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organizing and mini me haircut


most of my day was spent between the kids and organzing my fabric. we had a great day of cleaning and playing…

i tried to get a good picture of her hair but she kept moving and when she would see the camera she would instantly make a cheesy smile and say “eese” (her version of “cheese”) you can sort of see the layers on the back. i’m pretty darn proud cause with three older brothers and a husband that i’ve been cutting hair for for over 10 years now, a girl hair cut can be quite a different experience. i was pretty sure she was going to come out looking like a soldier herself. thankfully that didn’t happen.
my kids did exceptionally well today (well, there was no blood). and i even had a couple of ” i love my life” moments. which were then quickly thrown back into reality when the the two little ones started fighting over something, or when the little one told me she had pooped in the tub, or when the older boys decided it would be so cool to turn on the hose in freezing weather, but really, i love being a mom, i wouldn’t change it for anything. i am especially humbled when i sit and watch them and think “someone up there thought it would be a good idea to entrust me with these little people.” i sure as heck hope i’m doing alright…

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