
this kid is 14

As I look back on life with this kid, I get emotional. Where we are today, is a dream come true. But without our past years of heartache and stress, and emotional roller coaster of a ride with this kid, I don’t think I would have the kid I have today. This truly is a […]

He’s 12 and he loves Domo

 My second Noisemaker turns 12 today. I can’t really wrap my head around that but it’s true. The other night I caught all my kids looking at the computer laughing. I asked them what they were looking at and one of them answered “We’re reading about the UGLY Christmas tree.” And then one of the […]

second noisemaker turns double 1

my second noisemaker is turning 11 today. i didn’t get an updated picture of him and this one is over two summers old. hmmm may need to sit him down and change that. a few things about this one at this time: -you love chocolate. probably as much as your mother. -you are kind, quiet, […]

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