city there are many workout options. there are Pilate centers, yoga centers, gyms almost on ever other block, boot camps for all sorts of different things, liposuction centers…you name you got it. out here we have to do things a little differently. first off you have to deal with land, the mowing alone […]
learning to photoshop
okay, i bought myself a few things this last week, an early birthday present? maybe a belated 10 year anniversary present…hmmm nope i’m just going to blame this one on i really needed a pick me up and on friday and i wanted photoshop and darn it i was going to buy it. so i […]
some of my favorite things
stitchery and books. there’s something about the whole cottage thing that makes me warm and happy. i love that i walk in and instantly want to look around at what the walls or see what the cupboards hold. curl up on the couch with a quilt and a book or stitch something new, or just […]
my inspiration…
from: cottage style decorating by sunset one of my favorite books to just sit and stare at. i think i’m going to start tackling the outside of the house again.
purging and projects…
well, with my mom gone back to san diego, and me being back home from my time with jake, and my boys trying to pull fast ones on my mom all week long while i was gone, looking at the damage on the house (cleanliness) i have my hands full for a while, buuuuut, i’m […]
very productive and destructive week…
so i lied, it wasn’t ALL productive, i did take a couple of “emotional sick days” where i did nothing but eat my weight in ice cream while i read and ignored the house and the world around me, including the very angry 8 year old who got moved from one class to another “just […]
i want to make this…
for my room. i love it so.
i was stupid last night
i stayed up till around 2 in the morning sobbing over not just one but 2 movies. the notebook and pride and predjudice. good news is that i finished the binding on the doll quilts and some table runners! go check it out http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5653742 my eyes are still puffy, i’m totally tired, and i have […]
meet katie’s dollie
here’s the black apple doll that i made for katie, but i love it so much that i’m having a hard time knowing that it’s going to be “loved” and it’s going to be destroyed. soooo i’m thinking of making another one, so she’ll have one as decoration and another to love! i’m pathetic…
haven’t completely given up on stitchery
i’ve been so busy making stuff for the gifford house and etsy that i really havnt been working on my stitchery, but here and there i’ve been able to do it, and well here’s my new pattern that will be in quilt stores for 4th of july. still have to make a few more for […]
D.I. find & sugar cookies
so i found this cute little “cake” platter (it’s katie size) and i painted it to match her kitchen (although i ran out of paint hence the shotty job) but i had to take a picture of the sugar cookies inside the cake platter. i’m still going to make a cute stand for it (so […]
dream house stalking and meals prepared
okay so this is the house that i’ve been looking at for about 3 or 4 years now, i drive by and look at it and just think it is soo lovely, i love the simplicity of it and i love the colors, love the shutters love the front door, so forth, and i have […]
Up to my eyeballs in MODA!
Okay so I wasn’t joking when I said I was getting more of the Charm Packs in. Two shipments came today!!! Got rid of most of the girly one “Allspice” and I have a few left of the “Roman Holiday”. Still swimming in the “Prairie Paisley” one and I got the “wovens” for it today […]
Moda Anyone?
Okay so this last year I got a little in over my head and ordered wholesale through Moda fabric these adorable 5X5 squares to make table runners and sell them, and yes I sold quite a few of them at the craft show that I did a while back, but I am still swimming in […]
I made that!
Okay with a lot of help of my wonderful friend Monica who guided my hand the whole time in making Katie’s kitchen. I finally finished it today (it just needs a few touch ups of paint) but oooh yeah I did my first woodworking job! By the way the little oven part does open up […]
My new pattern!
Well here it is just in time for Valentine’s Day! HA! I’m actually behind a few days! But seeing that I’m going up to Salt Lake on Friday, might as well take it in myself to the stores…and it doesn’t hurt that I get to go into the stores either and look around, and drop […]