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oh swear word, my husband’s company is shutting it’s doors sale


edited: thank you already for the orders. i’ll keep cutting, for some reason no shipping was being charged to the first orders…so i’ve had to adjust the prices to include the shipping. sorry about the confusion. i’ve contacted big cartel about the issue.
last week was, well…not so good.
last week i got a phone call early in the morning with a friend’s voice at the other end asking me if i had heard.
she told me what she had heard, i told her that couldn’t be. it must just be a rumor.

a few hours it was confirmed, the corporation that owned the three programs in this area were closing their doors.

200 people were laid off and shocked. their familys were shocked. the community, beside themselves. in my little town there are only 500 people. in the whole county there’s a little shy of a 2500 people. and we are isolated. this effects EVERYONE.
my poor husband wasn’t even there. i knew, the whole town knew, heck most likely the whole county knew before he did. he was in the field out of cell range. his boss got in his car and drove till he found him.
my husband said he was blindsided.

thankfully we’ve gone with our gut feeling (these last two years) and have worked our tails off to pay off all our student loans. no joke, three months ago we made that last payment. we look at that as a blessing.

thankfully these last two years, we’ve worked our tails off to put aside enough money for utilities and house payments “just in case” for a little bit of buying time…

thankfully these last two years we’ve been diligent and bought extra food storage.

we will be fine for a while.
BUT, we have a lot of hard decisions to make.
one of them is to see what next step we will take.
what to do about our new to us house.
what to tell anyone who asks “what are you going to do?”

for now i will continue to do what i do. i’ll keep blogging, (another blessing) i’ll keep making patterns (another blessing), and i will start putting fabric yardage and fabric in fat quarter bundle packs…

and of course…
we will pray, we will fast, we will believe in that saying that my friend’s husband is fond of saying:
“whenever God closes a door, he will open a window…but that doesn’t mean that there wont be hell in the hallway.”

so if you find a little bit of time in your day. give a little prayer for that little town out in the middle of nowhere utah, that they will rise up and come out fighting strong.
we’ll talk soon.

if you’d like to buy some fabric (while supplies last of course) check it out here. i’ll continue to add more as i cut.

and ahem if anyone knows of a job that a really nice guy with a PhD. in marriage and family therapy can do…drop us a comment. 🙂
to answer some questions:
**yes we are willing to go outside of utah, jake’s actually already got a couple of interviews outside of the state (just found out this morning! yay)
**yes, the programs are going to open up again as either non-profit organizations, or as private sectors. don’t know how long the process is, but at least there’s light and hope! (so if any large donors or people interesting in helping out are out there. please email me and i can get you their contact info)
**yes, this town is amazing, yes, it will be super hard to leave, because we will not be leaving friends and neighbors…we will be leaving people who were once strangers…who have become like family.
thank you all for the kind, emails, comments, and words of encouragement and love! you guys are freakin amazing. thanks.

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