Becoming a Midwesterner

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m a little over winter. This winter has been the coldest I’ve ever experienced no seriously…like…EVER… I’ve experienced negative degrees before…but this winter we’ve experienced negative degrees that made my past experiences childs play. We’ve been been in the negatives with -45 windchills. It’s insane. You would think […]
that time when my kid made me look like a word that rhymes with four

This quilt has nothing to do with the blog post…I just needed a pretty first picture. Please excuse me as this is the SECOND TIME I am writing this. I finished my first blog post and then tried to insert a picture and that’s when blogger decided to brain fart and it froze. I couldn’t […]
V and Co: spring 2013 portland oregon market recap

truth is…i didn’t take a single picture with my “good camera” and all i have are my instagram photos to go off of! but that’s okay cause i guess i did okay on taking pictures of… oh my gosh… selfies: well sort of. i mean i did have some people take pictures using my phone […]
still here

i swear. just having to be better about taking pictures taking a break and writing about what i’m doing. 🙂 i’ll try to get better at it. ps i tried on bathing suits the other day…and we’re not going to the pool this year. seriously…why do butts decide to migrate lower and lower down your leg […]
V and Co: in the mens room

taken at the botanical gardens in Cleveland Ohio there are times while in the middle of a situation that the thought crosses my mind: “this is going to make a great blog post when i have a little bit of time to forget the traumatizing feelings i am experiencing and it actually becomes kind of […]
V and Co: just one of those weeks

no need to cry over spilled milk i’ve had one of those weeks. i think it started with having a 4 day weekend this last week. it got me off my groove. i was always a day behind. i was thinking it was wednesday and really it was thursday. what??? where did that day go, […]
V and Co: clouds of the midwest

this summer we’ve had a couple of firsts. this was our first full summer in the midwest. this summer we went to chicago for the first time. this summer we saw our first scary storm. well scary for us because we’ve never heard the sirens go off before that day. there was this weird look […]