V and Co: back at work

sorry so silent over here! yes yes! we have a winner i’ll announce her at the end of this post. 🙂 my mother left earlier this week and i had a few things i had to get done. i’ve been hard at work over here. for months now i’ve my little graph pad next to […]
V and Co: making baby gifts

i’ve been busy making things baby gifts this week for a baby shower i was invited to. i made a few different kinds, this one is a simple ruffled ombre flower one. and well, might as well show you how i made it and the other ones right? 🙂 so next week watch for how […]
V and Co: last hurrah at Saint Joseph, Lake Michigan

our family has been trying to create new yearly traditions. and since we find ourselves in a totally new location in the united states, we will have to try to find new places and things that will be a part of our yearly traditions. it’s kind of fun and exciting. as you know: i grew […]
V and Co: crash and burn baby

this week i had a very exciting, sad, weird, fun, happy marker come true for me. i sent my last child to school. after 12 years of having at least one small person in my home i now have 6 hours where all my minions/noisemakers/things i call my children are in school. i thought i […]
winner and nostalgia

my view this summer has been of this. (and yes i’ve purposely cropped my legs so they look like they last forever and are not short tater tot looking legs.) and other pools in the area, and the parks, and behind the wheel driving to and from camps and what not. i don’t think i’ve […]
V and Co: what our summer looks like

please excuse the fact that real life paper does not have spell check and i spelled vacuum wrong 🙂 last year our summer was all kinds of crazy and no schedule was had. i hated it. i am reminded that work well with schedules, and the best way for me and my children to keep […]
V and Co: happy makers

this last week i got three separate things in the mail that made me super happy. seriously i don’t get a ton of mail. no, well now wait, i do. but it’s bills, and junk mail, and an occasional Micheal’s 40% off coupon but even coupons are email based these days. (which is cool and […]
V and Co: cookbook for a cause

with all my crazy going on this summer i meant to blog about this weeks ago…BUT better late than never! how does she says: After seeing the devastation in Japan, several top blogs teamed together wanting to somehow make a difference. More than 50 blogs donated one of their favorite recipes to be compiled into […]

yesterday i was going to blog about what i did on tuesday. but then i got the flu. yes i did. and did you know that when mom throws up so does the house all around you? no kidding, the laundry threw up all over the floors, the cupboards threw up all over my counters, […]
sneek peek: office slash sewing room

well, it’s official. i have my very own first EVER bonafide sewing slash office slash lets see how much sewing and crafting crap i can cram into a room all to myself. we signed papers on wednesday and we officially recorded as sellers of our last home and as owners of our new home on […]
i’m happiest when

our weekend was spent together as a family. i can honestly say that i’m happiest when we, as a family are working together. i guess if you are talking love languages mine would be acts of service. yes, yes, i am married to a marriage and family therapist…can you tell? we talk about this crap […]
the perfect day

in attempt to simplify my life i’ve decided that having a cleaning schedule that starts from the minute we finish breakfast till about 10 am everyday would be a great start to tackle the house simplifying part. this summer i finally got back to it. it’s a routine i’ve done for years (and yes i’ve […]
happiness is…

#3 noisemaker aka “outside-voice-only” child’s feet yesterday morning. sleeping in till almost 9 and then having all your kids in bed with you watching sponge bob. having all your kids want to do a craft with you and have it turn out cute! daylight savings time so the family can play baseball with dad when […]
my head is still spinning from market

so it’s over. market that is. now i’m home. but my head is still spinning. what a whirlwind of events and yes, no pooping of the pants happened. okay a fast run down: dana and i finally met in person. we knew we would hit it off. but it’s always fun to get to know […]
the starts of our garden

so i’ve mentioned before that we live at the altitude of 7000+ feet. gardening (and cooking) follow a whole different set of rules here from where the husband and i grew up… near ocean level. because our growing time is shorter than most other places (it’s been snowing the past few days..and we’ve been known […]
babies a plenty

see growing up in the great city of los angeles and then moving to the “smaller” city of san diego…i didn’t have the opportunity to see many brand new baby farm animals while in my childhood years. that is so not the case for my children as we find ourselves here in the middle of […]
a big ‘ol fat thank you

MARCH. really? already? okay fine then. march is a good month for me. it’s my anniversary of marriage month. it’s my spring cleaning month. it’s my lets bring in color to my house month. itching for change in the weather month. i want to move furniture around, i want to change my walls. i want […]
impulse buy

you know, i kind of like the fact that i’m kind of thrifty. or that i don’t necessarily go out and drop money on something just because i like it or because it’s in style. heck i’ve been “buying” in my head leather couches for like years, have placed them in my living room with […]
will you help me help my friend?

kelly and i have been friends for a while. since college actually. two smart mouthed college girls. we hit it off and stayed friends. since then we’ve both moved away from our beloved california, have married equally if not more than ourselves smart mouthed men, and created little spawns that we love and adore to […]
sytyc:week four

hello! new moon: it.was.great. i don’t know if it was the whole being with a couple of friends i haven’t really been able to hang out with in a while, or weather it was the big city lights and excitement, but the whole day was GREAT. we laughed a lot. the company was nice, the […]
hello fall

all things fall are happening over here. this banner was made to add just a little more fall to the place. my house smells like apple pie (oh i can’t wait to show you all my canning! it’s sooo pretty!) as a matter of fact i was so in the fall mood this last weekend, […]
last weekend

we got to do a few things as a family…and we worked pretty hard. first, we picked our apples from our trees in our back yard. and that picture doesn’t show all of the apples we picked! yeah, i’ll be up to my armpits canning apple pie filling this coming week. then we went on […]
thank you

zucchini muffins and bread have been baking in my kitchen thank you all for the recipe’s i know i said i wasn’t blogging till monday but i had to say “thanks” and WOW, i was featured on the fabulous TCB. i love her because i never have time to go looking for creative blogs and […]
starting something new

i’ve been blown away with your guy’s love of my tutorials and patterns. seriously, thank you. i want to start something new here at V and Co. and highlight your finished products using my tutorials (my ones here or on the moda bakeshop or bought at my etsy shop!) picture from ressica jachel using dress […]
my new ride

thanks to my mom who wanted me to have my birthday gift a few months early so that i can enjoy it this year before the snow hits. (she’ll be enjoying her’s all year long right by the beach…){turkey} but until that snow hits or it gets too cold, middle of nowhere townsfolk look out […]
new baby quilt for a friend

thank you all for the well wishes on getting better…i see the light at the end of the tunnel!two weeks ago my friend had a baby. she is beautiful. my friend loves vintage things. so last week i made her baby this quilt. i can’t wait to give it to her. i’ve made a pattern […]
best second hand find (in my eyes)

i got to go this past week to the second hand store. when i got there. i instantly spotted this little wood hutch. i think i pooped my pants when i saw it. not really, but i was that excited. we brought it home after i paid the $25 that they asked for it. i […]
adding white and neutrals

i like color. you could almost say i’m a “colorful” kind of gal…actually i think someone has even described me as “colorful” in the past. or was that “interesting”? whatever the case i like color. and my house used to be all color and no “light”. but the trend in my house these days seems […]
our weekend

we, for some reason this summer, haven’t been able to spend too many weekends just being home. this weekend was completely different, we didn’t really go anywhere. well we did make one trip to home depot. name of the game this weekend…operation lets do some of the things we’ve been meaning to do for a […]
we interrupt all crafty blogging

due to family being here. my sis in law and her husband are here from california. a little bit of grilling, a little bit of smore–ing, a little bit of site seeing, and a whole heck of a lot of rockband-ing
the heat makes me happy

for those of you who follow me on twitter…you know that i was in vegas with a few of my friends from california (from the old glory days of college) we ate too much, laughed too much, layed and baked by the pool too much…and shopped waaaaay too much, enough that my legs were wobbly […]
new quilt

yesterday i got sick of folding laundry. and was having a rather dull day.i walked into my daughter’s room and when i saw this on her table i got a light bulb over my head and immediately started on my pinwheels. i have an idea of what i want to try to do with this […]
seeing red

well thank you for all the well wishes on the crankies and for the lovely response to my new patterns. i have a lot of ideas bouncing in my brain and already have started on a new set of patterns but will have to wait a little while to show you the final products. on […]
famous gentlemen callers line on up

so i had to drag in the husband to show him my face associated with MODA. i turned to him and told him he better watch out cause some famous gentlemen callers would surely be coming my way soon. he rolled his eyes, walked away, and has been on his best behavior ever since. mwaaaahhhaaaaahaaaa […]
things i love

hoops with fabric in them: hoops can be found at any craft store…but i like to get mine at the second hand store. i can get a bundle of them sometimes for as cheap as 75 cents. and the metal ones are a bonus for that price! i love to decorate cheaply, so this is […]
oh martha and a mini make over

i have in my possession the book: and i have come to two conclusions: a) martha is in hoots with the devil himself or b) she has an awesome eye for things and has a huge team that she single handed picked out to work out her ideas and have them come up with ideas […]
projects finished

made out of vintage fabric… i call her ” with a splash of lime” and she’s available in my shop. it’s been a while since i made the little one a dress. this one makes me happy. yellow just seems happy doesn’t it? yes, it’s made out of a re-purposed sheet) this cute little ironing […]
loving weekends again

before the deployment the weekends were my happy makers. i looked forward to them like a kid looks forward to a trip to a candy store. after a year long deployment and re-adjusting to life with the husband home… i can finally say that i love weekends AGAIN. ******** our agenda this last weekend *saving […]
thankful for my noisemakers

my friend maggi who took our family pictures (and the picture on my profile) sent me an email to look at a blog of a little girl she took pictures for. i cried and cried. and then i thanked the Man Upstairs for my wonderful noisemakers and for their health. some of these little special […]
insert witty title here

usually i have no problem with a title and well i guess there’s a first for everything… presidents day was really low key for us. with all the kids home and the husband (no longer GI Joe husband…i’ll have to come up with something witty) not starting up work till next week…we pretty much just […]
from our family to all of you

thank you all for the wonderful words and support you have shown our family. for all you ladies of 142 who still have your husbands gone, when this moment happens to you, it will make it all worth it. we’ll be there with you when they get off the plane in about a month. can’t […]
so i had fun

but i have no pictures to show you of “twilight” country except this one because i was a moron and forgot my camera. GI Joe husband was great to send me this picture that i took of “us” with his pathetic camera and he was kind enough to look up “forks” on the google map. […]
so sweet

to say that i’m not happy with this quilt would be lying, to say that i’m happy that it’s snowing right now would be lying too. i’m from southern cal i have a reason to think snow should be “visited” and not lived in…so all you snow lovers go out and get cold, i’m staying […]
out with the christmas, in with the…hearts?

christmas tree down: check christmas decor put away:check christmas aftermath still a frenzy in the kids room: check driving to go see the in laws this weekend to celebrate late christmas with them: check winter decor put up:che….wait i don’t have any “winter” decor…not a fan of snowmen, i like snowflakes but i don’t have […]
a binding we will go…

i’ve been working my fingers off it seems these days binding. binding my quilts that are finished, and binding for other people (.12 cents an inch) not bad money. i love that i get to help people finish their projects, the happiness and gratitude they express is pay enough, but the money is well needed […]
I’ve been busy…

taken with my NEW CAMERA! it came late last night, so this picture was taken AT NIGHT! holy crap I’m in love. So I haven’t really been posting pictures of projects lately. I was trying to hold off posting anything till the camera got here but it’s here now and I’m trying to get aquainted […]
momma’s gettin a new camera…

dear GI joe husband, first off i just want to remind you that i am taking care of your children, your house, and your affairs while you’ve been gone for this year…not only that but i’ve been working out…A LOT (who am i kidding that’s not really FOR you, it’s really for me, but for […]
my best friend ginger

these are my best friend ginger’s kids. let me tell you a little about my best friend ginger. we met in cali when our GI joe husbands were at the D.L.I.(defense language institute) i used to be able to look out my window and watch my kids walking to her house and vise versa. we […]
family photos by maggi

while GI joe husband was here i was privileged to meet up with my really great friend maggi. she’s been doing our pictures for about 6 years now. we don’t get to see eachother very often but whenever we get together within minutes we are laughing like we’ve been hanging out every single day…she gets […]
sooo i got bored…

now that the boys are in school full time the two younger ones and i walk around aimlessly not knowing what to do…and my sewing machine sort of quit on me (I KNOW!) so i’m going to borrow someones to complete my quilt but after that i’m sort of out of luck till i fix […]
my before and after::the kitchen

can i just tell you that i cried when i saw that this was the only option for me when we were looking to move into this town? we were looking to buy when there were no other houses on the market and this was it…you’ve seen the living room , the bedrooms here and […]
kitchen counters sneak peak…

it’s almost all done people! and our time is growing short (sob) but it was great…
since you been home…

there’s a few things i’ve noticed since you’ve been home. *i missed you more than i thought i did. *the kids REALLY love having you around and want your attention at all times. *we do much more fun things when you are around (like bbq’s and smores) *i’ve missed you *katie absolutely loves her daddy. […]
park city

last night we got to check into our “home for a few days” um… i wish i could call it my home, it was ginormous (it’s one of those timeshare thingys that my in laws have). we can’t use it till wednesday because of the small little thing we call “kids being in school” but […]
mid deployment reunion

to be continued…

a wonderful friend from wisconsin was kind enough to share part of her wonderful second hand find, this gorgeous quilt block with pieces to fix the “much loved” areas. i got it in the mail yesterday. i’m planning on fixing, framing, and putting it in katie’s room, thank you so much for your kindness! and […]
rainy skys=quilts and movies

it’s been raining for most of the afternoon here with no let up in sight, so that always puts me in the mood for movies and snuggleling under quilts. the boys loooove to use thier quilts that i made for them (i’m a meany and only let them use them for special occasions because it […]
so happy to introduce…

okay here she is…the HOLLY (get it because of the hollyhocks that inspired me to FINALLY make her real instead of just in my head) she’s so darn cute, and she’s coming to you in myetsy store next week…but not just in blue…in pink, brown, green, yellow…and when i go through all of these fabrics […]
i heart this plate

found at the thrift store for $1 i’m going to do a giveaway later on today so come back soon.
i found her…

i decided to stop by an antique mall on my way home from the weekend celebrations. yes i took all 4 monkeys in with me and just as my nerves were about to be too much to handle with all the “please don’t touch that!” “you are going to break something!” and “i swear if […]
before and after::craft area

ugh everytime i would walk by it, it made me cringe… much better. still a work in progress but i think it’s a step towards to what i want when i actually have a room dedicated to just me creating stuff. what i found out about myself today…i’m drawn to green fabric. that’s what i […]
tutorial::easiest apron to make (and cute!)

this apron that i’m going to show you is super easy and super fast. it’s made from a pretty dish towel. buy your dish towel (mine were on clearance for $1.50 each) this one measures 18 inches by 28 inches (rectangle towels only) fold up your towel just like the picture (in the middle fold […]
the girl loves her shoes

what’s a girl to do when she loves all her shoes? have a pair on her feet and another pair close at hand wherever she goes…might have a little to do with the fact that the momma loves her shoes too. Both the little one and I got new shoes yesterday. They were on clearance […]

my little doll quilt is done… and if i didn’t need the money i would totally tell you all to “forget it you can’t have it” but because i need the money to keep on my goal of buying a new sewing machine, you can find it here and buy it in my shop it’s […]
Inspiration in all the right places

this is my uncle, and this is his backyard…isn’t it amazing? he built the little house (it used to be the playhouse when i was growing up, and now it’s his little retreat) he made the pond (we used to swim in there as little kids) it even has a water fall and bridge. As […]
cattle rolls in while i get ready to roll out…

our next door neighbors are finally back…i love cow pictures so my jam i made for my family to take as a gift is done with my hand written labels because being out in the middle of nowhere when your printer goes out of ink the only place you can buy ink is online, and […]
apple blossems crazy kids and getting ready to head out to san diego.

beautiful isn’t it? my apple trees are all blooming! i’m so excited i can hardly stand it!!! last year we got a couple of apples that made for some good sling shots…nothing else…but i hear that around here (and everywhere else?) apple trees produce every other year, and if that’s the case this is the […]
bread, martha, and summer programs…

no hell isn’t freezing over…what is the world coming to? *sigh* i don’t know if i really want the answer to that…but yes, those would be my hands making bread…I KNOW! yesterday sarah and i made bread…well let me clarify…she made bread, i helped…i wanted to learn. what a process…loooong process. i’m like a gnat! […]
up to slc i go…

for much r&r, fabric hunting, DI rummaging, (i don’t think i’ll be able to hit any garage sales though) and warmer weather i go. there are so many of you i would love to come by and sit and chat with…but i have to do visits in intervals. (so i don’t just show up on […]
okay permission to totally brag…

okay first off i took that picture (everyone with real talent in taking good pictures are rolling their eyes right now), second i made that skirt (everyone with some talent in sewing are rolling their eyes right now) and third i made the little girl inside that skirt and in the picture (okay that one […]
once again…i’m reminded i live in a super small town

our kind of traffic jam…coincidently…your dog will chase after these sheep when they cross your front lawn, and when that happens sheep move REALLY fast and go jumping and flying everywhere…which then coincidently makes for a REALLY mad farmer who is transporting his sheep from the winter location to the summer location…sorry dude next time […]
it has begun…

my work in progress… i’m really loving this quilt, and at the end of her all white bed (someday) i think it will be perfect!!! 3 women and their projects, 9 boys under the age of 8, 3 girls under the age of 4, a lot of pizza, milk, some diet Dr. Pepper, a little […]
these are my new plates

well not yet…but if anyone wants to buy them for me they are EXACTLY what i’ve been wanting for years and years and years. you can find them at potterybarn.
some of my favorite things

stitchery and books. there’s something about the whole cottage thing that makes me warm and happy. i love that i walk in and instantly want to look around at what the walls or see what the cupboards hold. curl up on the couch with a quilt and a book or stitch something new, or just […]
i want to be her

i’m not to be jealous of many people, i love to meet women with a ton of talent or prettiness or confidence and LEARN. but this woman is the shiz, i can honestly have the crappiest day and i’ll drop everything (after the kids are asleep) and go to her blog and i will seriously […]

it took her 6 months to finally warm up to jake when he came back from his 5 months of training, and we anticipated the same thing this time around…. bu the minute she saw him, no rather heard his voice, she dropped everything, and ran towards him… and hasn’t let him put her down […]
was it a dream?

ugh tomorrow’s the last day he’s here, it went too fast. bleh. but it was great. like a great dream.
smarter than the average goat, and confessions…

so i outsmarted the goats, they keep getting out and i would of taken a picture of my labors but until it holds up for a few days i’m not going to brag, but i think i’m getting smarter than them! me and my momma, i wish i had her green eyes! and i confessed […]
clean house, fake tan, and the temple…

the house is clean, something about the smell of pine sol that is such a happy maker for me, weird, must be from my childhood. the kids are ready to go to a friends house. tried my “fake” tan on last night, not a huge difference but at least i wont be blinding anyone, and […]
poll: which necklace?

this should be fun. the sun is out and i’m feeling great, so out come my arms and some necklaces…which one should i wear with this shirt? (now keep in mind that i have just started to collect necklaces so where there are probably better options out there, this is what i have in my […]
back to basics…

i think my husband is tired of hearing me complain about my funks and of how i don’t have the energy to do things these past weeks. his words were strong but true…”what are you doing to take care of YOU?” i listed taking showers, eating, and sleeping. doing some reading and creating here and […]
i love my kids

there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for them, i am so blessed, i am a better person because of them and i am lucky to be their mother, as tiring as it may be sometimes! (and if you thought my shoes were cute…katies are even cuter!)
one thing is for sure…

the girl gets attention, she’s probably going to be a spoiled princess, and it’s not going to be my doing! the boys cannot get enough of her, they love and adore her and pay soooo much attention to her that i’m a little scared as to what she’s going to assume the world outside these […]
good nights sleep, new apron, kids occupied…

so i got such a great night’s sleep, i think i got like 9 hours, katie slept through the night, (a first! in a loooooooooooooooong time) a friend gave me a new apron (plain white, and i can’t wait to put adorable pockets on it!!!) and the kids are excited and have all kinds of […]
i’m not the sappy kind of girl

but this needs honorable mention. my j.i. joe husband sent me roses for our 10 year anniversary which was on friday, along with it he sent me via email “oh how i love thee” and listed out a whole list of things that he loves about me, some of them were hysterical and others were […]
my babies last year

i was going through my pictures and found these! these are my all time favorite pictures! i took them last summer, and well with spring comming soon it just reminds me that we will be going outside soon and it makes me sooo happy! i’m going to do my before and afters later today! i […]
happy makers

…..so as i was walking back from the store, i noticed GREEN stuff in my front garden and went to look closer and this is what i saw! SPRING was growing in my front garden! so of course i HAD to take a picture and then i thought i have to make another “happy maker” […]
happy makers

1. it’s been a week, woohoo! only 51 more to go! 2. i got to wear flip-flops again! 3. stopped by the school to drop off ryan and kyle, got stopped by one of nate’s teachers who said he’s having another great day! 4. i get to hang out with a great friend while our […]