it’s been raining for most of the afternoon here with no let up in sight, so that always puts me in the mood for movies and snuggleling under quilts. the boys loooove to use thier quilts that i made for them (i’m a meany and only let them use them for special occasions because it cost me so darn much to make them…i’m currently collecting fabrics from old jeans , old shirts of theirs, and old sheets of thiers to make them each every day quilts, i know this will take forever, but whatever right?!
and look at these yummies from the garden (not mine sad to say but from a neigbors) i cut it open and water just ooozed out of it! YUMMY!!! so we had vegies sauteed, i liked it more than the kids…but i’ll just keep starving them till they enjoy them as much as me! just kidding.
pretty much a perfect end of the week for us. i’m going to finish reading my new book “magic study” and i rented myself a couple of chick flicks for when the boys and the little one goes to sleep…sigh…good times. it would be better with my G.I. JOE husband, but you got to do what you got to do, and anyways the chick flicks wouldnt fly so easy with him around…just trying to look on the bright side of things…