can i just tell you that i cried when i saw that this was the only option for me when we were looking to move into this town? we were looking to buy when there were no other houses on the market and this was it…you’ve seen the living room , the bedrooms here and here (and there’s more but i’m still working on my bedroom!) and the outside well here’s the kitchen then…
love the lacquer and the vintage ’70s nasty handles and dark wood…oh and looove the microwave mounted on the metal shelves thing…well my GI joe husband and i had lots of plans, but we’re one of those type of couples that stress over borrowing on credit cards…so we started saving over a year ago… and we went through almost all of the money but i love what he’s done with it!
see that new oven…that’s the nicest oven i’ve EVER had! i cooked on it tonight and it scared me to death to ruin something on it…it’s my new neurotic problem…keeping the oven clean and safe from yuckiness…wonderful like i need any more ocd issues…
we tried to buy a new sink but all the newer sinks were too big so we stuck with the old one and that meant i could spend a little more on the faucet…i loooove my faucet, still nothing too fancy but once again the nicest faucet i’ve EVER had…
i still need to buy some handles for the cabinets to match the drawer handles, and i still need to patch up some nail marks in the wall from the gross mounted microwave, but all in all i FINALLY LOVE MY KITCHEN! all thanks to my wonderful GI joe husband’s hard work.
*oh and i’m still trying to figure out if i like the yellow-y brown tanish looking color on the wall behind the cabinets…any suggestions, comments or love?