Fat Quarter Shop Block of the Month

I am so excited to be part of the Moda designers who designed a house block for this year’s designer mystery block of the month for the Fat Quarter Shop. The Fat Quarter Shop has made a fun quiz to see what quilt block you are…I also took the quilt block quiz and I got […]
V and Co: honorable Jake

Hello! And welcome to my Blog! If you are new here visiting for the first time from the Jolly Jabber allow me to introduce myself. Hi, I’m Vanessa of V and Co. I’m a Fabric and Pattern designer For Moda Fabrics and I get to be part of the Designer Mystery block of the month […]
V and Co.: jelly roll jam quilt free pattern and video tutorial

hi there! so with summer lone gone and a distant memory, we now look forward to fall. we’ve had a Fall-ish kind of weekend, and honestly, fall hasn’t been my favorite since i moved from california. while i grew up in california, i LOVED LOVED fall. why? well because it meant pumpkins, and pumpkin smelling […]
V and Co: designer Mystery quilt with the fat quarter shop

well i’m pretty excited that i was asked to be one of the designers of the 2013 designer mystery block of the month for the fat quarter shop. This year, Fat Quarter Shop is using Avalon by Fig Tree Quilts for their annual Designer Mystery quilt. The fabric is light, a little whimsical and grounded […]
fat quartershop winner

girl noisemaker at older boy noisemaker’s soccer practice winner of the fat quarter shop giveaway is: Rachelle said… I’d love to see more fabrics with teal and charcoal on them. thank you to all that entered and all your responses. yes, i read them. 🙂 my sister in law was here this last week and […]