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momma’s gettin a new camera…


dear GI joe husband,

first off i just want to remind you that i am taking care of your children, your house, and your affairs while you’ve been gone for this year…not only that but i’ve been working out…A LOT (who am i kidding that’s not really FOR you, it’s really for me, but for all purposes intended lets just say it is for you okay?) well with that said…instead of letting them repair my camera, i went ahead and upgraded to this pretty little number of a camera…it cost me a few pennies…uh yeah a few pennies… but oh how i love it so, and can’t wait to get it next week. if i could make out with it i would, in a heartbeat. yeah it’s that nice…


your adoring wife who busts her butt off for you and your kids every single living day

ps: i’m sorry but i HAD to do it. seriously i did…i mean how could i not? don’t answer that.

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