get the crap out of my house party

well did you do it? did you gain a little more control on the clutter and crap? this last week the kids and i tackled their closets, drawers, toys, and “treasure” drawers. this time i want to talk about how to get the kids to help. one way to get my kids to help with […]
get the crap out of my house challenge

alrighty. you have spoken so we are going to do a link party this friday and you can link up your progress or your success story. here are the official rules: here’s the post that started it all **starting friday you can link up to the post where you talk about with a picture of […]
link me up baby

well two weeks into summer and i’m here to let you know i’m surviving. actually it’s been a lot easier to get up and get out of the house this summer more so than other summers. i think it’s because my kids are getting older. but with it being easier to get up and go […]
a few faves from the link up

well, well, well, for the first link me up party i think we did pretty well. almost 180 links. not bad. there were so many of you that entered that i wasn’t able to comment on each. oh but i did check out each and every one of you! fabulous things being created out there! […]
link me up, you will…

so my boys have been begging for jedi robes. for like ever. last week while i was tired and probably half asleep boy #1 had a conversation with me that i can’t remember for the life of me what was said in it, but at the end i did the “pinky promise” to seal the […]