and there’s Christmas all through the house…my kids think i’m crazy, or maybe just a louse…
i’m making pumpkin pies for us to devour…i’ll be baking and putting up christmas lights ’till probably wee morning hours…
things i’m grateful for:
*freedom to practice whatever religion i please
*freedom to walk down the street unafraid
*wonderful running water, and flushing toilets
*a working fridge, oven, and microwave!
*and the ability to control the temp in my house
*the patience and love, and forgivness that my kids give me
*loving and being happy with the man i married
*getting through trials and being able to look at them and say “hind sight is 20/20”
*this “deployment year” almost being over
*being able to defend our freedom first hand (go GI joe husband go!)
*the two hours of quiet i get at night when the noise makers i call my children are fast asleep
*good health (thanks mom for the good genes)
*a hell of a good sense of humor (because without it i’d cry a lot more)
*friends and extended families
the list could go on and on but i’ll do only two more
i’m SUPER grateful:
*that i’m not heidi montag and that i didn’t just make a huge mistake by marrying the devil’s spawn we like to call spencer. seriously moronic move even for her.
*and lastly my flat iron because without it, i’d look like a Q tip.
happy thanksgiving
ps: capitals are over rated