V and Co.: jelly roll jam quilt free pattern and video tutorial

hi there! so with summer lone gone and a distant memory, we now look forward to fall. we’ve had a Fall-ish kind of weekend, and honestly, fall hasn’t been my favorite since i moved from california. while i grew up in california, i LOVED LOVED fall. why? well because it meant pumpkins, and pumpkin smelling […]
V and Co: how to make: ombre dutchman free quilt pattern

welcome welcome! i’m so excited to finally have the time to share this with you! it’s been sitting here since last may when i made this quilt for quilt market. but as you all know the kiddos are in school now and i did my “go and do everything i’ve not been able to do […]
V and Co: first quilt over at Gen X

today is the first day of school. but i also just got back from a vacation that our family drove 4, 438.8 miles to california (and to utah and Disneyland and so forth) and back. we are still toasted. i am totally celebrating with having my car detailed to get rid of all gooey/stickiness/sand and […]
V and Co: another finish

this summer is passing me by quite quickly. anyone else having a super fast warp speed summer too? not that im complaining. we’ve had a great summer. we’ve relaxed, we’ve done some fun family stuff, and we’ve done a family vacation. which i’ll show pictures of that soon too. i’ve worked on my new fall […]
V and Co: sewing sewing sewing

as i sew and what not i snap pictures here and there on my phone. it’s been nice to do a few “extra” prep for school houses. and bonus on finding super cute shoes at target in the little girl section. they are slightly too big for me but they totally work for $10 and […]
V and Co.: to market

these past few weeks i’ve had a lot of sewing mileage. quilt market being right around the corner means lots of sewing to display what your product can do. i’ve been asked to show off my collection of threads with aurifil at a schoolhouse for aurifil, so i’ve been doing some fun projects that include […]
V and Co: getting my embroidery on and 15 years

yesterday i continued to work on things for market. i am doing a school house with Aurifil threads and i will be showing off a few things i’ve made (including this little bag) with my line of threads with them. one person asked if i did the embroidery by hand. uh no. but thank you […]
V and Co: reverse hopscotch done

i finally finished quilting and binding my reverse hopscotch quilt for my friend. and keep getting asked the same question: how did you make it. okay well here is how i made it: *first i got my hopscotch pattern *and where the stars are i just reversed it and placed the printed fabrics where the […]
V and Co: check it out appliqué love

hey hey hey! so check it out. i have a nice little project in this next issue of Quilts and More this time around i made a cute little rice bag to take care of aches and pains in your neck or to warm up those toes! and well i think you all know that […]
still here

i swear. just having to be better about taking pictures taking a break and writing about what i’m doing. 🙂 i’ll try to get better at it. ps i tried on bathing suits the other day…and we’re not going to the pool this year. seriously…why do butts decide to migrate lower and lower down your leg […]
V and Co: reverse hopscotch quilt top done

remember when i mentioned my friend that was having her second boy but 8th child? well i finished the quilt top for her little boy. and well now i wish i was having…no what the…no i didn’t just think that! right? :O moving along… i took my instructions of hopscotch and reversed it. i started […]
V and Co.: friendship quilt along block # 31

welcome to my turn to the friendship quilt along. if you have been following this whole time and have been making the quilt as we go, welcome to the next one! if you are just hearing about it, it’s okay i think i’m going to make this quilt this summer when i have a little more […]
V and Co: simply style new patterns spring 2013

sometimes my husband comes home at night and says “your blog is really quiet…how am i supposed to know what’s going on?” to which i give him a nasty look to his smirk. we talk every night. he knows what’s going on. but it does shed light that i do a lot of “stuff” that […]
V and Co: how to: french knot heart pin cushion

pincushions can be a little bit like an extension of you and what your style that gets to hang out with you while you sew at home and travels with you when you sew at someone else’s house or at a quilt group. so why not make it adorable right? some of you don’t know […]
V and Co: introducing Simply Style for moda fabrics by V and Co

here’s my second line with moda fabrics! it’s called simply style and will be available this february with the delivery date to stores of july. i am super happy and excited about this line 🙂 i’ve included (of course) my favorite-est colors of green, and blue and you can never go wrong with some gray, […]
V and Co.: still sewing so here’s a pretty picture

i’m still sewing. so here’s a pretty picture to keep you excited of things to come. featured: aurifil thread (V and Co for aurifil) and simply color. on the zipper pouch (zipper pouch has no pattern i just made it but we’ll see if there’s a pattern in the works) and well…ahem a sneak peak of […]