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V and Co.: how to: make flowers out of the lazy daisy hand embroidery stitch


 with our spring break in full swing over here, i kind of have forgotten how much longer “my things” took to get done when you are in the thick of things with the kids home and under your feet at every turn. and it’s not like i can send them outside to run around as it’s been pretty cold, and it’s been raining/snowing off and on for the last week.


i got a little bit of time while the kids were all doing their own things, and honestly i think we were all in such a good mood over the sun being out and about…we just sort of had one of those everyone harmonizing and loving each others company kind of day. i mean seriously we looked like one of the awesome episodes of the brady bunch.

oh don’t worry the stepford family syndrome will diminish as we get used to having nice weather and then we will go back to being your average ordinary family with kids yelling “he’s chewing his cereal SO LOUD MAKE IT STOP!!!!” and “DONT MAKE ME TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MISSING THE TOILET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT BY CLEANING IT!!” kind of stuff. you know. every day awesome sauce of being a mom. which i love cause really, i’m going to miss it when i don’t have moments where i sit down and just stare at all of them in the same room in their own chaos. i’ve already experienced it this year with all of them being in school. but i digress. what was i here for before i make dinner and then run off to scouts?? oh yeah.

making my own little spring inside while the outside was still wintery.

okay so last time i showed you hand embroidery i showed you how to do the french knot. this time i’m going to show you my other favorite stitch: the lazy daisy.

 what you’ll need:

-hoop (i have found my wood ones throughout the years at thrift stores)

-embroidery floss (mine is from sublime stitching)

-embroidery needle

-small piece of batting large enough to be inside your embroidery hoop

-small piece background fabric (mine is linen) same size as your batting piece

-erasable marking pen

– first you are going to place your  batting and fabric together with the batting on the bottom.

-place in the hoop so that it is super nice and tight. secure your hoop by turning the knob

-then you are going to turn your hoop around with the back facing you and you are going to cut off the excess batting and fabric.

 -with your marking pen make small circles. this will be your guide for the middle section.

-cut a piece of floss and just like we did in the french knot section separate two of the 6 threads in your floss.

 -make your first stitch by coming up from behind the fabric and batting. come through on the line of one of the small circles you drew.

 -go back down into the fabric RIGHT NEXT almost right on top of where you came through the first stitch.

-use your thumb to keep the start of the thread in place.

 -gently pull through most of your thread, leaving a loop on top.

 -bring the needle back up through the loop through the fabric and batting.

 -gently, GENTLY pull so your loop becomes flush with the fabric.

 -push the needle through down on the outside of the loop right next to where your inside the loop stitch was.

 -start all over again right next to the base of your first looped stitch.

 – something to keep in mind is how big do you want your loops to be. thats where you are going to place your inside the loop stitch.


 – i used the variegated thread for the multiple colored flowers.

– and i used my french knot to make a few fun little dots with the variegated blue thread on the bottom embroidery.

the daughter has already taken them to her room. i guess they will be going somewhere up in her room 🙂 okay off to make dinner and then scouts. phew! 

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