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V and Co: sneak peak into our world


 have i said happy new year yet? HAPPY NEW YEARS! i know that was like so last weekend ago, but our week has been one big mess with jake’s back going out. he is doing SO much better. each day getting a little better, he even showed off to the kids and i yesterday night by saying “hey look at what i can do!” and proceeding to do a hip swivel to which i yelled at him because i didn’t want to have to try to pick him up off the ground if it went bad. the kids cheered, and i couldn’t stay mad for long because it was great to see him laugh. 🙂

soooooooo, something i’ve not done too much with this house that i’ve done with the houses in the past is show you what i’ve done decorating wise or fixing up. um well, here’s the deal. its still really plain and in the beginning of things.

 but our main goal when we moved 3 times this summer was to eliminate extras and eliminate stuff.

we wanted to fit in ONE UHAUL TRUCK everything we were going to move on our last move across the plains to our final resting grounds.

i am slowly, almost painstakingly slow, deciding on decor and how and what and where things will go. we really are starting all over except for a few core things.  

most rooms, like katie’s featured here, still need night stands and some kind of shelving. i know what i want, but well, it takes money and planning and finding. i would love built in shelves in all the bedrooms, as this house HAS NO SHELVES ANYWHERE. arrg. <–pirate alert. our bathrooms are the only places where they installed shelves in the closets. if i had unlimited funds i would of already of bought and installed and been done. oh who am i kidding no they wouldn’t because i would still be trying to find a better deal somewhere cause that’s how i roll. :/ but even without unlimited funds available, i want to find good quality, and if it takes a long time…it takes a long time.

for now i am having fun just finding a few core BIG decor things for our walls. our ceilings are really tall and make our walls go on forever.

another thing i’m trying to decide on is paint colors. hate our living room color. i know everyone here and their horse loves it. but i’m def a west coast off the beach kind of gal and it is so dark to me that i can’t do it. the bedroom will stay this color as it is fine and i don’t need to spend the whole day in it. but my living room needs to be lighter. any paint suggestions would be great. i have some set aside on pinterest

so far my favorite for the main room/dining room/kitchen are:

classic gray

savory beige

sea salt but only if it looks blue and not green.

relaxed khaki

and my personal favorite just because of the name

pudding mold  oh and okay i like the little bit of gray blue in the tint. 🙂

honestly it will probably not be classic gray. i want that for the boys rooms again.

so any suggestions of good grayish blue or beigey gray?


here is where i got my lala love you print.

here is where i made the gathered heart pillow.

green shag pillow can be found here

and ikea is where i bought the large round decor thingys hanging in my room

i did buy them before we left utah so i don’t know if they still have them.

and katie’s dresser was ikea as well.

the quilt i made, no pattern and yes it still not bound even though i made it like 4 years ago. 

okay so have at it. tell me paint colors and if you have links i would love them too. i’m leaning towards sherwin williams paints

i’m probably painting this month. probably cause you know life happens.

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