Well Hello June- I’ll be in Indiana soon!

HELLOOOOOOOO! So I unintentionally took May off of blogging. A lot of things have come due and I had to use every single moment to get things done in-between soccer, baseball, volunteering at the kids’ schools, and running around like a mad woman AKA: being a MOM. Whoever said I was going to miss my […]
V and Co.: summer happenings

we are in full swing summer mode over here. our strawberries are growing and are super sweet, there’s something incredibly cool about eating from your own yard. i miss our days in the middle of nowhere when we had an acre and had our raised beds of veggie’s but strawberries make up for it as […]
V and Co: attracting pretty beetles

this house has a back yard. this house’s back yard is super bare. it has nothing in it… and that includes trees, shrubs or patio furniture. compared to our last backyards this backyard is boring and really kind of sad. i can almost hear it weep how sad it is. over the next few decades […]
the starts of our garden

so i’ve mentioned before that we live at the altitude of 7000+ feet. gardening (and cooking) follow a whole different set of rules here from where the husband and i grew up… near ocean level. because our growing time is shorter than most other places (it’s been snowing the past few days..and we’ve been known […]
on the 12th day of canning

my apple trees gave to me: 12 jars of apple pie filling (find recipe here) 11 jars of apple butter (find recipe here) 10 sticky fingers 9 cans of apple sauce (find recipe here) 8 new ways to use swear words 7 nights of hard sleeping 6 apple dumplings (find my sis in law HEATHER’S […]
last weekend

we got to do a few things as a family…and we worked pretty hard. first, we picked our apples from our trees in our back yard. and that picture doesn’t show all of the apples we picked! yeah, i’ll be up to my armpits canning apple pie filling this coming week. then we went on […]
blame it on the salsa sewing

last week i ran into a couple of my friends in our grocery store who were getting the final ingredients to make salsa with the tomatoes that they had grown. “we have a LOT!” i mentioned they better share their wealth. then i was on the phone with another friend another day and i asked […]
um? what the…!!!

does anyone need some zucchini? i think i might have a little extra you should of heard all the “that’s what she said” jokes that were flying all over the place. edited: lovely miss cheryl has posted a yummy chocolate zucchini bread just because she wanted to help me out! and thanks to all of […]
good eats from the garden

this post is mainly for my organic eating, healthy living, excersing, just recently cell phone using, hispanic, spitfire of a mother…first off to wish her a happy birthday, but also so verify that once again i am taking good care of her grandchildren and making them eat things that aren’t fully processed comes out of […]
pleated ruffle and smocking

i’ve been doing some custom orders as of late. those kind of stress me out. see, it’s easier to make something up, like it and then present it… have others like and ta-da! all is good. then it’s another thing to have someone want something, give you material have an idea of what they want […]
oh peonies

my peonies are coming out and smelling so sweet! hope you have a fantabulous (that’s fantastic and fabulous mushed together) memorial day! see you tomorrow.
on the third day

you are suppose to see sprouts. guess what i saw… yup. nothing. okay well i did see some weeds. the husband is a researcher at heart. it’s rather annoying. i can never claim “i had no idea.” because the man doesn’t let me. as each day passes, he comes home with more and more info […]
gardening above 7000 ft

as much as the rain tried to derail our best efforts to start preparing for our garden this year, “we” (meaning my husband while i stood on the sideline and acted as cheerleader and took this picture) used the rototiller and started to prepare the ground. we live above 7000 ft area and so all […]
GASP…what is this?

something i planted is actually going to be edible! the starts of my veggies sauteed with meals from my own little garden days are coming soon!
hollyhock inspiration

planted these babies last year, and they didn’t come up…wasn’t surprised because usually things that i plant from seed don’t work…but hello this year they had a different idea! i first noticed that the leaves were coming up in the spring and i thought to myself “ha, that’s funny, i didn’t pay ANY ATTENTION to […]
and now we sit and wait…

i’m burnt, i’m tired, i’m dirty, and i’ve got some paint on me too. seriously…i’ve spent the last two days busting my butt planting. and these pictures are all that I have to show for it…i know i know it’ll keep growing and filling in and I should be getting some nice zucchini, squash and […]