This year I got my game on with teacher gifts. Each year in the past I’ve sucked and not done home made anything…because I’ve been so overwhelmed with all the other projects I have to get done. So instead of failing, I just haven’t attempted in years past.
This year I actually started in November the process of making the teacher gifts. The idea was that I could just get it done and out of the way.
Well of course things go south over here whenever I make a plan, so I found myself finishing the teacher gifts I started in November oh like just yesterday. You know, the day before the last day of school before the winter break.
So see? Even though I’ve been overwhelmed with everything else all I had to do was finish what I started over a month ago…
And that my friends…is me being on top of my game.
I’ll take it.
I used American Janes awesome Pot Luck ruler fabric. And used my Color Block zipper pouch
And even the inside of the pouch is cute with matching brown ruler fabric.
I included inside of each the zipper pouches, hand sanitizer and festive lotion (cause the dry hands you get from trying not to get sick from all the germ infested noisemakers they have to deal with daily) and some candy. (not shown and I promise it wasn’t because I ate it)
(ps the other one was an experiment one that I let the kids help sew, didn’t turn out as pretty but it was still made into a gift. I figured it has the “my little student helped make it” charm)
Perhaps, if I start now for next years teacher gifts…I might actually get those done, and HEY, maybe I could even try to make family members something handmade as well.
But that’s just crazy talk.
Also this last week, I tried to get my kids to take A FREAKING PICTURE for oh, I don’t know Christmas cards/kids group shot because we’ve not had one in at least two years/give to grandparents or whatever…and this is just a snippet of what they dished out to me.
They are boogers.
That is all.
We’ll talk soon.