okay i know that was totally mean of me to do a far away shot of my new line with no explanation other than “i have no time!” but i really am so ridiculously excited about this one that i wanted to make it super special and not just put up like two pictures and say “ta-daaaa” and that’s it. i def want a bigger “TA-DAAA” going on with this one well because…
i’m pretty sure this is my favorite one. i basically put all my favorite in one line.
first off we have our navy’s teals grays and emerald. say what? yeah, i said emerald.
this time around we introduced emerald into the mix and with the navy it just looks fantabulous. of course it looks pretty sweet with the other colors too, but something about emerald and green just makes me super happy like preppy happy or something like that…maybe like a peacock happy? i don’t know i just know i like it.
anyways… we have our pinks, lime greens, teals and grays coming back… and we are all very happy about that.
this line has some great stash builders. it’s basically not hoarding if you are “building” a stash… these cluster dots are one of my fav. well they all are but i especially love these dots.
the idea of creating a line with stash building in mind i had to include of course some pin dots and another of my favorite the V print. 🙂 you know cause i’m V and co… get it V print…V and co… Vanessa…okay then.
in this line i also included some pretty little modern sprouts, bold ikat, and vintage flowers among other things.
and well you know it can’t be a V and Co line if it didn’t have some kind of specialty ombre type thing in it.
this time we included color block ombre. and yes, we have patterns that will go just for these so shops can show off some of the cool stuff you can do with it.
here’s one sneak peek of what i’ve been sewing with the color block ombre. i can NOT wait to see what you guys do with it!!!!
i also cant wait to show you the other patterns i’ve created for this line. 🙂 soon.
color me happy makes me so darn happy. the color and design are all my fav. so color me happy is a perfect name.
color me happy will debut at fall market 2013 and will ship to stores in MARCH 2014
hey but…so guess what…
not only do we have these awesome colors in fabric we also have a box of aurfil thread JUST to go with this line! (i’ll be selling them in my shop when i get them in stock)
AAAAAAACKKKKK! *pinch* yeah i can pretty much just sit and stare at them both and sigh with happiness.
okay but seriously…i can’t just sit here for too long, i have SO much more to do till market which is 2 weeks away it’s not even funny.
but i want to hear what you think!
so go ahead and tell me what you think and i’ll pick one person to get a free jelly roll (ahem that’s like kind of scandalous because it hasnt even come out yet)
we’ll talk soon. 😉