V and Co: reverse hopscotch quilt top done

remember when i mentioned my friend that was having her second boy but 8th child? well i finished the quilt top for her little boy. and well now i wish i was having…no what the…no i didn’t just think that! right? :O moving along… i took my instructions of hopscotch and reversed it. i started […]
V and Co: Geared For Guys book review and giveaway

oh now see i told you we were going to have a “couple of book reviews and giveaways” here’s the second one. 🙂 but first the winners of the pat sloan book is: Linda said…HELLO! I WANTED TO GO WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL,BUT I COULD NOT-I’D MAKE ONE LIKE YOURS-SO BEAUTIFUL! THANKS FOR SHARING! thanks linda, […]