it feels like it’s been ages since i did a “sewing” tutorial project. i swear i’ve been sewing as a matter of fact if feels like i’ve been running a marathon at times. but nothing that i’ve shared i guess. so here’s one that i seriously just made yesterday just because i felt like it.
what you will need:
*a strip of polyester fabric cut to the width of 2 inches and the length of the bolt (somewhere between 40 to 42 inches)
*hot glue
*felt cut into a circle with circumference of about 2 inches
*a clasp pin
lets get started:
*first you are going to take your strip of fabric and make a running stitch along the bottom of your strip leaving 1/4 inch on the bottom.
(or you can just with a needle and thread make a running stitch)
make sure you leave enough string at your ends so it’s easy to keep a hold of them.
take one of your end strings and gently pull till your strip of fabric is all ruffled up.
take a lighter and quickly put the flame on the edge of the ruffle that does not have the running stitch on it (or the outer part of your flower)
your edges will curl and melt, the longer you let the flame sit on it the more it will melt and curl.
now you are going to roll your ruffle. place hot glue every few inches and press are you roll your flower.
*get your circle of felt and hot glue it to you back and then hot glue your clasp.
i think it makes my spur of the moment “mad men
” inspired skirt made out of two pillow cases look pretty good. yeah i just found that show…it’s a little hmmm at times but i love the outfits.
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