Modern Quilt Guild

Happenings of the last couple of weeks

Ombre wall in the ombre class at Quilt Con  Hello! Well, I’ve crawled back out of my hole after Quilt Con. WHAT A BLAST THAT WAS! It was entirely too fast and too quick, but man it totally tired me out! I was there a total 4 days, and I felt that I didn’t even […]

V and Co: lets celebrate summer sale

Color Block Zipper Pouch Summer has been going by so fast over here, that I fear that the end is almost around the corner…as it actually is starting to look like for us over here with school starting in about a month or so! YIKES! Lets hold on to it a little longer and celebrate […]

Well Hello June- I’ll be in Indiana soon!

 HELLOOOOOOOO! So I unintentionally took May off of blogging. A lot of things have come due and I had to use every single moment to get things done in-between soccer, baseball, volunteering at the kids’ schools, and running around like a mad woman AKA: being a MOM. Whoever said I was going to miss my […]

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