before the deployment the weekends were my happy makers. i looked forward to them like a kid looks forward to a trip to a candy store.
after a year long deployment and re-adjusting to life with the husband home… i can finally say that i love weekends AGAIN.
our agenda this last weekend
*saving the lego star wars republic on the PS3
*enchiladas and roast
*worked together as a family in the yard (the husband’s favorite past time)
*worked together as a couple in our home on little fix ups. (my favorite past time)
*relaxed and chated…finished up Chuck with chips and popcorn after the noisemakers were in bed (now we are watching past episodes of “How I Met Your Mother
and yes my Sundays don’t suck anymore.
weekends make me super happy again…now that he’s home.
ps:thank you for the kindness on the moda tutorial.
yes, more tutorials over there by me soon, i’ll keep you posted.
also i’m working on adding more white…maybe i’ll be done and show you soon.
hope you had a great weekend…we have a long weekend over here so all the kids are home, so tomorrow it’s back to the daily grind and making it through the week with projects and homework and putting out fires here and there. here’s to a good rest of the week…do you have anything special planned?