two years in a row

well i don’t know if you saw, but my baby life quilt made it on U-Create’s top ten list for 2010’s most popular tutorials, ahem… this is my second year on that list. yeah, cause i’m cool like that. HA! kidding, i was floored when i got the email. mainly because this last year, i’ve […]
before and after::throw pillow

piping is scary to me. i attempted it for the first time 4 or 5 years ago. it wasn’t pretty. but then i was sort of new to sewing, really new to sewing, and i didn’t have the right feet for the job. needless to say i was completely turned off by the whole process, […]
inspirational tutorials

you know i’m all about tutorials and when i find them i bookmark them so that i can attempt to recreate or make something of my own using bits and pieces of information…here are a few that i think are note worthy: *so in love with this skirt tutorial …by whip up *this simple yet […]
they must of been passing out 1st place ribbons like they were going out of style

ah the parade, if you haven’t done a parade in a super small town, you aren’t missing much, but as we spend more time here, you get a little protective about it and there’s no way i would knock it. so they must of been passing out blue ribbons like party favors ’cause somehow i […]
well looky what we got here…

my fabulous friend that just so happens to be a professional quilter brought back my katie quilt! i’m binding it this weekend!!! oh and see these plates? yeah they are alright, someone was cleaning out their closet and didn’t want them any more and asked if i wanted this little plate rack and the the […]
i got an award…

my first one i’m sooo proud! thank you to nicole at our cozy nest. i don’t know all the rules but i ACCEPT! been taking care of sick kids but not the whole time while my mom has been here. i did get to hit a few second hand stores and antique stores…i’ll post more […]