Moda Spell it With Fabric blog hop sponsored by the letter V

Hello hello! Welcome to my turn to the spell it with fabric blog hop! I’m Very excited to have you! I’m your host Vanessa Christenson of V and Co. This post is brought to you by the letter V 😉 naturally. download the letter V here Of course V is an awesome letter for me […]
size matters moda blog hop

welcome to my turn on the size matters blog hop! my block is the dutchman puzzle block (free download!) BUT as you can see i decided to go even BIGGER for my final block: i used the ombre fabrics in the simply style line for moda, and used a white bella solid as the background. i […]
V and Co: Geared For Guys book review and giveaway

oh now see i told you we were going to have a “couple of book reviews and giveaways” here’s the second one. 🙂 but first the winners of the pat sloan book is: Linda said…HELLO! I WANTED TO GO WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL,BUT I COULD NOT-I’D MAKE ONE LIKE YOURS-SO BEAUTIFUL! THANKS FOR SHARING! thanks linda, […]
fat quartershop winner

girl noisemaker at older boy noisemaker’s soccer practice winner of the fat quarter shop giveaway is: Rachelle said… I’d love to see more fabrics with teal and charcoal on them. thank you to all that entered and all your responses. yes, i read them. 🙂 my sister in law was here this last week and […]