hey yo yo! so apparently antibiotics are kicking in and i’m doing good. thanks for the well wishes! not a 100% yet but i can at least handle things again. i even got to knock out like a bazillion loads of laundry folding because my family can put laundry in the washer and dryer…but they can’t figure out how to fold and put it back into the drawers. we’ll be working on that for sure. i mean i want my boys’ wife’s to be happy with me. you know what i mean?
anywho, i’ve been asked by cindy of skip to my lou to make a craft for craft camp. and when i think of craft camp i think of fast, easy and with the kids. like as in lets get this done quickly before kids start losing interest, but lets make something that isn’t going to be totally ugly.
so here you go:
lets face it, summer can be a loooong period of time if we don’t keep the kids entertained. am i right? so here’s a super easy craft you can do with any age of child.
supplies needed:
*old tie
*pencil with and eraser
*hot glue
*a little bit of red felt for tongue
*wiggle eyes, or white and black felt for eyes
*optional: for rattle: small plastic container from vending machine 1/2 way filled with dried peas.
*you are going to get stuffing and stuff it in the tail (the small end of the tie)
*with the eraser part of the pencil you are going to push it down. keep adding stuffing till your tail half is filled with stuffing.
*then you are going to do the same to the other side (the bigger side) of the tie. do so till you get to the opening of the tie.
*you will notice there’s a “silk” lining inside the tie, but that it only goes a little ways down. open up that flap and add just enough stuffing that you will be able to have a fluffy head but not too much that you can’t close it.
caution: do the hot glue gun part yourself. kids might get burned with the hot glue gun…heaven knows i do!!
*hot glue gun your opening and the sides so it seals it completely down.
optional: if you want the tail to actually rattle get yourself one of those little plastic containers that those vending machines have, you know the little fake ring holder things. and add some dried peas to it. insert it to the tail and then continue with instructions!
*now hot glue gun the tail shut.
next we are taking the twine and we are going to start wrapping it around the tail for the “rattle”
as you wrap hot glue gun it down with little dabs of glue.
finish it by cutting off excess twine.
add eyes and tongue with hot glue.
done! my boys (especially the 6 year old) loves their snakes. the 6 year old takes him everywhere we go. 😉
thanks cindy for letting me part of the skip to my lou roundup of crafts!
you can check out the other 30 ongoing crafts here!
we’ll talk soon…we’re off to the pool and then we’re going to try to teach some boys how to fold laundry.
i may take up drinking.
i’m just sayin.
wish me luck.
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