so here are some of the specifics (which i’m still working out):
**the store that i’m going to be paying rent in is already up and running as a scrapbook and consignment shop, but she doesn’t want to do consignment anymore and has expressed that she needs help with decorating it and keeping set hours… this is where i step in.
**right now i don’t have that much stuff because i think i’ve mentioned before i’ve had to pass up some stuff because my house is overflowing with things and i don’t have set places for more stuff. this made me sad because lovely furniture with just a little bit of love and paint could be made into fabulous pieces of furniture and there they sat all sad and not being bought…but was i willing to get rid of what i had already acquired? no cause of the sentimental values. but now with this store i can shop my heart out make them into something better and then put them in the store.
**i will be making the things that i sell in my etsy store to put in this shop. i don’t know about any other etsy people, but sometimes i feel lost, i haven’t been doing it for the two years that some that have many clients and customers have, and i don’t do anything out of the ordinary to put my stuff in the limelight, i’m just like every other mom out there making purses, and hair bows and such, so yeah a little lost in the online world but maybe an actual shop where there isn’t anything like it for more than 45 miles radius would do a little better.
**will i buy commercial stuff to put in there? not for right now. right now i’m just doing second hand treasures of furniture and handmade things by me.
**store name…i have to keep with what the girl has picked because it still is her business, and i’m just part of it. her name is “country croppin” which is perfect for a scrapbook store, not so great for a second hand store, but my part i think will speak louder than words when i have furniture hanging out in front of the store, and i’m going to ask her to do some lettering on the windows with “second time around furniture sold here” or something like that.
**so yeah already somethings from my own house will be put in the store today, but i won’t be in the store till next month, and hopefully by next summer i will have that shop full to the brim with big and small finds! wish me luck cause i think i’m going to need it.