V and Co: back to organizing 101

last snow day I spent separating, sorting and organizing a lot of pink stuff We here in the midwest have been having a doozy of a winter. With frigid cold days, icy roads, and blizzard like conditions due to windy stormy snowy days…there have been more snow days and late starts in january alone than […]
Becoming a Midwesterner

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m a little over winter. This winter has been the coldest I’ve ever experienced no seriously…like…EVER… I’ve experienced negative degrees before…but this winter we’ve experienced negative degrees that made my past experiences childs play. We’ve been been in the negatives with -45 windchills. It’s insane. You would think […]
V and Co: i miss my sewing machine…but…

i haven’t touched my sewing machine for over a week. maybe it’s been almost two. sigh. i really miss it. i have been thinking of a butt load of fun things to make…and yet…no sewing and no crafting has happened. no, instead i find myself traveling in the car to and from concert band, jazz […]
V and Co: my new sewing space

as i have mentioned before. i went from not having a sewing room to having a sewing room to not having a sewing room all within years time. our first home didn’t have an extra room for me to have so i sewed in my kitchen area. i also kept my fabric in my kitchen […]
V and Co: easter egg craft

so this last week in-between climbing mount laundry and wading through the sludge of things not done ie scheduling doc appointments and car appointments, grocery shopping and all that other normal every day stuff that seemed to pile up just a little bit larger than usual because i was gone for a week (and had […]
V and Co: sneak peak into our world

have i said happy new year yet? HAPPY NEW YEARS! i know that was like so last weekend ago, but our week has been one big mess with jake’s back going out. he is doing SO much better. each day getting a little better, he even showed off to the kids and i yesterday night […]
V and Co: before and after: the mantle

last week i sort of hinted that i was painting again on facebook. this has been an ongoing “discussion” (aka me bringing up something over and over and OVER again and jake sidestepping and dismissing and changing the subject, in hopes that i would just.give.it.up. yeah, ahem, i didn’t.) okay so since moving into our […]
V and Co: make your house pretty: affordable pillow covers

making this house pretty has been kind of a challenge to me. first off, we have a super tight budget. i mean who wouldn’t be after not having a job for 4 months and living off of what you have right? so when we sold most of our stuff to move across country on the […]
V and Co: we're moving!

after 3 full months of trying to figure out exactly what we were going to do next, after my husband’s job announced they were closing their doors, i am FINALLY able to say we know where we’re going and what we’ll be doing. it feels like we’ve been in limbo for.ev.er. and there’s a lot […]
kits available and in the kitchen

well many of you are already making the bracelets. yay! some of you have mentioned that using an old t-shirt totally works…YAY! but some of you have mentioned you didn’t have any place to get jersey material…BOO. but here’s the deal i have enough fabric of each color pictured above to make a few kits. […]
new dining room table and chairs

sooooo i finally did it…i’ve been talking for YEARS about replacing our dining room table and chairs. our last one seen here and then in our new house here has been wonderful for 13 years. it’s served our little family when it was just the two of us and we slowly graduated to 3, 4, […]
before and after: the basement and boys’ rooms

well hello there! happy new year! we are starting our new year with a bang, i have three out of four of the noisemakers home from school due to a little bug they’ve managed to pick up from…yup you got it, from the only kid that made it to school today. i’ve so far have […]
this last weekend

welcome november! oh my gosh welcome november? okay well i’ll just roll with it i guess. this last weekend i was able to pick up that “big piece of art” i had in mind. when i first saw it here. and then i saw it here. i knew that i needed to pinch pennies as […]
before and somewhat after

this last week was spent in chaos as the house kept unraveling a little more with each box being opened. but i have an end in sight now. at least all boxes except for 5 have been unpacked and done something with two of the other boxes are books that need to go in the […]

i sewed today. yeah i did. even though to get to my material and to get to my cutting board i had to climb boxes and i had to shove on more than one occasion “mount stuff of junk” from one side of the room to the other just to get something accomplished. and you […]
sneek peek: office slash sewing room

well, it’s official. i have my very own first EVER bonafide sewing slash office slash lets see how much sewing and crafting crap i can cram into a room all to myself. we signed papers on wednesday and we officially recorded as sellers of our last home and as owners of our new home on […]
sneek peek

my old dining slash kitchen area looking a lot more “moving organized” in this picture than what it really looks like right now well i really can’t write much as i am in a time warp continuum of this black hole called “moving just down the street.” but here’s a snip-it of my new kitchen […]
coming together

i mentioned a while a go that i was re-decorating. trying to bring a more “fresh” look. a little more modern but still country loft. i don’t know if that’s what i’ve acomplished but whatever the case i like it more and more as i S-L-O-W-L-Y change things as i make them. this little pillow […]
morning routines: the follow up a FAQs

alright already! i get it i gave you the routine and now you are all “when did you start?” “does this work during the fall with school?” and “I NEED A FOLLOW UP!” well aren’t we all a little demanding! in case you haven’t seen it i posted my morning routine here. but i’ll post […]
word vomit

okay i need to say this. so bear with me. i’ve been simplifying. that’s been the name of the game this summer. not only have i simplified my extra curricular activities (aka trying to keep up with the ever super duper fast paced tutorial blogging world), but i’m using this time to simplify my life […]
vinyl on canvas : mini tutorial

first off hello! and THANK YOU for linking up soo many wonderful things! wow! come later this week (as i finish making my rounds) i’ll showcase a few of your creations here on the blog. second, the jedi robes. so many of you asked where i got the pattern…they are modified versions of this pattern. […]
what i’ve been working on…

so on top of sewing new curtains for my home… the community council and i have been sewing this quilt. all the fabric was donated and we made it in like two nights. then we had a fabulous friend (hi f!) quilt it for us and then another wonderful friend (hi lori!) and i sat […]
what $10 and a mid life decorating crisis will do to ya

so a couple weeks ago things got a little ugly. let me explain: it was 2:45 pm on a thursday afternoon and for some reason i passed my living room and thought. “UGH! i love my new to me couch…but it’s not meshing in like it should.” so i thought “maybe if i move a […]
my new design for a pillow

created just like my other pillows here and here, this is my way of designing exactly what i want for the look i’m going for. oh but why am i making new slip covers do you ask? this slip covered pillow was created … *drum roll please* for my new to me… leather couch. yes, […]
before and after: hallway shelf

my shelf in my front hallway has been sitting with that little splotch of blue for like months. i had really good intentions last fall to get this project done…and well, octnovdecember happened just like that, and now january is the month to take one project at a time. this was at the top of […]
my bedroom

one of most reoccurring questions i get through email and comments (besides, where’d you get those red shoes in your header (seriously, i’ve tried to find where they sell them with still no luck!), and where’d you get those jeans (shopko… they are actually petal pushers and were bought on the whim from the clearance […]
second hand re-creation

while in my cleaning organizing fit, i’ve been able to move things around and re-create with some second hand stuff that wouldn’t normally go together. i took my thrift store find silver basket, and my thrift store find glass candle stick holder (total cost $1.00) and created my new center piece for my dining room […]
before and after: kitchen/dining area

thank you for the lovely well wishes on my birthday! yes, the husband got the necklace. i don’t know how he knew exactly what i wanted. but he did so good! 😉 okay so…this last summer we did a little remodeling in our kitchen/dining area. here are the before and during and well, i can’t […]
this, that. and a mini tutorial

as you can see, no big tutorial today. we were hit hard last week with the flu. we’re out the other end of the tunnel with kids finally feeling better. thank you for the well wishes! currently you will find me still lysol-ing and opening up windows to air out our house “just in case”. […]
a few before and afters

i’m ready to unveil a little more of our house to you. while the husband had some time off last week. we had the idea to finish up a few more things on our list of things we needed to get done in and out of the house. granted our list is monstrous but we […]
spray painting plates

one thing is for sure. my house is ever changing. and i also don’t sit for very long…BUT when i do sit…i stare around and the ‘ol brain starts a going… sometimes this drives my husband nuts. the question has been risen a few times: “why can’t you just let things be and be happy […]
it just wasn’t completely right

one thing is for sure: take a picture of your room and everything you like about it will be highlighted as well as everything you DON’T like about it. it was all bugging me and i didn’t know how to make it better. so i started to play with things. one thing that bugs me […]
armoire before and after

so i mentioned that i went to home depot last weekend and that i’ve been working on a project that i’ve procrastinated on for quite some time… i got some paint and finally got to it… when i bought this armoire from a friend 5 (or was it 6?) years ago, my intention was to […]
adding white and neutrals

i like color. you could almost say i’m a “colorful” kind of gal…actually i think someone has even described me as “colorful” in the past. or was that “interesting”? whatever the case i like color. and my house used to be all color and no “light”. but the trend in my house these days seems […]
new way to hang plates 101

i love plates being on walls. i wrote a whole post about it once. but i hate the gross brassy plate hangers that help keep them up on the wall. so i tried something new until i can get my hands on some of these:Invisible English Plate Hanger Disc-4 Inch (For Plates 8 to 12 […]
in limbo

no i’m not kidding. this is how katie’s room was painted when we moved in. and you are lucky you can’t smell through pictures cause it would knock you on your butt.katie’s room is 100% better than what it was when we first moved in. but i still feel in limbo with her room. i […]
spray painting again

the sun has been peeking its head out it every couple of days. and when it does i try my darnedest to get some painting done. spraypainting needs to happen when the sun is out and the weather is a little bit on the warmer side. i’ve been looking for a container for my daughter’s […]
shooting for wednesday

i decided to take a few days off of the blogging world. as in i tried not to check other’s people’s blogs and tried to live as if blogging weren’t a part of life. it was a nice little break. i think i need those every so often. in that time i made katie a […]
things i love

hoops with fabric in them: hoops can be found at any craft store…but i like to get mine at the second hand store. i can get a bundle of them sometimes for as cheap as 75 cents. and the metal ones are a bonus for that price! i love to decorate cheaply, so this is […]
first time in 10 years

that we don’t have a crib up in our home. we did it. we put her in her toddler bed. this toddler bed was made by my father in law. this bed is super sturdy and has survived all three boys. and now she gets it. we anticipated a hard transition, but she’s handled it […]
before and after

found at the second hand store for $25. i saw some potential. sand it down, primer it, and spray paint it. Editied: okay i can’t stand all the “white” so i’m changing the pillow covers and now it can be found in my laundry/mudroom…husband painted the laundry/mudroom this weekend. i went out on a limb […]
a before and after

remeber last week i said i was painting and organizing? (and failing to file my taxes) this is what i did last week: have you ever noticed that i try to strategically take pictures so that i don’t show you this area? well there’s a reason. first off the red table bugged me…never liked the […]
“THE” chair is done… for now

because a girl has the right to completely change her mind about anything…how ever many times she wants you may get something that she was happy with that looked like this:…to be undone and re-done in yellow gigham, undone of that and then re-done in a blue with a print of some fruit on it […]
which way should i go?

my house looks like a tornado hit it. the chair is almost done, but…. that’s just primer on there and i’m wondering…. white, black or red for the actual wood part? inquiring minds want to know. i’m leaning towards bright fire engine red. need to fold laundry just the tip of the ice burg. make […]
just plugging along…

remember my bedroom progress? well, i don’t like my bed pillows. no. actually. i hate them. it’s just too much, not right, all wrong (you get the idea) so i’m going with a softer look and i think i’m finally starting to love it…i’m still in the beginnings of making slipcovers so it will take […]
another first for me

i’ve been wanting to make these forever, well just for a few months actually and i finally got around to making them yesterday. i think these are better than any school picture up on the wall could ever be. i think i’ll make one for each kid every january. i bought the frames one at […]
things i love…

decorating with plates. this one is in my daughter’s bedroom and is my most favorite plate that i own. it’s enamelware with little flowers on it. if anyone knows where i can get any more i will forever love you!!! i found this one around a year ago and i thought i had died or […]
before and after::throw pillow

piping is scary to me. i attempted it for the first time 4 or 5 years ago. it wasn’t pretty. but then i was sort of new to sewing, really new to sewing, and i didn’t have the right feet for the job. needless to say i was completely turned off by the whole process, […]
things i love

salvation army finds: tall glass hurricane $3 medium size $2 50%-70% off “christmas” decorations that can be used all year long finished quilt tops: i finished two this last week and was suppose to quilt this one but the boys made… this fort around my computer and sewing area so i got nothing creative done […]
vinyl tablecloths make the best…

outdoor decorative pillows. for rainy and snowy seasons you don’t have to worry about the water seeping through. in hot sunny weather you don’t need to fret over it being sun bleached because you get a whole heck of a lot of vinyl in a vinyl table cloth for small money, and you can make […]
before and after:: the fireplace (and a confession)

well you guys guessed it alright! another thing i didn’t love about this house was the fireplace. very 1970’s… also in sort of an awkward place (the kitchen) but that’s where everything happens in our house so i guess it’s in a good place (trying to look at the positive here!) so i painted the […]
christmas decorating and what i’m working on

thanksgiving is over… and it’s full speed ahead christmas now…so this week expect a tutorial on your own pottery barn style ornament, a before and after, and some sewing thrown in there… the three boys have been helping with decorating the sad little fake tree, maybe next year GI joe husband will be a manly […]
moving things around

remember my redo of my buffet? well i’ve been wanting the perfect wreath to put on this mirror…lo and behold i found it. i then hung it up with a strip of fabric and a small nail up on the top of the mirror…i think my look is now FINALLY complete.
on a painting fix

i made these yesturday for my bedroom…did i mention i’m slowly working on transforming my room? well i am, and i’m loving nature inspired things. i know that’s probably soo 3 years ago, but i’ve had the same look going throughout my house for 10 and a half years. i think it’s time for a […]
before and after::my buffet

this piece of furniture was GI joe husband’s grandma’s dresser…i wish i had a better picture of the before but i don’t sorry! all you need to know is that the handles were gold and yuck and well i wasn’t diggin‘ the wood. this has been on my to do list for a few years, […]
great finds and a redo teaser

found these lovelies for the little ones wall over her second hand dresser, found at the second hand store for $.50 to $1 each… i’m super excited about it coming all together. this thing is a beast and i want to make it look real good so it’s taking me a few days to do […]
before and after::second hand dresser

remember this tired old gal i got for $30 on my trip in california? yeah the one i threatened my kids that they were going to be strapped up on the roof of the car if i didn’t get to fit it in my trunk? well take a look at her now: with just one […]
the secret to organizing

i absolutely love how i feel when things are organized. that’s what this fall has really been about at my house. slowly but surely i’m trying to get back my organizing skills that i had when we bought our first little house. really, that was the most organized i have ever been it seems. i […]
my thoughts::making a house a home

i truely believe no matter where you live you should make it the best place on earth for your family. that has been my motto since our first place we lived in. we managed apartments, we lived in a tiny little hole of an apartment, we had nothing, that by far was a great place […]