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your prayers are needed


everywhere we have lived there have been special women that have come into my life, most of you are a product of that, and some are wonderful women i’ve never met face to face, but from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for your friendships they mean the WORLD to me. being the special women that i know you are i need to ask for a special request. your prayers for this wonderful little girl not yet two years old. her mom is a wonderful woman just like all of you, she loves her children and her youngest Alissa, has just been diagnosed with cancer. they cannot operate on her tumor because it has grown around her spine and one of her intestines, she’s going to go through kemo (sp?), and they hope this will help shrink the tumor. another wonderful woman and myself are making a quilt for her today, so i’ll be gone for a while, doing that, we hope to have it for her when her aunt goes up to primary childrens on friday. please keep alissa and her family in your prayers, i’ll be getting her blog and post it as soon as i can. i’m sure the family wont mind all the prayers out there. really makes me count my wonderful blessings of waking up to the same ol same ol of our house, and makes me really think of what an amazing little girl (and family!) this is to of taken on this huge thing in such an early stage in her life.

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